But the other party didn't seem to give up, and kept adding Shen Yi.

Seeing that the other party's will was so determined, Shen Yi had to agree, not to let his heart fluctuate too much.

"I came to you on behalf of the Fearless Empire, and I hope you can join us.

The other party directly explained the purpose of his visit. Shen Yi was familiar with the Fearless Empire and knew the other party's demeanor.

For this matter, Shen Yi is not prepared to have any relationship with the other party, and knows what the other party is like.

"Sorry, I'm not going to join the Fearless Empire."

Shen Yi refused him without any ambiguity, leaving the other party wondering what to do for a while.

But he can't let the people around him down no matter how hard he lives, and he has to convince Shen Yi as much as he can, no matter how much he pays.

Tapping the keyboard, I typed out a lot of cooperation agreements and sent them over, expecting a satisfactory reply from Shen Yi.

Shen Yi didn't have any interest in looking at the joint agreement, he was already strong enough.

As long as he keeps growing his strength, no one will be his opponent, and he doesn't want to join the so-called guild.

"I'm sorry, I don't need any help in the interstellar world to complete all the tasks alone. Please tell your president, I refuse to cooperate with you."5

The attitude of answering them was very firm. He never thought about which guild to join, and Shen Yi was most tired of guild battles.

The person on the computer side didn't know how to speak, so he could only calm down and didn't say a word.

He immediately contacted the chairman and told the chairman of the matter.

The president knows the strength of the Fearless Empire, and Shen Yi must be clear about this matter.

But now, Shen Yi was unwilling to cooperate with them, and the chairman thought they had to deal with it.

"If Shen Yi keeps disagreeing, we will deal with Shen Yi."

It is impossible to let such a powerful person act recklessly, it will only become more and more powerful.

The reason why the Fearless Empire can be known to many players is not only because of their strength, but also because of their win and attack on the players who have just started.

The chairman said a lot, but the person who sent the message thought this matter was too difficult for him.

"President, this matter is really too difficult for me, there is no way to do it. 35

Seeing that the members were so afraid of this matter, the president felt helpless and contacted Shen Yi in person.

Shen Yi was full of doubts when he saw the message Fearless Empire sent him.

When he saw that the other party sent him a lot of threatening messages.

"If you don't agree, you can come and challenge me at any time, and I won't join you anyway.

Shen Yi felt that there was no point in joining the Fearless Empire, and it was better to be free alone.

When the president of the Fearless Empire saw Shen Yi's reply to him, he was very surprised and furious in his heart.

"Aren't you afraid that we will attack you?"

"Don't be afraid, if you have any questions, you can come to me anytime, anywhere!

After replying to the news, Shen Yi got so angry that he went offline.

He knew that the reason why the Fearless Empire was looking for him was because of the S-class protective cover.

Mengxin knew about this, and his heart was full of shame, knowing that they had brought a lot of trouble to Shen Yi.

Many people came to greet Shen Yi, worried about his difficulties.

"It's okay, don't worry, there won't be any problems.

After Shen Yi responded briefly, he suddenly realized that he couldn't act recklessly.

So far, Shen Yi doesn't know what's going on in the Fearless Empire.

Being so fearless, he really did not consider the consequences of 947.

In the interstellar world, Shen Yi has yet to meet an opponent.

Mengxin players were relieved to see that Shen Yi didn't care about this matter.

At first, he mistakenly thought that he was going to lose his backing, but now seeing Shen Yi being so generous, he felt ashamed.

I decided in my heart that no matter what happened next, I would help Shen Yi.

The Fearless Empire was ineffective in attracting Shen Yi, and many team members gathered together to discuss how to target Shen Yi.

Some people think that there is no need to hold on to this matter, it will only cause great harm to Shen Yi.

Because of this sentence, the people of the Fearless Empire are at odds and disagree.

Shen Yi didn't know that he would cause such a lot of discussion in the Fearless Empire, but instead he was entangled in how to deal with it.

More want to know every word the other party said, in the end will not come true.

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