"Less than 5,000 light-years from us?"

Shen Yi frowned, which meant that the other party had entered the Hexin mining area.

However, the movements of the other party along the way were not detected by the radar he arranged.

This is not good news.

This means that in front of these river system-level civilizations, his defense line is like a sieve, and it will be easily penetrated by the opponent.

However, this is also impossible.

After all, the equipment level on his side has not improved.

It's still some arm-spinning technology.

For the arm-swivel-level civilization, the tight line of defense is like a copper wall and an iron wall.

In the face of these river system class warships, it is too unbearable.

If it weren't for the fact that the base's radar was completely unreasonable and could detect all objects within the detection range, I'm afraid it would be impossible to detect the existence of the other party.

If you really let the other party get so close, then the consequences...

Shen Yi's face turned gloomy, that was definitely not the ending he wanted to see.

"It is necessary to upgrade the level of civilization as soon as possible! It is still too weak now!"

Shen Yi clenched his fist tightly, and the air in his fist creaked.

This time the lesson is really big.

However, this is something that can't be helped. In the face of high-level civilization, low-level civilization does not have any secrets at all.

The only thing he can do is to work hard to improve his civilization.

At least, the threat in the star cluster where he is now will be completely erased.

The universe is so vast, if not because the current situation of the star cluster is too outrageous.

Many river system-level civilizations, even for hundreds of millions of years, may not be able to encounter the existence of the same level.

As long as the threat to the current cluster can be resolved.

Then, Shen Yi can get a very long developmental stage.

Even in the future, there is only the possibility of him taking the initiative to send troops.

And finding other river system-level civilizations is not particularly difficult for Shen Yi.

This also has to be praised for the technology soaring game, which spreads all players all over the universe.

Now with the help of Shen Yi, the highest of these players have climbed to the top stellar civilization.

It is only one step away from the arm-spinning civilization.

The worst players have also touched the pinnacle of planetary civilization.

It can be said that as long as you don't die, your luck is not particularly bad.

They have at least been able to guarantee their own survival.

Under this premise, there are currently 3.2 billion players who have survived.

Among these 3.2 billion players, even many players are in the same river system.

But so many players divide it up, and the river system occupied is also a large number.

And these players are just like coordinates.

Can light up a new star map for Shen Yi.

Therefore, he doesn't need to worry that he will not find the target at all.

Of course, the current Shen Yi has not considered that far, and his attention at the moment has been completely placed on the image detected by the base radar.

The base's radar was always the coolest thing he had.

It provided him with great help in the early stage, allowing him to clearly see the abilities and performance of those monsters.

Although Shen Yi did not send the base out in the later period.

But it is undeniable that the technology level of the base is definitely far stronger than all his other technologies.

Especially radar, and at this moment the other party doesn't know at all.

He has actually been discovered... and it is still a real-time monitoring screen.

However, what was displayed on the screen at the moment was a pitch-black void, and there was no shadow of the battleship at all.

However, this scene is flying at an extremely terrifying speed.

From time to time, they will pass through wormholes and fly towards the core area of ​​the Hexin mining area.

Obviously, the other party's purpose is here.

"Is it someone from the Shengyao Empire? Could it be that when the space city was extracting information, it was discovered by the other party 々"?"

Shen Yi frowned deeply.

Of course, it could also be the other two civilizations, but this is unlikely.

When he attacked the core mining area of ​​the Horton River System before, he deliberately blocked the energy transmission here.

It is impossible to be intercepted by the outside world.

And the only possible discovery is the Shengyao Empire that left the space city at the beginning.

After all, the other party is an extremely powerful primary river system-level civilization.

At first, it was difficult to guarantee that there would be no hidden backhands.

Not to mention those monsters, didn't the other party really leave one or two ends as eyeliner?

"Master, judging from the speed of these warships, they should all be D-class (Riverline-class) warships, but the concealment method is very powerful, I am afraid that even the C-class (Riverline-class) radar, if it is not specially used for This radar cannot detect each other! 99

Shen Ling also spoke out his analysis.

"`"Master, should we leave them all, the other party is expected to enter the core area in half an hour, and it is very likely that they will find the traces of the army of biological war beasts.

Shen Er also said murderously.

Shen Yi's current army of 300,000 biological beasts gathered at the original location of the space city.

Tactical training is controlled by Shen Er in order to exert the greatest power.

And the target of the other party happens to be the area where the army of biological beasts is located.

Although they can also hide this army of biological war beasts.

However, this is their territory, and it is also the core area of ​​the territory, why do they hide themselves?

"Leave them all and don't give the place a chance to spread the word.

A sharp light flashed in Shen Yi's eyes, and he ordered in a deep voice.

Although he can also hide the biological war beast army.

But why would he do this!?

What if the Shengyao Empire has now become an intermediate river system civilization!

(promised good)

These battleships of the other side are the death knells that the other side sends for themselves.

These D-tier (river-class) tier warships, although they do not appear to be combat-type warships.

It can also become a B-level (river system-level) existence under the 100-fold enhancement system.

Even if you use a ram, you can ram the opponent's C-class (river-class) battleship!

And if he got the C-class (river-class) battleship technology, then things would be even simpler.

He can have a class A (river class) level battleship directly with his backhand.

Even the most rubbish battleships can easily kill those B-level (river-level) level battleships.

Moreover, he has never been the kind of passive beater.

Now his wings are full, and no one needs to compromise!

At least, there is no need to compromise with the existence of these same river system civilizations.

Even if the other party is a top river system-level civilization, the same is true.

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