"We can take a break in the middle, there is no need to be in such a hurry, even if the Fearless Empire launches an attack, it must be well deployed!

Shen Ling watched Shen Yi for more than an hour, constantly making combat robots on the line, and was a little worried that he couldn't bear it.

But for some reason, Shen Yi always felt that the other party would attack him soon.

Only when you are fully prepared can you deal with the other party's fluke mentality, and things will only get more serious in the future.

"I always feel that the other party will definitely not give me time to prepare this time."

Having an S-class protective cover has made them fearful enough, and when Shen Yi is in control, it will only be a big trouble.

Shen Yi's followers also want to help as much as possible after learning about it.

"The previous troubles were because we wanted to promote our status and brought you unnecessary competition. This time we will help you no matter what."5

Mengxin, who had not followed Shen 947 Yi for a long time, also stepped forward, even if it didn't help much, she wanted to do her best.

Seeing that his followers are willing to follow him, Shen Yi was very moved. He had made so many fighting robots, but he had not considered them.

Apart from the fighting robots built by himself, plus these followers, it is easy to defeat the Dreadnought Empire.

Shen Yi didn't know when the Fearless Empire attacked.

"I can feel the thoughts of all of you, but I can't always wait here for the Fearless Empire to attack me, everyone has their own life, and everything follows.

After that, Shen Yi hurriedly went offline, he had spent a lot of time on this matter.

The next day, Shen Yi (ahdg) had just logged on to his account when he saw the Fearless Empire attacking him.

Shen Ling was shocked when he saw this situation, he didn't expect the other party to be so quick.

"They really don't give you the slightest time to prepare, so they can't wait to launch an attack!

Shen Yi, on the other hand, was in a state of peace of mind. Since the other party was going to attack him, it was only a matter of time.

"Since they have attacked me, how can I not resist, don't worry, it's fine!"

After Shen Yi finished speaking, he quickly appeared to meet the enemy, and Wuwei looked at his fearless appearance, but smiled faintly.

"You don't think you can beat us even if you are a little weaker than me in numbers.

The people brought by the Fearless Empire are basically experts, and it is more than enough to fight against Shen Yi. It is precisely because of this confidence that Fearless will attack suddenly.

Shen Yi looked at the confident look of the other party and smiled faintly, and there really was no followers.

There are not as many people as the other party, which did not hit him.

Instead, he was even more confident. Just as he was preparing to confront the Fearless Empire, the followers of Shen Yi also rushed over.

"I'm so sorry, we were late because they attacked at the wrong time and didn't give us a chance to prepare."

Followed by a large area, it is unnecessary to see that Shen Yi has so many followers, and the combat robots have a great advantage in numbers.

His face was a little ugly, but he kept cheering, even if Shen Yi had a big advantage, he couldn't possibly be their opponent.

"What if there are these followers, they are not our opponents at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fearless ordered his subordinates to attack Shen Yi, and the two forces were mixed together.

Shen Yi was like a flexible whip, constantly changing positions in the crowd.

Wherever he went, the man must have lost his fighting power and lay dying on the ground, with no intention of taking his life.

Shen Yi's terror made many people in the Fearless Empire start to fear, thinking that there is no need to offend such a great god.

Even if they can't be a member of their lineup, as long as they don't fight tit for tat, there will always be a lot less trouble.

"I think even if Shen Yi doesn't want to join our team, there's no need to be so aggressive, it's better to have a good relationship with the other party.

Fearless watched some people start to get scared, some get angry, and try to threaten those people, without much result.

In the end, the Fearless Empire still failed to defeat Shen Yi, so it had to keep its strength and retreat.

The failure this time made Wuwei feel very embarrassed, and he didn't want to admit that his skills were inferior to others. Instead, he shied the responsibility on Shen Yi.

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