"He won't come at all." Shen Ling looked at the radar and said to himself.

He'd been staring at it for hours, and there was no movement at all.

"I'll take a nap for a while."

Just when Shen Ling yawned and was about to take a nap, the radar suddenly responded.

Shen Ling immediately regained his energy, as expected by Shen Yi, what a villain. He really came! He was hiding so secretly at the time, and he really deserved to be here.

It seems that Casey has recovered his fighting power, otherwise how could he act rashly. Shen Ling notified Shen Yi immediately upon seeing this.

When Shen Yi learned that Casey was coming, the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "I know, how could someone like him admit defeat so easily."

Everything seemed to be in Shen Yi's hands. "Shen Er, get ready!

Shen Er was on standby at any time, and when he heard the order, he immediately replied: "Yes!"

Casey's firepower increased this time, as if he was going to hit Shen Yi and the others directly. It's really funny, why is there such self-confidence in a defeated general. It seems that he is going to give him a show. Shen Er aimed at the Cassie battleship and pressed the attack button.


"What? How is it possible!" Shen Er was suspicious. Cassie actually escaped, unexpectedly recovering so quickly in a short period of time. It seems to have improved a lot of combat power, which is really shocking. Can actually dodge it. It seems that Casey is desperate this time.

"Shen Er! What's going on?" Shen Ling asked.

"Damn, actually!" Shen Yi said when he saw Casey who was hiding.

"Shen Er, planB! 99

"Yes." After saying that, Shen Er made an operation and aimed at the Cassie battleship.

Seeing this, Cassie curled her lips into a smile, thinking about what to do with me, Cassie, in the next life, see how I can take revenge!

"What? It actually works. Cassie's battleship was hit by Shen Er. I lost my sense of direction for a while. I didn't expect to have a tracking function. It turns out that Shen Yi was not idle when he recovered his combat power. It seems that it should not be underestimated, Cassie. Adjust the direction, aim at the Shen Yi battleship, and press the attack button.


"What, what? Actually, it disappeared?" The Shen Yi battleship just disappeared in front of Cassie, how could it be! How could it have disappeared, could it be a hit? Cassie looked around and couldn't see it. How could it be? Cassie was stunned, it was an illusion.

呲la - just at this moment, the Shen Yi battleship suddenly appeared and gave Cassie a hard blow.

"Wow, Shen Er, we can actually be invisible!" Shen Ling said in surprise.

"It's Shen Yi, just upgraded." Shen Er glanced at Shen Yi and said.

It turned out that Shen Yi had long expected that Casey would appear again. The moment Shen Ling smashed the stone, Shen Yi had already noticed Casey's hiding place. From this, he knew that Casey would definitely appear again. Therefore, let Shen Ling stick to the radar and be ready at all times.

Casey was defeated again, this time, with more damage. Without ten days and a half months, it will never be repaired. In desperation, Casey had no choice but to run away.

The King of Shengyao Empire was furious when he found out: "Bring Cassie up!

"Casey, it's a shame to lose twice in a row!"

Cassie knelt down guiltily, lowered her head and didn't dare to say a word. He knew that no matter what he said, it was wrong, and he could only make up for it. But in the current situation, there is no chance to make up for it.

"`"Cassie! Raise your head," ordered the king.

Cassie looked up tremblingly and did not dare to look at the king.

"How did you become the commander-in-chief? In a few days, my Shengyao Empire will perish?

When Cassie heard this, he kowtowed quickly: "King, please give me another chance, I will definitely annihilate the enemy team in one fell swoop.

Casey said it firmly, as if it could really be done. King Shengyao naturally couldn't believe him. He had lost twice in a row. No one was more humiliated (promised) than this. He actually wanted to attack again, fearing that he would not destroy his country.

"What to contend with? Your wreckage?" asked the king.

"Please, the king, give me another chance.

Casey said firmly, and his heart was full of unwillingness, why did he lose like this. Obviously he can, his strength should not be underestimated, how can he lose, or twice, he is not willing to say anything.

Seeing this, King Shengyao shook his head helplessly: "Give you another chance, don't let me down again."

Cassie raised her head suddenly, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"Casey will live up to your expectations!

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