The appearance of fearless shrinking under fairness made many players start to speculate, as if something would happen that made fearless even fear.

Some people even started to speculate whether Shen Yi was going to use some bad means to defeat him.

"Did you say that Shen Yi was going to be preparing for a one-on-one on the surface, but in fact he was going to follow along..."

Those followers couldn't help but start to feel indignant for Shen Yi when they saw the players making up like that.

He is obviously an upright person and will not do those sinister things at all.

"You really don't care about those players, "947" let them slander you on the public screen at will, how could you let us followers fight against fearless together."

Those newbies even saw this situation for the first time, and they didn't expect such players to exist in the game Interstellar Survival.

It simply affects the real experience of the game, Shen Yi understands that they are for himself.

"I'll figure it out myself..."

Shen Yi had just finished speaking, and he had already seen the follower talking on the public screen.

"For a guild such as the Fearless Empire, why does it have to target Shen Yi?"39

"The one-on-one initiative proposed by Shen Yi, how could he do something bad.

However, what those followers said on the public screen did not bring Shen Yi any help, but added some unnecessary troubles.

Many players think that followers will speak for Shen Yi at this time, and it is inevitable that they will not take action when they really compete with Fearless.

Shen Ling felt the change in Shen Yi's mood, but those followers didn't have any malice at all.

They just wanted to help Shen Yi solve these troubles, they didn't expect that it would become self-defeating and bring more troubles.

"Those followers don't have any malice at all, they are all for you."

"I'll figure it out myself.

After Shen Yi finished speaking, he ignored Shen Ling who was on the side, knowing that if things became like this, there would naturally be a suitable solution.

In any case, it will not allow the Dreadnought Empire to take advantage of it against itself.

"Don't worry about all of you, we will compete in the competition venue when the time comes, and everyone can come over."

Where are so many players, Shen Yi can't buy all the players at once.

Fearless didn't expect that Shen Yi could be so calm and calm in the face of so many people's targeting.

A member of the Fearless Empire came forward at this time and took the initiative to speak up.

"We believe in your character, but these followers will inevitably appear at inopportune times. If you didn't speak just now, they may have appeared to refute you."5

Shen Yi knew that now they were blindly following them in order to make him lose them.

"One-on-one, I won't let followers participate, and everyone can rest assured about this."

In the face of Shen Yi's sworn assurance that everyone's worries disappeared, they soon agreed on a time.

"Are you serious? If you want to be fearless one-on-one, maybe he will do some small tricks at that time.

Shen Ling didn't understand what he was thinking, how could he believe in fearless 0. . . .

Shen Yi felt that fearless would not be like this, and rushed to the competition venue in a hurry, where fearless was already waiting for him.

"Why did you come, I've been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing how he was unwilling to let go of him every minute and every second, he was not prepared to be brooding, but now other thoughts have arisen in his heart.

"I don't know what the president said. It's possible that you came here in advance and did something unknown on the scene."

Some members of the Fearless Empire were immediately displeased, thinking that what Shen Yi said was going too far and was completely sullying them.

Seeing that the situation became more and more serious, Shen Yi was rather unhappy.

"Okay, I was just joking, don't worry about it, let's start quickly!"

Shen Yi and Fearless kept their distance, the two of them showed their weapons, and it was unknown who said a word.

"It's just to learn from each other, there is no need to take out real swords and real guns, it is better to see who is more powerful with bare hands. 35

The two tacitly put away the Interstellar Weapon 3.6 and confronted them empty-handed. At the beginning, the sparring between the two was very boring.

The waving of the fist seemed meaningless, but it didn't take long to show the gap between the two.

Shen Yi got tired of playing, so he quickly dodged, without letting the fearless touch him, he was shocked to see such a powerful Shen Yi!

Even the players present were surprised when they saw such a powerful speed. This is really a god-like existence in Interstellar Survival.

Suddenly, Dreadnought lay on the ground, showing his weapon in a fit of anger.

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