Suddenly, there was a golden light in front of them, and everyone lost the light.

Immediately afterwards, a golden S appeared on the protective cover, which looked very powerful.

Shen Yi was very happy when he saw that he had finally succeeded, knowing that he was getting closer and closer to getting the opal.

However, as soon as I separated from Shen Ling, I felt a little upset, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Wow, Shen Yi, it must be amazing that you have an S-class shield.

Looking at Mengxin's envious eyes, Shen Yi's heart did not fluctuate much.

"I'm going back!

Shen Yi dropped the sentence "Nine Four Seven" and went offline. He was worried about letting Shen Ling take the risk to do this.

Soon, an announcement appeared on the public screen, congratulating a certain player for obtaining an S-class protective cover.

Many people started to talk about it, envy who did this thing.

"You said, who is the Great God, I want to be friends with the Great God.

"Please come out and tell me how to do it."

The public screen suddenly became a mess, and those people suddenly became envious, wanting to know who did it.

Those Mengxin who follow Shen Yi, seeing so many people on the public screen, care about who it is.

Thought that if they announced the identity of Shen Yi, the next thing would be much easier.

When the Fearless Empire saw this situation, he was confused and wanted to know who it was.

Such a powerful player, they have to draw him into their lineup no matter what.

Some people in the Fearless Empire were very shocked after learning about this, and could not even accept it.

Thinking such a good thing, they should try their best to grab it.

Instead of staying in the hands of others, it can't play any role.

"I think we should find that person as soon as possible!"

Many people in the Fearless Empire believe that it is wisest to find the most powerful person and grab what belongs to them.

The president of the Fearless Empire looked at so many people, eyeing such a precious thing, and even he himself couldn't wait to get it.

But such a protective cover, how can they be able to seize it if they want to seize it.

"I understand everyone's mentality, such a precious thing is not just grabbing, it always takes some thought.

It's not that their president is afraid of this matter.

Everyone in the entire guild should make concerted efforts to make one prosperous, and one to lose.

In the trade union chat group, because of this incident, some people even expected to expose the identity of the other party.

The newcomers don't seem to know the danger, but they think this is an opportunity to publicize, and a few people discuss it in private.

"If we expose Shen Yi's identity, it will attract a lot of attention and even be proud of us!

After talking, everyone started to talk about it, and finally thought it could be announced.

Soon, Shen Yi's name appeared on the public screen, and many people sent messages to Shen Yi like crazy.

When Shen Yi went online again, I was shocked to see the private message, and many people wanted to get close to Shen Yi, thinking it was very strange. …

But when I saw the words of discussion on the public screen, I suddenly understood what was going on.

It turned out that Mengxin, who had followed Shen Yi before, actually revealed his identity on the public screen. Shen Yi felt a little helpless, but he knew that those people did it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi could only pretend that nothing happened.

As for those players who contacted Shen Yi privately, Shen Yi did not give any response.

The Fearless Empire originally wanted to get this S-class protective cover, but after learning of Shen Yi's identity, there was no way to hide the desire in his heart.

Decided to give Shen Yi a try anyway, maybe it could attract Shen Yi to the Fearless Empire.

The Fearless Empire guild began to discuss how to make Shen Yi close to them. Some people suggested that Shen Yi see their strength, and some people suggested that they would curry favor with Shen Yi.

Everyone has different views on this matter, and even have their own ideas.

The president watched the members of the 3.6 guild hold their own opinions. For a while, he didn't know what to do, and realized the difficulty of this matter.

Thinking that their rash action against Shen Yi would affect the reputation of the Fearless Empire Guild, they finally decided to propose cooperation with Shen Yi first.

"I understand your feelings, but for the long-term development of the entire guild, we need to discuss with Shen Yi.

Soon, the guild sent a suitable person to contact Shen Yi.

Seeing the stranger adding himself, Shen Yi didn't agree at all.

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