For the next period of time, Shen Yi basically had nothing to do.

It is actually not an easy task to completely eat the Horton River System.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary civilization to include the entire river system like Shen Yi.

As long as those important levels are occupied, it is enough.

However, Shen Yi deliberately chose this safest way in order to have a stable rear.

Of course, this method consumes the longest time.

If it were changed to another river system-level civilization, it would take at least thousands of years to complete this transformation.

Moreover, the resources consumed will definitely be an astronomical figure.

However, with the 100-fold enhancement system in place, Shen Yi would save too many resources if he wanted to do this.

The resources saved by "Nine-Two-Three" in this section are more than a thousand times larger.

For some larger equipment, the resources saved can even reach ten thousand times.

And for the next period of time, Shen Yi also disappeared completely.

The entire Horton River system has also become like stagnant water.

However, once something tries to enter it, it will definitely be forcibly eliminated immediately.

However, Shen Yi didn't know.

Just when he activated the participation information in the space city, it was in a dark office in the Holy Glory Empire, several river systems away.

A gloomy middle-aged man with blue skin received a report directly from his subordinates.

"The abandoned test site of the Horton River system was touched? Was it the war machine civilization or the war beast civilization?

The gloomy middle-aged man crossed his hands and asked in a deep voice.

"Neither, sir!"

"According to the feedback from the signal over there, the opponent's energy fluctuations and fighting style are completely different from the war beast civilization and war weapon civilization!"5

The soldier responded respectfully.

The gloomy middle-aged man suddenly raised his eyebrows: "How about the casualties of the other party? Did you discover our actions?"

This inexplicable force aroused some interest in him.

You know, they are in that abandoned test site in the Houghton River system.

Although most of the things were transferred back, even the things that remained.

It's just some useless information.

But there are a lot of experimental failures left.

And the highest grade of these experimental failures is even comparable to the D grade (river grade).

Such strength, although it is nothing to those civilizations who have stepped into the intermediate river system level.

But it is definitely not an existence that can be easily dealt with.

But since the other party can trigger the secret hand they left behind, it proves that they have the ability to solve those failed products.

This level of strength can at least be a river system-level civilization...

"Is it a new river system-level civilization?"

The gloomy middle-aged narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is not a good sign.

However, those civilizations in the triangle area that may be promoted have always been under his supervision.

I have never seen these civilizations breaking through the river system civilization!

There are enough river system civilizations in the Rhine star cluster.

There is no need for a fourth to come out and share the cake.

"Then it should be the work of the other two parties, and they actually touched the Horton River System... Is this a war weapon civilization or a war beast civilization?

A fierce brainstorm started in the middle-aged head.

The Horton River System is very close to their Holy Glory Empire.

The distance between the two sides is only the distance of three standard river systems.

With the means of their intermediate river system-level civilization, it only takes a month at most to cross.

If you are willing to spend a lot, use the jump equipment.

It can even be shortened to half an hour...

It can be said that it has already entered the range of both sides.

What does the other party want to do?

Can't we go to war with their Holy Glory Empire?

"Send a spy team to find out the other party's purpose, remember not to reveal the whereabouts!

The gloomy middle-aged man said.

"Yes! Your lord!"

The soldiers immediately saluted side by side, and then walked out quickly.

After the soldier left, the gloomy middle-aged waved his hand to open a star map, which was in the triangle buffer zone where the Horton River System was located.

At this moment, three colors are densely distributed on it.

Only a few river systems around the Horton River System are still in a state of no color at the moment.

"Are you going to start fighting this disputed area, or do you want to fight a battle in this area?

The gloomy middle-aged eyes showed a hint of yin vulture chill 0. . . .

He didn't think the other party was aimless.

The core area of ​​the river system is rich in energy and is the best place to set up super weapons and warp matrix.

If the Horton River system is used as the erection site of the transition matrix.

Then you will be able to directly enter the realm of the Holy Glory Empire through the jump.

This is a very dangerous signal.

If it wasn't for the pressure of the War Beast Empire and the War Weapon Empire, they would never have given up the Horton River System.

However, the Horton River System is mainly too far away from the Holy Light Empire.

Otherwise, they will never abandon the Horton River System.

But now there are people who want to do something to the Horton River System, is this provoking their Holy Glory Empire!

The gloomy middle-aged man clenched his hands tightly, and his eyes were full of violent killing intent.

At this moment, Shen Yi didn't know that his actions had been discovered by Shengyao Empire.

Moreover, the Shengyao Empire has also broken through the primary river system-level civilization in these hundreds of thousands of years, and has become an intermediate-level river system-level civilization with B-level (river-level) technology.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't particularly care.

After all, as long as you give him a little time, he can grow up quickly.

Become the civilization that crushed the Holy Glory Empire.

What's more, even if he really can't beat him, he can still lurk with the base.

3.6 Fight an ambush with the Holy Light Empire.

Whenever the other side was defeated by him.

Then, the consequences are definitely not what the other party wants to see.

With the characteristics of the base, as well as the ability to strengthen the system a hundred times, these destroyed warships of the other side.

It will only be a stepping stone to Shen Yi's rapid and powerful.

Of course, Shen Yi at the moment didn't know this.

He is still researching genetic medicine with Shen Ling at the moment.

He is still very interested in this genetic medicine.

Even the stellar genetic medicine has made him a superhuman existence.

Even mastered the extraordinary power of mind power.

Then, it's hard to imagine what kind of power he would have if he was injected with a gene medicine at the river system level.

I'm afraid even if you blow up a star with one punch, it will definitely not be difficult!

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