"This time, it's not that we underestimate the enemy. Instead, Shen Yi learned our information and knew how many people would go, and specially prepared more people than us."

Others in the guild lowered their heads when they heard Wuwei's defense, not knowing what to do for a while.

They are very clear about the status of the Fearless Empire, but this time it is really inferior to others, and it will be a complete failure.

Now that all the responsibilities are put on Shen Yi's body, after all, I feel a little embarrassed to answer.

Fearless saw that none of the other members of the guild spoke, and always felt that this time was too embarrassing, and he had to save his face.

"Since everyone has no opinion on this matter, Shen Yi has to say the same to the outside world."

Looking at the fearless and stubborn appearance, the players in the guild can only keep calm and not let the emotions on their faces change too much.


In the end, in order to stay in the Dreadnought Empire, they did what Dreadnought asked them to do.

Fearless shouts soon appeared on the public screen, "Our Fearless Empire is such a powerful existence, we will not lose to Shen Yi at all, but because Shen Yi is victorious - not martial. 35

Suddenly attracted a lot of players, many people are very curious about this matter, and some people hold the mentality of watching the play.

"No, players who can have an S-class protective cover must be very powerful, how can they use abnormal means. 99

"No wonder I learned that Shen Yi won the victory by other means, the eternal god of the Fearless Empire.

Seeing the messy content on the public screen, Shen Ling became worried Shen Yi.

"Hurry up and take a look, the public screen has become a mess, and many people think that you are distorting the facts by using more to bully the less.

Shen Yi was doing tasks to get more energy, and didn't pay attention to the situation on the public screen at all.

It was only after Shen Ling's reminder that he caught his attention, and Shen Yi was a little disdainful when he found out that Fearless was distorting the facts. After all, he had a clear conscience about this matter.

"It's okay, I have a clear conscience about this matter, and there is no need to explain too much.

Seeing Shen Yi like this, Shen Ling calmed down, thinking that Shen Yi should come forward and explain.

Not explaining it clearly will only make more and more players begin to suspect this matter.

It can not only bring a chance to hype the Fearless Empire, but also make Shen Yi lose his majesty.

"You still explain on the public screen, you can't let the Fearless Empire slander you like this.

If Shen Yi really goes on like this, it will only make things worse.

Facing his reminder, Shen Yi was silent for a long time, also thinking that an empire came to find trouble for him first, and he should not be afraid of it at any time.

"This matter is completely the Fearless Empire turning black and white, unwilling to accept its own failure.

Fearless got some advantages at first, and thought that Shen Yi was afraid and unwilling to come forward to clarify.

Now seeing Shen Yi appear and explain the truth, I can't help but feel a little annoyed.

0...・・ Flowers・・・

"If it weren't for your numerical superiority, how could we have failed!"

Shen Yi looked at WuFan and was not afraid at all, but the more he spoke, the more courageous he became.

In order to prove the strength, it is better to compare the reality one-on-one, which is also very fair.

"The Fearless Empire is full of dissatisfaction with this matter, why don't we do one-on-one, one-on-one is always not unfair! 35

Wei Wuxian didn't expect Shen Yi to say such a thing. He was a little unconfident, but Shen Yi's strength was still in his eyes, and it was not that easy to defeat him.


Many players watching the fun saw the fearless and fearless appearance, thinking that he was just a little tangled, afraid that he would lose face to the Wuwei Empire after losing.

"The Fearless Empire is so powerful, and the masters gathered together, how could it not be Shen Yi's opponent, it is necessary to destroy Shen Yi's prestige."

Some people are jealous that Shen Yi can get such a big advantage, and they are resentful in their hearts, hoping that the Fearless Empire can teach Shen Yi a lesson.

Fearless was still struggling with what to do, and so many people strongly supported him.

Once he rejects Shen Yi's proposal, it is equivalent to making up what he said before, and it is true that it is not Shen Yi's opponent who will fail.

Taking into account all aspects of the situation, he still chose to agree to Shen Yi's proposal and agreed to one-on-one.

"You said so, how could I not be with you, just..." Wan.

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