Shen Yi listened to Shen Ling's words and knew that he did not trust his own abilities.

I feel that I have more than enough energy to upgrade an S-class protective cover.

Prepare some materials for upgrading the protective cover, and start preparing to upgrade the protective cover.

Halfway through the process, Shen Yi found that the protective cover had not changed at all.

It was very strange inside, Shen Ling next to him looked at Shen Yi's anxious look, thinking that there was no need to worry too much about this matter.

"If you can't upgrade the level of the protective cover, don't worry too much.

Shen Ling was just worried about Shen Yi's safety and feared that Shen Yi would be in danger.

"Your energy is not enough to boost, please stop in time.

Shen Yi listened to the voice in his ear, and his heart skipped a beat.

Do not understand why there is not enough energy, it is a very simple thing.

But now it seems that it is Shen 947yi who thinks about upgrading the protective cover too simply.

It is already halfway through, and if it stops at this time, it will only be for nothing.

Shen Yi fell into a deep tangle, not letting his heart fluctuate too much.

He was reluctant to spend the energy he had just spent, but he also knew that there was no point in continuing.

In the end, Shen Yi chose to compromise and stopped upgrading the protective cover.

Looking at Shen Ling next to him, Shen Yi knew that he did not help him.

As long as you destroy some interstellar monsters as soon as possible, you can also gain energy for yourself.

"Shen Ling, don't leave in a hurry, I'll find some interstellar monsters, it will be enough soon.

Shen Yi thought that the energy he used would never be returned to him, but he didn't expect that he would not only return it to himself, but also return everything he needed.

Seeing how Shen Yi insisted on helping himself, Shen Ling was silent, knowing that Shen Yi would not be in any danger.

"Okay, let me go with you!"

After speaking, the two got up and set off, looking for monsters everywhere.

Energy can only be obtained by defeating the interstellar monsters.

The place where the interstellar monsters often haunt on weekdays, there is no trace.

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel anxious and couldn't break through.

Hearing the sound of fighting not far away, Shen Yi was attracted by the sound of fighting and did not understand how far away he was.

"Shen Ling, how far is it from us, is it too late to rush over now?"

The thoughtful Shen Ling looked at Shen Yi and listened to the movement in the distance.

"Not far away there was the sound of fighting, as if two parts. 35

Shen Yi heard the fierce battle over there, and immediately became interested, thinking that he could fight a battle.

"Quick, let's rush over!

Shen Yi and the others rushed over quickly and found that it was where several interstellar monsters were fighting for (ahdg) prey.

Taking advantage of their inattentiveness, Shen Yi instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and wiped them out.

Just as Shen Yi clapped his hands and was about to leave, the interstellar monsters that had been destroyed suddenly came to life.

"Shen Ling, take a look at what's going on!"

While arranging for Shen Ling to see what was going on, he tried every means to stop the interstellar monster.

But no matter what method Shen Yi used, there was no way to subdue those interstellar monsters, instead the number became more and more, and he was a little angry.

It became even more crazy, it seemed that there were countless energy sources that could be used, and these interstellar monsters were destroyed one after another.

Shen Ling quickly found out that the reason why these interstellar monsters were able to come back to life was because they were in interstellar space.

The conditions for their resurrection can be met here. If they are in a closed space, they will soon be reduced.

I looked around again and was shocked to see so many monsters all at once.

Shen Yi's frantic appearance also surprised Shen Ling and hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it.

"You don't need to spend energy to harm these monsters, they will only become stronger and more numerous, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with at that time.

Shen Ling's words drew him back all of a sudden, calmed down, looked at the black monster, and realized that he was too impulsive.

"How to deal with it?"

Shen Yi believes that now that the characteristics of these interstellar monsters have been investigated, there must be a way to solve them.

"You draw them into the space I make, where you don't have to work too hard and they'll kill each other."5

"it is good!"

Because Shen Yi hurt them many times, it completely attracted the attention of the monsters, and the monsters rushed towards Shen Yi.

It didn't take long for them to find that they were in a closed space, and there was no way to absorb the special elements in interstellar space.

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