The number has gradually started to increase, and over time, Shen Yi has fallen into a bad trend.

He frowned slightly and looked at the group of pointed beasts.

He knows that the strength of this group of sharp-footed beasts is very high, I am afraid that if he is alone, he will not be able to completely solve them.

It will definitely take a relatively long period of time to solve them.

When he thought of this, he frowned slightly, the solution is not the best solution at the moment, only reporting this matter to the top is the best solution.

"No, the strength of these sharp-footed beasts is too high."

Shen Yi swallowed a little stiffly.

Eyes fixed on them.

Shen Ling nodded lightly because he himself knew that these sharp-footed beasts were indeed not easy.

He swallowed a little stiffly.

"The strength of these 930 group of sharp-footed beasts is too high, if it is to solve them, I am afraid it will take a lot of time. 99

Shen Ling reported these matters to Shen Yi truthfully.

Shen Yi nodded lightly. He actually knew in his heart that it would definitely take a lot of time to deal with these sharp-footed beasts, but obviously they didn't have that much time now.

He affected the spit a little stiffly, and then frowned.

With the delay of time, they have gradually been surrounded.

The increasing numbers have surrounded them.

"Since there is no way to do this, it seems that there are only other ways to solve this matter.

As he spoke, he frowned slightly (ahdg).

"You stand here first."

The best way to solve this at the moment is to produce combat-type machines.

Although the attack power of these fighting machines is not particularly strong, it is more than enough to deal with these pointed beasts.

After all, the number of these sharp-footed beasts mainly depends on the number. If the number is small, Shen Yi can destroy them one by one.

Now that there are too many, Shen Yi really has no such way.

Thinking and doing it.

not for a moment.

2000 combat robots have been created by Shen Yi.

Obviously, with the existence of combat robots, the battle of all of them seems to be easy.

This is the first thing that makes everyone very happy.

Seeing that 2,000 robots were completely produced, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Have to admit this is a good thing.

Because this sharp-footed beast was solved, everyone felt a lot of joy in their hearts.

Shen Yi was completely relieved after seeing that the sharp-footed beast was dealt with, and prepared to leave here.

"Since the sharp-footed beast has been resolved, let's get out of here.

After hearing this, Shen Ling nodded slightly.

Then prepare to leave here.

And at this most critical moment, a ding-dong sound entered Shen Yi's ears.

He frowned slightly and froze.

"You have invaded our territory, and I advise you to leave early. 35

After seeing this sentence, Shen Yi slightly raised his eyebrows.

Shen Yi himself is not going to care about these things, thinking of getting rid of them as soon as possible, and then quickly leaving here to live his own life.

But when he saw the letter, the passion in his heart was suddenly aroused.

He was amused, looking at this letter.

"what happened?"

Shen Ling, who didn't know the situation, looked at Shen Yi's eyes with a little doubt.

"It's nothing, it's just that there are some unknown things to provoke. 99

After finishing speaking, Shen Yi told Shen Ling the letter.

The two of them changed the plan just now very quickly.

You must know that at the beginning, the two just wanted to solve this problem simply.

But in the face of a sudden challenge, who can hold back?

"I've changed my mind, I'm going to occupy this place."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he maximized the letter in front of him.

It seems that he is provoking himself, his eyes are firm and sharp.

As if looking at some prey.

"If this is the case, a good show will be staged"

The sky gradually became dark, and the sound of thunder echoed through the ears.

Presumably the real good drama will be released soon.

And they became one of the protagonists after all,

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