"Yes, Master!"

After Shen Er received the order, he directly controlled a team of biological beasts to dispatch.

This biological war beast team is all composed of C-level (river-level) monsters, and even if the speed is in the C-level (river-level), it belongs to the top ranks.

Moreover, they have the advantage of being concealed enough.

As long as they are not C-class (river-class) special detection radars, they cannot be found at all.

This is the most elite assassination team currently under Shen Yi.

The opponent's battleship should be mainly for reconnaissance, and it is impossible to have a large radar of that level.

After all, once a radar of this level is activated, the strong signal it emits can easily reveal its position.

Therefore, Shen Er was not worried at all that they would be discovered.

Under the circumstance that the enemy is out in the open and we are in the dark, the fate of this reconnaissance team is already doomed...

At this moment, in this reconnaissance team.

The driver who was driving the detection battleship at the front, leaned back in his seat with a comfortable face, and asked the commander in the main seat: "Boss, what exactly is our mission this time! Could it be that one? Is there something wrong with the abandoned proving ground? 35

For this 923 investigation mission, that's all the ordinary soldiers know at the moment.

The stern middle-aged man in the main seat glanced at the other party lightly: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, you know the life-saving regulations."

The young man in the driver's seat immediately shook his head boringly: "Yes, didn't I see the atmosphere a bit boring! I can't see anything this time! It's so boring!"

The middle-aged Leng Jun saw that the young man was so slack, his brows furrowed even deeper: "This time the mission is dangerous, please be vigilant, if anything happens, I will ask you! 35

As the commander of this mission, he naturally knows a lot more than ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, he is very aware of the danger of this mission.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to transfer back their active front-line reconnaissance troop.

You know, in the Holy Glory Empire.

Except for those ace scouts who drive B-class (river-class) scout fleets.

They are the strongest!

And, if it weren't for the fact that the Ace Scout was out on a very important special mission.

I am afraid that this time the task will be the other party's own pro (ahdg) to come.

One can imagine how dangerous this mission is.

If it weren't for the fact that this driver was really excellent, it was his ace driver.

Just because of the relaxed attitude of the other party, he had already killed the other party.

"What? Will this mission be dangerous?"

The young driver sat up straight, his eyes full of interest: "That means our mission this time is very important?"5

After he finished speaking, he did not wait for the commander to answer.

Instead, they directly opened the star map and observed the information about where they were going.

Of course, at his level, he couldn't get in touch with the information of the abandoned testing ground.

But he was able to analyze a lot of things with the help of the information.

"The location of this river system is a bit outrageous! If a transition gate is set up here, wouldn't it be possible to jump directly into our river system?"

"Could it be that information about other civilizations was discovered here?"

The young man looked at his commander with excitement.

As a young man with strong vigor and vitality, he lived to be more than 200 years old.

He wanted too much to make a contribution and to achieve his own honor.

It's a pity that although the three major civilizations have constant small frictions, there is no need to use him at all.

The tasks he performed were basically small tasks.

There's no such thing as building a career.

Now that he finally got a chance, he was naturally very excited.

And listening to the young man's analysis, the corner of his mouth could not help twitching, and he cursed angrily: "Open your spaceship, how can there be so much shit!"

He didn't expect that the other party could analyze so many things with only such a little information.

However, he was also a little complacent in his heart.

After all, this is the successor that he cultivated!

The other party is so good, doesn't he look like his face!

However, his thoughts just flashed, and the spaceship suddenly trembled violently.

Then, the dense alarm sounded directly.

"Alarm alert! The spaceship was attacked, the damage was 30%, and the three frigates were damaged by 50%. Please make a decision as soon as possible!"

At this moment, both the young driver and the commander's expressions changed drastically.

They didn't expect to wait for them to get too close.

It was discovered directly by the other party!

This is not such good news!

This means that the opponent has definitely deployed a large C-class (river-class) radar here.

So they can be found out.

And the large-scale radar of C-level (river system level), in addition to themselves, only the two intermediate river system level civilizations have.

Moreover, this kind of strategic equipment, if there is no major action, it is impossible to dispatch.

This means that the previous speculation is established, and the other party really has some conspiracy here.

"Retaliate in wartime, unlock all firepower permissions, and don't fight with each other!"5

The middle-aged commander quickly issued a series of orders.

Then he called up the star map and started planning the escape route.

At the same time, he also quickly opened his special authority, and directly contacted the leader of the intelligence department through a special communication device.

The next moment, the vulture man of the Holy Glory Empire appeared on the screen.

The middle-aged commander didn't waste any time at all, and quickly reported: "Report, the Night Owl Squad was attacked in the Horton River System, and it is possible that they will not be able to go back. There must be some conspiracy in the large radar equipment of the level (river system) and above!

He tried to report all the information in the shortest way possible.

He knew that this time he had no hope of escaping.

In just one encounter, the spacecraft was directly damaged by 30%.

The opponent's firepower is absolutely terrifying.

What was even more terrifying was that the spaceship didn't even remind them that they were attacked by something.

This strange situation made his mood sink to the bottom.

And at this time, as if to pour another basin of cold water on him, the spacecraft's alarm system sounded again.

"Alarm alert, the ship is 70% damaged, and two frigates have been destroyed, please make a decision as soon as possible!'""

And this prompt sound was also heard by the vulture man on the other end.

There was a hint of astonishment on his face, and then he gave a solemn salute: "The empire will not forget your sacrifices, we will avenge you!"

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