"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

Then, he directly ordered the robot on that side to start working.

These exploration robots, which are only over two meters in size, are very good at exploring such relics.

Moreover, the opponent's S-level (arm-spinning level) level is already the pinnacle of Shen Yi's current hands.

However, in the core area of ​​the ruins facing at least a primary arm-level civilization.

Still somewhat helpless.

After all, the technological gap between the two sides is really too big.

No one knows whether this place will still function after hundreds of thousands of years.

However, now Shen Ling did not find that there was energy flowing in it.

This is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.

Because there is no energy flow, it means that the machinery inside is probably broken.

This will cause Shen Yi to basically fail in technology this time.

Of course, there is no advantage of energy flow here, that is, he can open the door without spending too much effort.


It was followed by a roar.

This door was also successfully cut by the exploration robot.

If it weren't for the lack of energy flowing in this place.

Exploration robots are definitely not so easy to violently open this door.

923 Shen Yi can be sure that there are absolutely terrifying weapon defenses here.

After all, according to normal circumstances, this place is no less important than the power room and the command room.

If the enemy enters such a place.

The entire space city will be in a very dangerous situation.

"Master, we are going in."

There was also a trace of solemnity on Shen Ling's face.

The countless streamers in his eyes are flickering, appearing to be very infiltrating.

It was a sign that she was already running at full speed.

On the one hand, it is to guard against possible crises.

On the other hand, it is to collect data and intelligence as much as possible in the event of a crisis.

This will be of great help to her future research and development of technology.

However, until these robots entered smoothly, there were no accidents.

This made Shen Yi's mood sink a little bit.

Because, that means this place has a high probability of being completely destroyed.

However, this is actually understandable.

If this experimental base was voluntarily abandoned by the other party, then how could it not take all the things that could be taken away.

Is it still a great deal of kindness to leave things behind?

It is absolutely impossible for Shen Yi to do such a thing anyway.

Even if the building cannot be packaged.

But the data that has been researched with great difficulty will never be left to others.

Of course, he couldn't expect much from here either.

Even if it is only the information of the S-level (arm-spinning level) biological war beast, or some D-level (river-level) level information.

It was enough for him.

And Shen Ling also controlled the exploration robot, and quickly began to scan this huge room of more than 500 square meters.

This place could have been the other party's meeting room.

In the most central position, there is also a huge center console.

Other than that, there's not much else to see on the surface.

If nothing else, the other party should be very clean when they leave.

And Shen Ling also quickly found the access port of the central control room.

She did not try to boot the other party, but directly invaded the other party's database.

Because, this level of central control has a high probability of artificial intelligence.

If you give the opponent a start, it is likely to cause some unnecessary trouble.

It is much simpler to directly invade the database of the other party.

"Master, the database has been successfully opened, but a large amount of the other party's data has been deleted, and the remaining things should be less than one in a billion."

Shen Linghui reports.

"Is the database really deleted..."

Shen Yi was slightly disappointed, but then followed up and asked, "What is left of the other party?35

He was not surprised that the other party deleted the database (ahdg).

The other party did not detonate this space city, it was already very good.

If it is him, even if this space city is not easy to take away, he will definitely detonate.

"The rest are a few pieces of information and a star map, and there is also a piece of incomplete information about genetic medicine, and the level should be D-level (river system level)."9

Shen Linghui reports.

Then, she showed all these things in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

"D-level (river-level) genetic medicine?"

Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly searched for this information.

Although Shen Ling said that this is just a broken version.

But that is also a D-level (river-level) genetic medicine!

The genetic medicine he took before was only stellar.

If he can master a defective D-level (river system-level) genetic medicine, there is a high probability that Shen Ling will reverse his previous genetic medicine.

And even if in the end it was just a reverse launch of the A-level (arm-spinning) genetic medicine.

It is also enough to be pushed to the D level (river system level) by the hundredfold strengthening system.

The previous stellar-level genetic medicine has already given him a life span of ten thousand years, and he can even bomb asteroids alone.

Then, how against the sky would the river system-level genetic medicine be?

I'm afraid that even if it can't make him immortal, it's enough to make him live for a million years!

It's a pity that this D-level (river system-level) genetic medicine is really just a broken version.

Even so incomplete that only one-tenth of the data remains.

I'm afraid it's because the other party didn't pay much attention at all, and the data deletion has slipped through the net.

As for the rest of the data, it is more common.

There is something about that civilization.

The name of this civilization is Shengyao Empire, and it is an old-fashioned primary river system-level civilization.

The territory of his subordinates includes seventeen river systems, and the powerful combat power is countless.

Moreover, the other party's biotechnology is also at the pinnacle of the primary river system-level civilization.

This experimental base in the Horton River System is just one of the river systems located in the buffer zone between the opponent and the War Machine civilization.

The other party is at this experimental base in the Horton River System.

Mainly to study the self-reproduction ability of biological war beasts.

Shen Yi didn't know whether the other party succeeded in the end.

But he estimated that it should be successful, after all, he found a lot of monster eggs in the space city.

Even the eggs of D-level (river-level) monsters were found.

Obviously, the other party has at least the ability to multiply D-level (river system-level) monsters.

As for the star map, it included the star map of Shengyao Empire and several powerful civilizations around it.

The value of this star map is even higher than that of the incomplete genetic medicine.

Because, this prevents Shen Yi from smearing his surroundings.

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