Shen Yi didn't believe the monarch's words at first, but felt that he was just making a big joke. Cats are so important, he would actually say that he was useless for him? In this way, Shen Yi wanted to make Yao The mood that the Star Empire turned upside down became even stronger.

He waved the long knife again and aimed it at the monarch's neck. The words he said were almost all threats, not a word of kindness. The world crown time was pressing, he really couldn't say anything and was patient and If you can show that you need to find the cat sooner, it is also the whereabouts of the cat.

"Do you really know? Are you kidding me?" Shen Yi's words meant that he looked down on himself. The monarch had already provoked him just now, so how could he dare to provoke him again now? Isn't this a sheep? Enter the tiger's mouth?

"How can I dare to joke with you again." The monarch's words were humble but true. He really didn't dare to make any jokes with Shen Yi. He didn't want Shen Yi to make the 940's glory that their ancestors worked so hard to build. The Star Empire was destroyed by one hand.

In this way, the monarch really has nothing. If the strongest and most powerful person said this sentence, it is still useless. After all, Shen Yi's character is well known to everyone, and his motto has already exposed Shen Yi. Yi's own character: As soon as a word is spoken, it is difficult to chase after a horse.

He has always kept his promises, so it's hard not to turn this shining star empire upside down. Originally, Shen Yi already had plans in this regard, but suddenly he heard the monarch say that although he didn't know the opal, he knew the cat's eye. When the stone fell, he was once again attracted.

Although I don't know whether what the monarch said is true or false, but based on his strength, it is estimated that he has already intimidated him at this moment, so (ahdg) he still asked him this question with half a bit of guard. If the monarch Lie, then Shen Yi really not only turned the Yaoxing Empire upside down, but also wanted to make this huge Yaoxing Empire become lifeless.

"So, can I trust you again?"

"You don't believe me?! What I said is absolutely true, but I have conditions." Shen Yi frowned, he didn't like others making conditions for him, but unfortunately the monarch knew the whereabouts of the opal, so he had to grit his teeth and let him He stated his conditions, but it was not difficult for Shen Yi to obey.

"You can do anything, but as long as you don't hurt anything about the interests and economy of the Yaoxing Empire and the ordinary people of the Yaoxing Empire, I will keep my promise and tell you everything. 35

Just relying on the monarch's righteous words, Shen Yi felt that the monarch could say these words with sincerity, so after repeated thinking, Shen Yi still wanted to make a statement. Decide.

"I can think again.

That means that the Yaoxing Empire still has room to save! This inadvertently made the monarch even more happy, and finally managed to save a huge empire. He was impatient and wondered what Shen Yi's final decision would be? It will be a definite statement: Then I will find the whereabouts of the opal?

In fact, the monarch has never been fascinated by this opal, but there will always be some reasons for him to take a step back, and this reason has indeed become a stumbling block for the monarch to not get the opal.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you for the time being." Mainly just from the monarch's demeanor and his tone of voice, it can be seen that perhaps there is really no opal, which is Shen Yi's inference.

This country is called the Yaoxing Empire, and the monarch here is called Yaoxing. Yaoxing heard Shen Yi say this, it was incredible, it completely explained a problem, his country could be kept, and with this idea, his whole person was is spiritual.

"Actually, it's still a bit far away, but it's easy to find. In this vast universe, there is a black hole that keeps spreading in an endless cycle. However, there are many asteroids living next to this black hole. One asteroid has a black hole on it. Opal.

This is only the only one that Yaoxing knows about the whereabouts of the opal, indeed he did his best, and she also advised Shen Yi: "but I still advise you not to go, the opal is good, but it is around the black hole. , is too dangerous, and it is not easy to approach.

Just when Yaoxing breathed a sigh of relief, Shen Yi suddenly said, "Then you should lead the way."

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