After the Yaoxing Empire had been completely defeated by Shen Yi, there was naturally no way out. The only way to be blind is to answer all of Shen Yi's questions with absolute seriousness and responsibility.

After all, if Shen Yi gets angry, it is indeed not something that ordinary people can fight, so they surrendered immediately, things have developed to this point, Shen Yi approached the two messengers of the Yaoxing Empire, and the tone was lingering.

"Ask you, where is the Opal in the Shining Star Empire? Make it clearer. 99

Unexpectedly, this first question is enough to make people numb, what is an opal? They have no way of knowing, even what is an opal, they don't know, how can they know the whereabouts of opal 07? !

Even if he lied, he couldn't find a suitable place. That was for fear of angering Shen Yi. Compared with a battle, Shen Yi quickly regained his original physical strength, but several strong soldiers of the Yaoxing Empire Already lying on the ground without popularity.

The messenger looked at the bodies of the soldiers of the Yaoxing Empire and shivered involuntarily. Those messengers had never been so afraid, but Shen Yi became the first person they were so scared of.

"We... are all small soldiers, not worth mentioning, but we can ask the monarch." The "monarch" Shen Yi mentioned by these two messengers understood, he was in charge of the entire Shining Star Empire.

The matter has come to this point, for the whereabouts of the opal, he still thinks it is better for him to be direct, otherwise everyone will live in honorifics, and no one can afford the wasted time. Shen Yi also raised his vigilance and found that these two messengers Every move he does not want to play tricks.

May they really obey my feet.

While the two envoys were still waiting for Shen Yi's release, Shen Yi glanced at them coldly, and then said, "No, you can't afford to waste your life with this time, so let's take your Shining Star Empire directly. The monarch called over and I will talk to him in person."

This embarrassed the two envoys, and asked the monarch to come over and talk to Shen Yi about a stone? They were all dead, and they didn't even have a chance to live, but they really didn't dare to delay, so they compromised.

He went to the palace and told the monarch about the ins and outs of the matter. Unexpectedly, the monarch was not angry, but went to see Shen Yi in person. When he saw Shen Yi, his tone of voice was somewhat friendly. After all, as the monarch of a country, He also saw the strength of Shen Yi.

If he turned against Shen Yi now, then this country could be said that he would not want to stay any longer, and even his tone of voice was respectful.

"You, take out the opal. 35

Although Shen Yi's tone was not friendly, it was because he wasted too much time on the road, which made him a little uncomfortable, but he didn't mean to embarrass the monarch.

"Shen Yi, Opal is not in our Shining Star Empire, please don't embarrass me again! Not really is not, I have never lied.

It was because of the sophistry of the monarch that Shen Yi couldn't believe what the monarch said. He looked at the monarch with disbelief on his face, and he did not want to continue entanglement with the monarch.

The monarch is also more afraid that things will get bigger and bigger, but it will affect the interests of the Yaoxing Empire, and even more serious will persecute the people. He is not willing to let the people suffer the sins they should not bear, but he also finds that Shen Yi is not capable of himself. If it is provoked, he can't hide.

At the critical moment when the country is in dire straits, he, the monarch of a country, cannot back down, but he does not dare not yield to Shen Yi, so he can only explain again weakly: "The Yaoxing Empire will not take away the cat's eye. So although I've heard of opal, I really didn't know it's still hidden in our Shining Star Empire.""

"Besides, Shen Yi, think about it, we can't benefit the people even if we want opal. If I want it, it's useless, so opal is really not with us."

Shen Yi swung the long knife and swept the monarch's neck, which made him scared to death, and a monarch of a country immediately knelt down.

"Don't you tell me?! If you don't tell me, I will not only take your head, but I will also turn you upside down in the Yaoxing Empire! This made the monarch even more frightened, and he didn't even have the courage to refute, so he quickly explained : "It's true that the opal is not here, but I know the whereabouts of the opal!

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