After the main star system of the Wright civilization is resolved.

Shen Er and Shen Ling joined hands again, giving priority to clearing the territory of Wright Civilization.

This is a very tedious job.

However, Shen Er and Shen Ling are both artificial intelligences, so naturally they have no complaints.

Even, they prefer to enjoy this kind of thing that exerts their own value.

In addition to the first arm of the Wright Civilization, the other arms of the Horton River System must also be emptied.

According to Shen Ling's calculations, no matter how fast it is, it will take up to a year to do it.

However, this is already a very terrifying speed.

The Horton River System is a river system with a diameter of 300,000 light-years, which is one third larger than the Milky Way where Shen Yi lived in his previous life.

There are trillions of stars in it.

The Wright Civilization, as an advanced arm-spinning civilization, spent tens of thousands of years, and only occupied the first arm-spin.

One can imagine how terrifying the efficiency of Shen Yi's occupation of the entire Horton River system within a year.

If you let those other arm-level civilizations know.

The jaws of absolute shock can't be closed.

However, this is also based on Shen Yi's continuous expansion of the army to improve efficiency.

If only relying on the current 50 Death Star Fortress battle groups, it is simply not enough to complete this task in one year.

It is conservatively estimated that in the end, he needs at least about 500 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups to meet this demand.

Of course, with his current resource reserves, it is basically impossible to produce such a huge fleet.

Even if these civilizations in the Horton River System are all destroyed.

Take all their resources into their hands.

Shen Yi estimates that at most 270 A-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups will be produced.

The goal of the 500 Death Star Fortress battle group is nowhere in sight.

Therefore, if you want to gather the resources of these 500 Death Star Fortress battle groups, you must start working on the Hexin mining area.

According to the information of Wright Civilization, just one month's income is enough to create 30 Death Star Fortress battle groups.

On average, you can harvest an A-level (arm-spinning) level Death Star Fortress battle group in one day.

Moreover, this is relative to the production conditions of the Wright civilization.

If it is replaced by Shen Yi, the efficiency will only be higher.

After all, on his side is a machine that does not need to rest.

Moreover, those special mining ships have also reached the A-class (arm-spinning class).

Just when Shen Yi was thinking about the future development route in his mind.

At this time, Shen Er suddenly said: "Master, a fleet of Wright civilization was intercepted, which is estimated to be the other party's fire fleet. May I ask if they are all wiped out. 35

Although the main star system of the Wright civilization has been completely destroyed.

However, in Shen Er's calculation, the remaining power of the Wright Civilization is definitely not just that.

Therefore, he immediately dispatched the Death Star Fortress battle group to search in the direction where the opponent might exist.

Sure enough, in a place hundreds of light-years away from the Wright Civilization, the trace of the other party was captured.

If it weren't for her cautiousness, I'm afraid it would have been possible for the other party to escape.

"Huh? The fire fleet of the Wright civilization?"

"Sure enough, these powerful civilizations cannot be underestimated. I thought they were planning to fight us to the death!"

Shen Yi sighed in his heart, but he didn't feel much.

He waved his hand casually: "It's all gone, but try your best to ensure the integrity of the other party, the other party should have mastered a lot of powerful techniques.

Even if those technologies are only B-level (arm-spin level) or A-level (arm-spin level).

But in his hands, it can play a powerful role.

After all, after a hundred times the enhancement of the system, those B-level (arm-spinning) and A-level (arm-spinning) levels of technology.

It will be directly promoted to the S-level (arm-spinning level) or even the D-level (river system level).

In fact, he is still a little afraid of the Wright civilization.

Otherwise, the fire of the other party will not be extinguished.

It is impossible for him to do the kind of thing that cuts the grass without eradicating the roots and making up the knife.

Even if the probability of the opponent not bullying the youth into poverty is only 1 in 100,000,000, Shen Yi also does not want to take this risk.

"Yes, Master!"

After Shen Er received the order, he directly directed the Death Star Fortress battle group to approach quickly.

In order to complete the mission more smoothly, she even drove the only S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group in the past.

Ten minutes later, ripples of artificial wormholes opened next to the Wright Civilization fleet.

Then, a terrifying torrent of attacks swept the entire fleet of Wright Civilization in an instant.

This fire fleet didn't even realize what happened, and it completely turned into a pile of ruins in the universe, just waiting for Shen Yi to recover it.

For Shen Yi, the fire fleet that wiped out the Wright Civilization was just a small episode.

In the next period of time, the fleet under his command began to quickly destroy the first arm of the Wright civilization.

Under the attack of the terrifying Death Star Fortress battle group.

Almost every day, hundreds of millions of star systems are visited, and all traces of the Wright civilization are erased.

Then, a Dyson sphere belonging to Shen Yi appeared in the other's star system.

In just two months of 9/17, the Wright Civilization within the first arm was completely erased.

The first arm spin became the second arm spin occupied by Shen Yi.

And after the first arm spin was completely occupied.

The prompt from the Tech Ascension game also appeared again.

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, who successfully wiped out the advanced arm-spin level civilization, rewarded 30 million units of A-level (arm-spin level) resources, 200 million units of B-level (arm-spin level) resources, and C-level (arm-spin level) resources of 500 million units Unit, D-level (arm rotation level) resource 1 billion units]

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, get rewarded with a designated A-level (arm rotation level) blueprint X3, any A-level (arm rotation level) blueprint X5]

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, who won the title Star Lord]

[Interstellar Lord: After wearing the title, the resource mining speed in the territory is increased by five times, and the construction time is reduced by half]

This time, even Shen Yi couldn't help but shine.

"The reward for destroying the Wright civilization is so generous!"

This time, the reward of resources alone is already a big profit.

At least let him produce two S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups.

And the value of the A-level (arm-spinning) blueprint is not to mention.

After these things are produced, they can break through the arm rotation level.

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