Of course, Shen Ling and Shen Er never thought that these river system monsters could be dealt with so easily.

In any case, there is a huge amount of technology between the two levels.

Even the strongest arm-spin-level attack could not threaten anything at the river system level.

It's like a pistol can't stick to a tank.

There is absolutely no possibility of breaking the defense.

Their purpose is to take the lead in clearing the scene before destroying the river system monsters.

Then deal with these river system-level monsters.

And under this wave of sneak attacks, in just an instant, countless monsters at the A-level (arm-spin level) and S-level (arm-spin level) were directly killed.

Under this level of attack, monsters below the river system level have no chance of surviving.

Even if it is not for fear that it will affect the broken space city in the distance.

Shen Ling can even choose to launch S-level (arm-spinning) level super weapons.

Although in terms of power, there is no way to compare it with the D-level (river-level) world-destroying fission missile.

But if it is only used to deal with those monsters of the 07 arm rotation level, it is very suitable.

Moreover, with the killing range of the opponent, it can completely undertake the task of clearing the field.

However, I am worried that it will affect the space city not far away.

In the end, she still did not use a weapon of this specification.

No one knows what the space city is like now, whether it has become rotten.

But since the other party can create a bunch of river-level monsters.

It means that the technology of the other party's existence is at least the level of D-level (river system level).

This means that in that space city, there may be many technologies of the other party.

And the series of robots in the mechanical factory can be unlocked through other technologies mastered.

And if you master the technology of the D-level (river system-level) level.

Well, Shen Yi can even unlock S-class (arm-spinning) tier warships...

After a hundred times the enhancement of the system, there is a high probability that it will be upgraded to C-level (river system level).

It truly has a certain right to speak in the primary river system-level civilization.

Under such circumstances, Shen Ling naturally had to be cautious.

And this wave of attacks also completely detonated the monsters on the opposite side.

The terrifying energy fluctuations directly alarmed all monsters.

The densely packed monsters flew out from the space city and the planets.

It is impossible to calculate how terrifying the number is.

It can only be said that within a radius of one trillion kilometers, these monsters have been completely occupied.

The monsters that were destroyed before were just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, Shen Ling and Shen Er had already anticipated all this.

Therefore, they did not have much response.

They are still performing their tasks stably.

Continuously open artificial wormholes at a safe distance, and then carry out waves of bombing attacks.

If it were an ordinary civilization, even with Shen Yi's current conditions, it would definitely be extremely thrilling.

After all, every time an artificial wormhole is opened, it means that they have passed the danger.

But where another river-level monster rushed over.

That would definitely cause a devastating blow to their fleet.

For Shen Yi, however, the situation is quite different.

Just sacrificing some battleships is not a loss for him at all.

Even if a river system-level monster was lucky enough to rush past.

It's just killing a team, and the damage caused to him is painless.

Moreover, under the joint calculation of Shen Linghao and Shen Er, this possibility is basically equal to none.

However, this is still a huge project.

In the past two months, these monsters have been completely cleaned up.

In the entire core area, there were only more than 300 D-level (river system-level) monsters left.

This is also the last life in this area.

"It's finally over! 35

After two months of high-intensity combat, even a war madman like Shen Er felt a sense of relief.

It's different from interstellar warfare, which involves hitting people across hundreds of millions of kilometers or even light-years.

This kind of continuous and uninterrupted battle, even on Shen Er, also has a lot of pressure.

That's the pressure of fighting biotech.

The number of opponents is simply too many.

That dense number is simply enough to make people feel hopeless.

"Master, the next step is to deal with these river-level monsters!"

Shen Ling handed the coffee in his hand to Shen Yi and said.

"Well, let's get to the fight then! Get this last trouble out of the way!

Shen Yi took the coffee, and after stirring it, he narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

Three months, to be honest, is a bit long for him.

However, this is something that can't be helped, Shen Ling and Shen Er's progress is already fast enough.

But the monsters in this place are beyond his imagination.

Monsters can be found in every corner.

It made Shen Yi seriously doubt that these monsters cultivated by the other party could reproduce on their own.

Otherwise, the other party can create so many monsters?

He didn't believe that such a possibility would arise.

"However, it is the other party's purpose, what is it?"

Shen Yi looked at the screen, the space city that had been dead for an unknown number of years, fell into deep contemplation.

Next, the process of solving these D-level (river-level) monsters from 920 Jue went very smoothly.

Although they are very powerful.

But the brain is not very easy to use, it can be regarded as a powerful weapon.

But if its own level of intelligence, it is basically no different from the NPC monsters in the game.

However, it is also understandable that no one would want their own weapons to have their own ideas.

Weapons are weapons, you just need to kill the enemy.

If these D-level (river-level) monsters can be controlled by others, they will definitely emit a very terrifying power.

But now, they can only rigidly bite the hook.

Basically just open an artificial wormhole, and these monsters rush through by themselves.

Then, it was directly bombarded by the fission missile that was ready to launch.

There are no surprises at all.

Although the explosion vacuum zone of nearly a hundred fission missiles appeared.

But compared to the benefits brought by these river system-level monsters, it is not worth mentioning at all.

And after these last monsters are dealt with.

Shen Yi's eyes also showed great ambition.

"Next, let me see what's good here!""

He is actually very interested in biotechnology.

Whether it is a biological beast or a genetic medicine, it can be of great help to him.

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