After the last battle, Casey was deeply aware of his own strength, far below Shen Yi. But he was the commander-in-chief of the advance fleet of the Holy Glory Empire, how could he give up easily.

"Colonel, the special retreat training you ordered has been notified at the base, and we are waiting for you at all times."

When he was in a thousand thoughts, the general came to him, gave a military salute, and said loudly.

"Well, during my retreat, don't fight at will. Remember not to leak the news of my retreat to prevent the enemy from being restless.

Casey waved his hand, explained something, and resolutely stepped into the base.



The commander looked at the man's disappearing figure, thinking of the illustrious military exploits that the man had made for the empire, and felt awe in his heart. His tall and stalwart figure deeply impressed him.

three months later.

930 "Colonel, congratulations on your exit."

The general salutes him.

The same place, the same person, obviously everything is the same, but very different.

"Is there a war recently?"

The low and deep voice came from the tall body, majestic and powerful.

"Report to the Colonel that all is well. 99

"Well, back off."

Casey waved his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes were sharp. Unlike before, his murderous aura was more intense.

This time, let's see what you have to fight with me, Shen Yi, take it.


"Warning! Warning! The defense system has been maliciously damaged, please deal with it immediately.

Shen Yi was eating watermelon leisurely, when the system alarm sounded beside his ears.

The white fingers slid up and down to turn on the surveillance system, only to see a black behemoth attacking the planet with enough firepower.

He swiped his fingers and pulled in to see that it was Casey's battleship.

It's been less than half a year since he defeated him last time, and Shen Yi is a little surprised that he has made a comeback so quickly. His persistence is really touching.

"Admiral Casey, long time no see.""

Manipulating the system and forcibly connecting to Cassie's communication system, his smile reached the bottom of his eyes.

"Long time no see, dare to fight with me again.

As expected, Casey didn't take it seriously, and the tone was full of provocation.

"Oh, did you? We fought not long ago, so soon, did the scar forget the pain?"

He laughed and said, turning the golden ring in his hand, his eyes were bottomless.

At this moment, Shen Er heard the sound and came, and just as he was about to ask, he received Shen Yi's eyes, motioning him not to speak, he nodded and stood aside.


Hearing this, Casey couldn't help but burn with rage, which was a great shame in his career.

Thinking of the day and night training at the base and the purpose of the trip (ahdg), he gritted his teeth and put on a smile: "It's only three things, this is only one round. The last time you were lucky enough to win a round, What? Are you afraid to come?

"Admiral Casey, you're so bold. If that's the case, then I'll beat you and be convinced.

Without waiting for Cassidy to say more, he unilaterally cut off the call. If you dare to provoke him in front of Shen Yi, you have to be prepared to be beaten down.

"Get ready, take good care of our Mr. Casey, and let him feel our hospitality.

Shen Yi rolled his eyes, killing his heart first. A plan came to mind, let Shen Er deal with him first, and when he was beaten, he found out that it was not him, and the expression on his face must be very interesting.


Shen Er, who had given the order, strode toward the cab and used Shen Yi's usual battleship. According to the satellite system, he quickly located Cassie's position.

At this moment, Cassie didn't know it was not Shen Yi, he stirred the black coffee in his hand, steaming, and took a sip, the bitterness spread in his mouth, just like his hatred for him, spread from the top of his head to his fingertips.

"Admiral, find the enemy's position."

"Very well, get up and let me operate."

Putting down the coffee in his hand, he sat in the operation cabin and skillfully controlled all parts.

Although the two sides are on the star trail, they have a warm spark, and the fight is inexorable.

"Colonel Casey, try harder, is the Empire not feeding? It's like that tickling."

Shen Yi answered the phone again, his eyes fixed on the battle outside, but his lips kept squirming, and he fanned the yin wind and sparked a ghost.

"Don't be too complacent, it's good to have you. 35

He let out a low snort and used the skills he had practiced recently. Seeing that he was about to destroy the enemy, he turned around and avoided the fatal blow.

Although he knew in his heart that he had escaped a blow, but in contrast, this person's operation was different from the Shen Yi in his memory, and Cassie realized that he had been tricked.

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