"The current star cluster alone has three river system-level civilizations!

Between Shen Yi's brows, there was a trace of solemnity.

In addition to the Shengyao Empire, in the star cluster he is currently in, there is an old-fashioned elementary river system civilization called War Weapon Civilization.

As well as the old-fashioned primary river system-level civilization called War Beast Empire.

And the area where he is located is the buffer zone at the border of Shengyao Empire and Warcraft Civilization.

In fact, it is almost a triangular area between three civilizations, and there are almost a dozen river systems-like.

They are respectively occupied by some arm-level civilizations.

It's just because they don't want to let their borders face each other.

Therefore, these civilizations have the opportunity to continue.

Otherwise, no matter which one of these three old-fashioned primary river system-level civilizations, has the ability to sweep all the arm-level civilizations in this area.

Among these three civilizations, War Weapon Civilization and Shengyao Empire are mortal enemies.

The War Beast Empire seems to be neutral, but it is the best at fanning the flames, and it will attack when there is a chance.

Let the two civilizations dare not let go of their hands and feet too arrogantly.

Therefore, this star cluster has always maintained a strange balance.

In fact, in the entire universe, such three primary river system-level civilizations in a star cluster rarely occur.

It can only be said that the situation here is an exception.

However, this is actually a good thing.

After all, the universe is so big, and the river system-level civilization is not so easy to encounter.

If these three river system-level civilizations can be digested.

Then, he can at least step into the advanced river system level civilization.

At that time, even if he looks at the entire universe, he will definitely be regarded as one of the powerful civilizations.

Although not as good as those really top Big Macs.

But it is definitely the top existence in the middle class.

However, this piece of information is after all hundreds of thousands of years old.

No one knows where the three primary river system-level civilizations in the star cluster are now.

If you really take this information seriously, you are really stupid.

And, who knows if this is something the other party left on purpose.

In short, the reference value of this thing is there, but the real actual value is not so great.

"Tear down this space city, there is nothing to use here.

Shen Yi ordered.

The most important thing here is the information.

Unfortunately, no information was found on the list of battleships.

Otherwise, he can at least unlock the S-class (arm-spinning) level warships in the mechanical factory.

And that level of warships can already be upgraded to C-level (river system level) under the increase of a hundred times the enhancement system.

This level of warship is enough to rival the strongest weapon of the primary river system civilization.

In this way, as long as there is no intermediate river system civilization in the current star cluster.

Even if he wanted to take down the entire star cluster, it was just an easy matter.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

Then, after pausing for a while, she continued: "Master, based on the large number of monster corpses that I currently have, I am confident that within a month, I will develop an S-class (arm-spinning) biological war beast. Within a year, a D-level (river system) level biological beast has been researched!

"Of course, if I can improve the level, this speed will be faster!

For this, Shen Ling has sufficient confidence.

Moreover, within a year, through the corpses of nearly a hundred river-level monsters, the production method of biological war beasts can be researched.

This kind of thing is equally outrageous.

It can be seen how exaggerated Shen Ling's ability is.

After the comprehensive increase of the hundredfold strengthening system.

Her abilities are many times stronger than other brains at the same level, and she is too comprehensive!

Moreover, the biological beasts she has researched will definitely incorporate all the characteristics of the monsters they possess today.

Then through the hundredfold strengthening system, all of them are forcibly mixed together.

Although this kind of biological war beast is somewhat like a stitching monster, it is very outrageous.

But their combat power will definitely be the strongest existence in the same level.

After all, different means of attack or defense means different ways of getting out.

In the case that the strength is not much different, this is really too dominant.

And even if he just developed S-level (arm-spinning) level monsters, it is enough for him to compete with the primary river system level civilization.

At least when facing the other three civilizations in the star cluster, they will not be powerless to fight back.

....... ask for flowers......

This is good news for Shen Yi.

Moreover, if a D-level (river-level) biological beast is researched, then he will have the power to fight even against an intermediate-level river-level civilization.

Only one year, for him now, it is completely affordable.

"It looks like it's going to be a long waiting period!

Shen Yi sighed.

The position he's in now is actually quite embarrassing.

The three major civilizations are from three directions, and the star cluster where he is located is locked in the center.

If you want to try to get out of this star cluster, you must meet one of these three civilizations.

This is a very risky thing for Shen Yi, who is not yet full of wings.

After all, if these three civilizations know, in their central area, a civilization with river system-level combat power is about to be born.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you can understand that the other party will immediately choose to join forces to declare war on him.

Get rid of him as an outsider first.

Therefore, before it develops enough strength to make the opponent jealous.

It is best not to expose it to the eyes of the other party.

Of course, even being bound here, for Shen Yi, it only slowed down his growth a little.

In the absence of war with other civilizations, he can only rely on gathering to obtain resources.

Also, there is no blueprint, no revenue from technology.

This will make his growth rate much slower.

However, this is just a slowdown in the upper limit.

A year... No, it only takes half a year at most, and he is sure to form his own legion.

It has the power to push the three primary river system-level civilizations horizontally!

"Then keep quiet and fully exploit resources. The fleet also builds S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups for the last time, and the main force is to develop river system-class combat power. 99

Shen Yi instructed Shen Ling.

Now that the future enemy has been determined, it is natural to develop in the direction of annihilating the enemy.

The route taken before is obviously not suitable.

In the face of the river system-level fleet, even the S-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group is not enough.

What's more, the A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group is ten thousand.

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