After some understanding, it turns out that the other party is a subsidiary country of Shengyao Empire, and it is a servant-like existence.

Hearing this news, Shen Yi showed a smile without hesitation, so that there would be no psychological burden for a battle.

After all, Shen Yi and Shengyao Empire are nothing but undead enemies. What's wrong with conquering a dependent country?

Of course, we can't be reckless now. After all, knowing ourselves and knowing our opponents can win a hundred battles, and we still need to investigate everything clearly.

Only after certain guarantees were made, Shen Yi would make a move without hesitation, otherwise, he would most likely make a retaliatory strike.

But everything is an assumption, Shen Yi can't hold a Holy Glory Empire in his eyes, how can he be afraid of the other's vassal?

At this time, Shen Er on the side reported: "According to some investigation, the strength of the other party is like an ant."


Shen Yi raised his brows, all of this was within his expectations, it seemed that the Holy Star~Empire would definitely not be able to escape.

In the face of such a weak generation, I am still cowardly - what?

"It's true, the opponent's strength is less than one-tenth of ours, we must win this battle 100%.

Shen Er nodded involuntarily, all of this is based on the information, the strength of the Holy Star Empire is indeed not worth mentioning.

If you have to describe it, it can only be said that the two sides are the same civilization with a gap of one and a half, and the weapons alone are one heaven and one earth.

After understanding everything, Shen Yi coldly swept the order and said, "If that's the case, then start a war for me!"

After this order was issued, the battle began in an instant, and countless shells flew directly towards the Holy Star Empire.

Not to be outdone, the Sacred Star Empire fired back countless shells, but they were all intercepted by Shen Yi.

And every one of Shen Yi's shells hit the opponent's spaceship, and the powerful fleet lost more than half in an instant.

In fact, it's just a confrontation. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the outcome of this battle, and the opponent has no hope.

The disparity in strength is too great, and the other party's reinforcements will not arrive for a while, and they can only carry it for an hour at most.

Thinking of this place, in the entire universe, it is small and terrifying, and this time it must be doomed.

After all, once the interstellar war starts, unless either side is wiped out, this battle must not be backed down.

Time passed by in a flash, and Shen Yi's side was even more powerful, so much so that the opponent's fleet was gone.

How can we fight in this situation?

It can even be said that the Holy Star Empire is in jeopardy, and even a little carelessness will definitely fall into hell.

At this moment, the leader is also one of the first two, helplessly watching his own take and kill one by one.

All this is not reconciled, and I can't help but punch the table, why let the other party be so handsome?

Such a huge fleet, it can be said that it has spent too much effort and effort on its own, does it have to be destroyed directly every time?

At this time, Shen Er on the side also smiled happily: "It's really interesting, the other side definitely ate the guts of an ambitious leopard. 99

Not to mention the innocence of the ignorant, just looking at the equipment gap between the two sides, I am afraid that they will not dare to treat each other like this.


So that's a heartache, because once there is no fleet left in this round, it will only make everyone fall into hell.

Understand a truth, no matter how much you pay, you must surrender, otherwise you may lose more than half of it.

Since you can't beat it, you can find another way, right?

There are not many Saint Star Empire, even if there are endless warriors to join, they will also defend the prestige of the Saint Star Empire.

"Leader, we really can't do it, so let's just surrender? If we fight like this, the entire empire will be overthrown.

A subordinate next to him suggested that the Saint Star Empire is now in a dead end, and no one can forget this.

The others responded, but at this moment they didn't have the courage to fight Shen Yi, they just wanted to leave.

Can't everyone die?

Amid the reprimands from everyone in his subordinates, Casey suddenly recovered his senses, and then smiled fakely with Shen Yi.

In the next instant, he pressed the fleet's hidden attack button all at once, wanting countless shells to blow Shen Yi to ashes.

However, it was only just approaching, and it was detected by the radar at once, and they were all stopped outside the protective circle.

Then another shell was fired, and everything was ignited in an instant, and one by one real planes circled in the air.

But it was only a moment, and everyone was on fire as if their whole body was on fire, pleadingly kneeling to thank Shen Yi for the great kindness and great Dewan.

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