The current situation makes Shen Yi suspect that this place was destroyed by these monsters.

However, these monsters are not stronger than the monster they encountered before.

This made Shen Yi a little puzzled.

Could it be that the other party is just a civilization that has just stepped into the river system level?

However, because I have never seen a real river system-level civilization.

Therefore, Shen Yi can't judge what kind of strength the river system-level civilization has.

"No, it shouldn't be a river system-level civilization! If the other party really has this strength, how could the Horton River system not leave traces of the other party!"5

Shen Yi immediately denied his speculation.

He now has more than half of the Horton River System.

But he did not find any traces of river system-level civilization in the Horton River System.

Haven't even seen it at all...

This is not what it should be like if there is a river system-level civilization.

Could it be that the "September 20" is just a place where the environment is extremely harsh like the Hexin mining area?

Shen Yi didn't believe it was possible.

"Draw out these monsters and destroy them! 35

"Don't damage that space city! 35

Shen Yi gave orders to Shen Ling and Shen Er beside him.

That space city is definitely the product of a river system-level civilization.

No matter how shabby the other party is, as long as he finds something useful in it, it will be of great help to Shen Yi.

Naturally, he couldn't let the space city, which looked very dilapidated, suffer any damage.

Moreover, to deal with those river system-level monsters.

He also only has the world-annihilation fission missile that can threaten the other side.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling and Shen Er replied respectfully.

It is not difficult for them to induce these monsters.

The only uncertain answer is whether these monsters have mastered artificial wormhole technology.

However, even if the other party has mastered it, it doesn't matter too much.

After all, as long as the security of the base is not threatened.

With the ability of the title he possesses, even if the fleet is completely destroyed, as long as the wreckage can be recovered.

He will not suffer a particularly large loss, and can develop at any time.

What's more, Shen Er will definitely avoid this possibility.

Soon, this advance fleet was discovered by the monster on the opposite side, and it was basically engulfed by the terrifying attack in an instant.

Not to mention those river-level monsters whose speed has exceeded the speed of light several times.

Even those S-level (arm-spinning) level monsters are enough to easily destroy these advance fleets.

After all, there are too many S-class (arm-spinning) monsters here.

Just looking around, there are no less than 5,000.

And those hidden in the space city, or in the surrounding planets, are even more numerous.

Such a terrifying force, even if those river-level monsters are not counted.

It is also enough to make those veteran top-level arm-spinning civilizations feel extremely difficult.

This is the horror of river system-level civilization.

Even if it is just a place similar to the ruins, it is enough to make them suffer a big loss.

It's a pity that it doesn't work very well in front of Shen Yi.

After determining the approximate target and the general situation of the opposite side.

Shen Ling and Shen Er immediately ran at full speed and began to calculate various possible and feasible ways.

Under the joint assistance of the two super-intelligent brains at the D-level (river system level) level.

A plan was deduced immediately, and it was continuously improved to near perfection.

Mechanical beings like Shen Ling and Shen Er are actually almost impossible to make mistakes under the premise of sufficient information.

At this moment, there is no existence that exceeds the D-level (river system-level).

There is absolutely no error in their calculations.

Five minutes later, Shen Ling and Shen Er finished their discussions, and Shen Ling showed the plan in front of Shen Yi: "Master, the plan has been confirmed, may I ask whether to start it!"

Shen Yi glanced at it roughly, and there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

If there is no threat beyond D-class (river-class) civilization, then this plan will be perfect.

At least, he couldn't find any possibility of failure.

"Then do as you plan!"

Shen Yi ordered in a deep voice, at least he didn't see any major loopholes in this plan.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling and Shen Er looked at each other with confidence in their eyes.

Soon, under Shen Er's mobilization, the army quickly spread out and was re-divided into small teams.

Each team is led by three S-rank (armspin) Death Star Fortress battlegroups.

It consists of seven A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups.

In addition, each team also carried three D-level (river-level) fission missiles 0......

Even if it is really accidentally touched by those river-level monsters.

It is also possible to use the fission missile to wipe out the trouble.

Of course, this is only a last resort.

Whether it is Shen Ling or Shen Er, if it is not at the last moment, he will never waste any battleship at will.

The interval between these teams is more than fifty light-years.

Even if the opponent is a river-level monster at this distance, it is also not easy to get close.

And after completing this series of arrangements.

Shen Ling directly started to assist the artificial wormhole generating ship to lock the coordinates.

If the previous fission missile did not break through the opponent's defense facilities, it would be basically impossible to do this.

However, after the opponent's defense facilities were destroyed on a large scale.

The core area that was originally blocked by a large number of electromagnetic signals.

It has also been completely exposed to Shen Yi's radar monitoring.

However, there are some areas that he still can't understand.

It is likely that there are still operating facilities in the core area.

This is a good thing, at least Shen Yi thinks it is a good thing.

This means that he has a greater chance of obtaining river-level technology.

Stab it!

Under Shen Er's order, all the main and secondary guns of the battleships entered the charging state at this moment.

Then, when all the fleets were fully charged.

A huge artificial wormhole was torn apart directly.

On the opposite side of 3.6 is the place where the monsters were concentrated before.

In particular, the place where the advance fleet was destroyed before suffered a joint attack from multiple fleets.

Because of the fluctuations in the previous entry, it attracted the attention of many monsters.

That place has gathered densely packed monsters.

It was like a giant meat cocoon.

It just happened to be a huge target!

There are even river-level monsters among them.

And after these attacks came, many monsters couldn't even escape.

There are too many monsters around, safety hinders their movements, and in just an instant, countless monsters fall directly.

Of course, this does not include those river system monsters.

In the face of this level of attack, these river-level monsters have nothing to do at all.

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