Unconsciously, Shen Yi's patience was exhausted a little bit, and he felt that it was unnecessary to send these people to stop the pace of his actions.

Maybe he has gone to that planet secretly by himself, and with the previous guidance, it is already an easy thing to go to that planet.

"Can you tell me, why are you here for nothing?"

Shen Yi couldn't understand why so many people looked at him here as if they were afraid of escaping, and he couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

The people sent by Wuwei Empire were almost unable to stop Shen Yi. Fortunately, Wuwei rushed over at this time. He knew that he had made Shen Yi wait for a long time.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting here for so long, but I think you should 950 not be in a hurry to go to that planet again, in case something dangerous happens..."

Seeing the needless rush, it was to prevent himself from going to that planet.

My heart is puzzled, I don't understand how dangerous a small deep hatred can be.

"Don't be joking, you have already been to that planet, and there is no serious danger. You must go to see it again."

There is no need to see Shen Yi not believing his own words, and his heart is anxious.

"Unknown civilizations in interstellar space are very terrifying, and there may be some dangerous creatures that threaten your life.""

He didn't want to prevent Shen Yi from getting Maoyan, but just considering Shen Yi's safety, he hoped to help Shen Yi share some of it.

Now looking at the way he only thinks about the past, (ahdg) didn't know how to express it for a while.

Shen Yi understands what Wuyan is worried about, but since he has decided to go to that planet, he knows that there is a new life, and wants to challenge it.

"No matter how many unknown dangers there are, I want to challenge it, and I can't stop going to those planets that I haven't been to because of fear!"

Seeing that Shen Yi's attitude is so firm, it's meaningless to know that it doesn't make much sense for him to say a word more now.

He is willing to stay by his side all the time, and chooses to follow Shen Yi to expand his horizons.

"I'm going with you, where there are many dangers, it's good to have one more person.

Seeing him like this, Shen Yi didn't dislike being accompanied by someone, no matter how dangerous this matter was, he would go anyway.

"it is good!"

Wuwei thought of a lot of excuses in his mind trying to convince Shen Yi, but he agreed so readily, surprising himself.

Soon, they all sat on the spacecraft, ready to set off towards that planet.

But when Shen Ling was positioned, he was surprised to find that there were no planets in the original position.

"I remember that the planet was in this position before, but now it is not displayed on the map. Could it be that my memory is wrong. 95

When Shen Yi and Wuwei, who were sitting there, heard this sentence, they suddenly lost their calm, stood up and looked at the big screen, and found that there was nothing wrong with what Shen Ling said.

But the planet that was on the big screen before disappeared without a trace at this time, as if it had evaporated out of thin air.

A planet suddenly appeared not far away.

"There was no planet before, he looked exactly like the planet before."

It's unnecessary to think that this planet is the planet before, and discovered a shocking secret.

"Wow, this is the planet we went to before.

Needless to stare at it for a long time, and reacted, there is some surprise.

Shen Yi also confirmed that it was the planet they had been to before, and the planet actually moved.

This made Shen Yi even more curious and couldn't wait for this planet.

"Let's hurry up and see what's going on, hurry up to that planet."

Shen Yi was afraid that the longer he delayed, the planet might change its position.

Seeing Shen Yi like this, Shen Ling looked at him like this, driving the spaceship quickly.

It is hoped that the spacecraft will take off as soon as possible so that it can arrive accurately when the planet moves next time.

Wu Wu, who was next to him, sat in that place again, leisurely watching the outside of the spaceship.

Shen Yi couldn't wait in his heart, wishing to arrive in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the spaceship being so slow, I couldn't help urging Shen Ling.

"Shen Ling, you speed up the spaceship, come faster! 99

"However, that will consume a lot of energy, in case you can't come back..."

Facing Shen Yi's request, Shen Ling also had a lot of worries in his heart, afraid that things would become more serious.

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