After dispatching the small battleship, Shen Yi kept an eye on the situation of the small battleship all the time.

Looking forward to the small warships arriving on that planet as soon as possible to see what is going on.

Soon, Shen Yi got the news that the small battleship had landed on that planet, and the explosion did not spread as much as they imagined.

Suddenly, signs of life came from around the battleship, and they reacted for a long time. After Shen Yi learned about it, there was no trace.

Shen Yi was shocked when he knew that there were natural signs of life on that planet, and he proved that there were creatures on it.

After all, where the environment is so harsh, protective clothing cannot last for a long time.

What a harsh environment it would be if there were creatures living on it.

Thinking of these, a lot of questions inevitably appeared in my heart, and I was even more curious about what kind of creature this was.

Shen Ling, who was next to him, was a little surprised when he knew the news, but he didn't show a surprised expression.

Instead, he thought about something important with an expressionless face, and after a long time, he spoke lightly.

"Shen Yi, is it possible that our explosion on that planet was not sudden, but that these beings did it on purpose to let us go.

Shen Ling believes that ordinary creatures do not want unfamiliar creatures to dig privately on their planet.

They dig in that already barren place, and it's possible to annoy them.

Thinking of Yaoxing's ignorance of this matter, Shen Yi felt that he couldn't blame the planet. Maybe these beings really existed, so the explosion occurred.

Listening to Shen Ling saying a lot of words, he didn't have any opinion on his expression, but nodded in agreement.

"In that case, let's go and see what's going on." "

Shen Yi couldn't wait for this matter, he didn't want to waste any time, and could not wait to go to that planet to see what was going on.

Seeing his firm attitude, Shen Ling started to prepare to go to that planet again. Having the first experience, he naturally knew what to bring with him this time.

On the other side, after Wuwei returned, he did not continue to follow Shen Yi.

I always feel that there are a lot of things happening somewhere, and there are so many strange things.

Although he didn't seem to understand why Shen Yi was so obsessed with that planet, he always felt that there must be something else about this planet that he didn't know about.

At this moment, a team member suddenly found him.

Needless to say, I don't understand what the team members are looking for at this time, and the panicked look makes me feel unhappy.

"What's the matter? It shouldn't be a senseless empire's way of doing things in such a hurry."

Seeing him as calm as ever, the man did not calm down at all.

"Which planet is Shen Yi going to go to again, you guys are just..."

It's unnecessary to hear him say this, and suddenly lose his calm, thinking that Shen Yi is too abrupt.

"Bring some people to stop Shen Yi, we'll go there right away!"

After hearing this sentence, he was slightly stunned.

He thought that he was meddling with his own business, and that he would be scolded needlessly for saying such words, but he never thought that he would actually allow him to bring people from the senseless empire to go first.


The man was stunned for a moment and then rushed over quickly. When Shen Yi was about to leave in the airship, he stopped him.

"You can't leave our president now, there is something very important to tell you, you wait here for a while, he will come soon.

Shen Yi was shocked to see the people from Wuwei Empire suddenly appear, and didn't understand what Wuwei was going to do.

"Shen Ling, why did Wuwei suddenly send someone over, do you keep staring at me?"

Shen Ling didn't say anything (Nuo Li's) for a while, and only spoke after a period of reaction.

"I don't think there may be a reason for not doing this. After he comes over, ask carefully before making a decision!"

Shen Ling thought that they were not in a hurry to go to that planet. They had already made previous preparations, and this time, even if they were slower, there would be no accident.

Shen Yi saw that he already thought so, and did not rush to set off, but sat there quietly waiting for the unnecessary arrival.

A little bit of time passed, and the staff of the Wuwei Empire were still there, motionless, without any slack, as if they were afraid of Shen Yi escaping.

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