Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 163: The Pioneering Forces of the Holy Glory Empire\r

"Master, since we have too much data vacancies for genetic medicines, I am afraid that it will take a very long time to produce river system-level genetic medicines."

"According to my calculations, it would take at least half a year to produce an arm-spin-level genetic medicine. 99

"And if it is an S-level (arm-spinning) level genetic medicine, it will take a longer time, at least three years.""

After Shen Ling passed the calculation, he reported to Shen Yi.

Moreover, this is based on the premise that they have obtained a D-level (river-level) genetic medicine incomplete data.

With a reference, they can have this speed.

If there is no such reference, no matter how powerful Shen Ling is, it is impossible to create that level of genetic medicine from scratch.

Moreover, genetic medicine is different from making biological war beasts.

For biological beasts, there is no need to consider the tolerance of genes at all.

Even if the other party becomes strange because of genetic modification, it doesn't matter 07.

After all, the purpose of biological war beasts is simply to fight.

But if the genetic medicine cannot guarantee that the user's genes are normal, it is not a qualified product at all.

Moreover, Shen Yi will never use this genetic medicine.

"Three years... that's acceptable!"

Shen Yi nodded slightly, which was within his tolerance.

Three years is not too long for him now.

Moreover, with his current strength background, even in the face of the primary river system level civilization, there is no need to be too afraid.

Looking at the entire universe, the river system-level civilization has also stood on the high-level stage.

Although there are more powerful civilizations above.

But the river system-level civilization is already the real powerhouse in this universe, and there are many people who master a star cluster.

The star cluster where the Horton River system is located, although it is an exception, has three powerful old-fashioned primary river system-level civilizations.

But, he is not particularly afraid of the other party coming to the door.

In other words, the other party came to the door, but instead said his heart.

After all, only war can make him grow up quickly.

Whenever he acquires a high-level technology, he will directly enter a period of savage growth.

Let alone an intermediate river system civilization.

Even if it is a high-level river system-level civilization or even a more powerful civilization, as long as Shen Yi cannot be completely killed in the first place.

Shen Yi was able to fight back with the high-tech equipment and the hundred-fold strengthening system.

"Then let's research the genetic medicine of each level first, it just takes a certain amount of time for me to adapt to it."5

Shen Yi said in a deep voice.

In three years, he must have been able to absorb the genetic medicine of the S-level (arm-spin-level) level.

I just don't know how powerful he will be at that level!

In the next period of time, the development of Shen Yi's side was very simple.

In the mining area in the heart of the Horton River System, a large number of mining ships are scattered all over the place.

Anyway, there are two titles now, even if the battleship is recycled directly, it will not lose much resources.

In this case, it is natural to make all-out efforts to manufacture mining ships and collect resources in the Hexin mining area.

It can be said that the arm-spin-level resources collected by Shen Yi every day are astronomical.

And the resources at the river system level also have a good income every day.

The material of the D-level (river system-level) level alone is as high as more than 30 million.

And although the material of the C-level (river system level) level is slightly less, it seems that there are more than 10 million units.

Even B-level (river-level), A-level (river-level) and even S-level (river-level) have some discoveries.

The numbers ranged from 3 million, 800,000 and 20,000, respectively.

Moreover, this number is increasing day by day.

It can be said that after mastering the area of ​​the Hexin mining area, Shen Yi does not need to worry about resource issues at all, at least for a short period of time.

This is why he was able to manufacture mining ships so aggressively.

Moreover, with the increase in the number of mining ships, the resources mined by him every day will increase exponentially.

Of course, in terms of the fleet, Shen Yi also did not fall behind.

At this moment, the number of his S-rank (arm-spinning) level Death Star Fortress battle group has reached 300.

As for more, Shen Yi did not go to production.

Against the river system-level civilization, the S-level (arm-spinning level) Death Star Fortress battle group actually does not play much role.

The gap between the river system level and the arm rotation level is too great.

The difference in speed alone is enough for the opponent to easily crush the battle group formed by the arm-spinning stage.

The battle between civilizations mainly relies on the strength of the same level.

Otherwise, there would be no miracles at all.

Of course, Shen Yi doesn't only have D-level (Riverline-level) World Destruction Fission Missiles as his trump card.

With the assistance of Shen Ling, he has now given birth to a huge army of biological beasts composed entirely of D-level (river-level) and C-level (river-level).

The number of this biological beast army is 300,000.

Among them, 250,000 are D-level (river-level) biological warfare beasts, and 50,000 are C-level (river-level) biological warfare beasts.

Although this kind of power is slightly worse than the old elementary river system-level civilization.

But 923 is compared with ordinary primary river system-level civilization.

Shen Yi was enough to surpass the opponent by a large margin.

Of course, if it weren't for the technical limitations, Shen Yi's level of development is definitely more than that.

Even, the resources he has on hand are enough to expand the current biological war beast tenfold.

However, compared to these individual soldiers capable of a group of biological beasts.

Shen Yi is still more keen on mechanical weapons.

Those mechanical and technological weapons with a destructive and lethal range are what he pursues.

At the same time, this is also caused by Xia Guo's fear of insufficient firepower.

And those resources were all vacancies left by Shen Yi for future battleships.

Inside the base, Shen Yi familiarized himself with his body as usual, preparing for the subsequent injection of genetic medicine.

At this moment, the siren suddenly rang through the entire base.

The dazzling red light made the entire base seem to be in a crisis.

"It is detected that the C-class (river-class) warship has entered the radar range, the covert radar has been automatically turned on, and the base has entered a state of absolute silence!

An icy reminder sounded throughout the base.

And it passed into Shen Yi's ears.

At the same time, Shen Ling's voice also came together: "Master, find the threat! The enemy warship is currently less than 5,000 light-years away from the base!"

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