Shen Yi incarnated into a stream of air and hit Wuwei, who looked at Shen Yi who was unscathed and became angry.

He thought that the other party must be able to survive unscathed because of the protective cover, but he did not expect that Shen Ling would not exist at all.

In the end, the words on his lips had to be taken back, and he lowered his head without saying a word, he really couldn't beat him.

Previously, I could find a reason to prove my failure, but now there is no reason to cover it up.

In desperation, he had to stand on the stage and admit Shen Yi's strength in front of many players.

"This time, it's really my problem, I have to admit the strength of Shen Yi's strength.

Seeing the fearless admit that he is strong, Shen Yi secretly rejoiced in his heart.

It took so much effort at that time to attract more people's attention.

Only when more and more people know Shen Yi, can there be many followers07.

Just after receiving the needless approval, Shen Yi turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly being pulled by a pair of hands and unable to move, he turned around and saw Dreadnought pulling himself.

With a look of admiration on his face, he was full of vigilance and kept a proper distance from the other party.

"Don't you want to say again that I did tricks in this competition, in front of everyone..."

"You are too powerful, I am willing to be your follower, and all the members of the Fearless Empire obey your arrangements."

The sudden turn of events caught even Shen Yi by surprise.

"Is what you said true?"

"Well, I am convinced of you and willing to become your follower, including the entire Fearless Empire is yours.

Shen Yi didn't really like people like Fearless, and when he saw the entire Fearless Empire, he was somewhat moved.

"it is good!"

The reason why Fearless said the Fearless Empire was just to meet Shen Yi's request and let Shen Yi agree to himself.

Now that I hear Shen Yi agree, I am very relieved, and I have enough followers, ready to go to the place Yaoxing said.

"Shen Ling, start the spacecraft, let's go to that planet!

Only by finding the opal as soon as possible can we do the next thing. Before the opal is found, everything will be very difficult.

Seeing how Shen Yi was ready, Shen Ling followed his instructions, and soon the spaceship started, looking at the interstellar space outside the spaceship, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Soon came to the vicinity of the planet, under the protection of the protective cover.

The black hole didn't change the spacecraft's trajectory at all. Seeing that the protective cover protected all their safety, Shen Yi felt that it was worth the cost.

The spaceship stopped steadily on the planet with the opal, thinking that the planet would be full of life.

But at the moment when they got off the spaceship, everyone was dumbfounded, thinking that the environment above was too bad.

Fearless saw this situation and felt a little helpless, thinking that he was not fully prepared.

"You didn't come here before and didn't know the conditions on this planet would be like this?"

The planet was pitch-dark, and many pits could be seen, and there was no life at all.

Shen Yi hadn't thought about this aspect from beginning to end, and Xingyao hadn't told himself before.

"I really didn't, it was my negligence."

Shen Ling wanted to know what Shen Yi should do next, and he's already here.

Now it's like going back to the spaceship and the energy spent can't be recovered, it's not like the time to upgrade the protective cover.

"We're here, let the robot search and see if it can find the opal I need."

Fearless felt that the environment here was too harsh, they simply couldn't stay here for too long, and it would even be better if they had to go back to prepare.

Thinking of these messes, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"I think, we should not continue to stay here like this, prepare well, and don't let it go."

Fearless knew about Opal, but he didn't want to stay here.

Shen Ling was very helpless to see that the two of them actually said each other because of this matter.

"Whether we stay here or not, there will be some losses. There are potholes here, and it is very inconvenient for us to move."

The emptiness on the surface of this planet completely affected the emptiness of their vision, including taking action and doing things, it also seemed very difficult.

However, many followers who accompanied Shen Yi thought that no matter how dangerous it was, since they came here, they should be at ease.

Eventually, they started planning how to find opals here.

In unfamiliar places, relying on interstellar robots is the safest to prevent bad things from happening.

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