Looking at Shen Yi's anxious look, Shen Ling knew that this was a difficult matter, and there was no suitable person to do it.

"Let me do this thing, I can definitely do it well.

As an artificial intelligence, Shen Ling thinks that he can help Shen Yi share the current troubles, and he should not be allowed to do so.

Shen Yi thought that Shen Ling could come up with some good solutions, but he didn't expect to let him take the risk himself.

Shen Ling had been with him for so long, Shen Yi could not let him take the risk alone.

"No, this thing is too dangerous, you can't do it, in case..."

There are so many things that humans have not done, Shen Yi is afraid of what dangers artificial intelligence will encounter.

Seeing that Shen Yi was so worried about himself, Shen Ling thought that he should help him share the burden.

"Don't worry, I will do it well, there is no suitable candidate besides me.

Shen Ling knew that only he could do this. He sent so many people out, but none of them came back alive.

Shen Yi looked at Shen Ling like this, calmed down a little bit, and wanted to convince Shen Ling.

"If you are in any danger, what will I do next?

Shen Ling was silent for a while, but quickly made up his mind that he had to help Shen Yi to do things no matter what.

"I won't be in danger, you have enough strength to protect your own safety now...々"..."

Seeing that Shen Ling seemed to have decided this matter, Shen Yi couldn't change his mind no matter what.

Shen Ling couldn't be arranged to do those things alone, Shen Yi had a plan and tried to change his mind.

"Let's go together and find out what's going on.

Shen Yi thought that Shen Ling could not go alone, and had to go together with Shen Ling.

Seeing the other party like this, Shen Ling calmed down a little, knowing that he had to convince Shen Yi.

Can't let Shen Yi take risks with himself, and the next thing will only get more and more serious.

"Don't worry, I have an S-class protective cover to protect my safety, and there will be no problems."5

If there wasn't something to protect him, how could Shen Ling be willing to leave Shen Yi here alone.

Shen Yi heard Shen Ling say this and was worried that the S-class protective cover could not protect the spacecraft at all.

After all, once the spacecraft was sucked away by the black hole, even if Shen Ling had a strong protective cover, it would have no effect.

"No matter how powerful your protective cover is, the spaceship is sucked in by the black hole, and you can't come back."

Seeing Shen Yi worrying about himself from start to finish, Shen Ling smiled, not letting his heart fluctuate too much.

"Don't worry, my protective cover can not only protect my safety, but also protect the spacecraft and prevent it from being trapped in a black hole.

Seeing Shen Ling's insistent attitude, he calmed down a little bit, not letting his heart fluctuate too much.

Shen Yi realized that he couldn't stop Shen Ling, and wanted to help Shen Ling at this time.

Thinking of these messy things, I can't calm down in my heart.

"Since I've decided to do this, I won't stop you any more. You should think about what you should do next."5

Seeing that Shen Yi finally supported him and no longer resented what he had done, he finally calmed down.

"`"Then I'll go right now!

Shen Ling was excited to leave, but was stopped by Shen Yi.

"Wait a minute, don't leave yet, I'll help you increase the level of the protective cover." 5

Shen Ling stopped for a while, calmed down as much as possible, and did not let his heart change too much.

However, he also presented his protective cover in front of Shen Yi, looking at the S-class protective cover, it seemed that it was not that strong at all.

Such a protective cover can protect temporarily, but not permanently.

"Shen Ling, you wait for me to strengthen the protective shield (Nuo Mo's), and then go.

Shen Yi was afraid that Shen Ling would be in danger this time, so he urged him thousands of times.

Shen Ling understands Shen Yi's good intentions and agrees very much.

"Don't worry, I'll leave when you've got everything done."

It has been delayed for so long, Shen Ling doesn't care about one day, and will help Shen Yi get the opal.

Only then did Shen Yi feel relieved, and Shen Ling watched Shen Yi stand there for a long time before taking some action.

"If you can't be stronger, don't be too strong.

Even if it is powerful, strengthening the S-class protective cover is also a difficult task.

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