"It's okay, don't worry, no matter what the problem is, I can solve it.

After hearing this sentence, Shen Ling could only do what Shen Yi asked.

The spaceship was moving quickly, and there was unnecessary discomfort, which looked very uncomfortable.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Shen Yi didn't react at all, looked at this pointless, a little worried, and just gave up if he didn't want to.

"I'm fine!"

Needless to adjust the state, do not let yourself have too much change.

Seeing him like this, Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief, already seeing the planet clearly.

"It will be there in a while."

Shen Ling watched the spaceship get closer and closer, slowed down, and felt that something was wrong with this planet.

"Let's not go, I think the planet is so weird, moving - so fast. 35

Ordinary planets move, but not so fast.

After Shen Ling said this, Shen Yi felt up and down in his heart, not sure if it was a good decision.

"It's ok!"

Shen Ling didn't land, looked at Shen Yi, and waited for him to change his mind.

Shen Er saw that Shen Ling was unwilling to do it, knowing that he was worried about everyone's safety.

As long as I am here, I will protect Shen Yi and the others well and not let them be endangered.

"Shen Ling, don't worry, with me here, I will protect everyone.

Shen Er's strength, Shen Ling is very clear, even if he has him, he still wants to think about it.

"Trust Shen Er, he will protect me."

Shen Yi is not a person who gives up halfway, at this time, he can only keep going.

"Shen Ling, land quickly, or we will miss it.

Under the urging of Shen Yi, Shen Ling could only do as he asked.

Soon he had reached this planet, and looking at everything on the planet, Shen Yi was ready to go down.

Shen Ling watched him go down, stunned for a moment, not knowing how to speak for a while.

"It's better to send a working robot to see what's going on."

This is for Shen Yi's safety consideration, Shen Yi just frowned and didn't say a word.

"Don't worry, it's fine, I'll go with Shen Yi."

Shen Er went down with Shen Yi without saying a word. Shen Yi did not stop around the spaceship and came to a relatively far place.

Watching him run so far, Shen Er couldn't help but worry about Shen Yi's safety.

"You run so far alone, in case there is any danger..."

"With you!

With Shen Er to protect himself, Shen Yi is completely at ease, not worried about what danger he will encounter.

Seeing his self-willed appearance, Shen Er sighed helplessly, and could only accompany Shen Yi silently.

Looking at the surface, Shen Yi didn't see anything wrong, except that the land had no nutrients.

Seeing Shen Yi like this, Shen Er didn't understand what he was trying to do with the dirt.

"Want to help?"

Shen Yi looked at Shen Er who couldn't wait, and just wanted to know more about it.

"You help to scrape the soil and see what's underneath."


When I first touched the soil, I always felt that there was something there.

Shen Er didn't understand why he let himself. Scraping the soil here, the soil here doesn't look any different at all.

Pulling the soil was just a waste of time, and it didn't take long for him to pull the soil. He looked helplessly at Shen Yi beside him.

"I don't know what's going on on this planet, I don't know what's hard under such thin soil.


While replying to Shen Yi, Shen Er patted the soil on his hand, which suddenly fell off his hand without leaving any traces.

Shen Yi didn't pay attention to him at all, instead he lowered his head and started to look at the place that was dug up just now.

Carefully touching the soil, I found that the lower layer seemed to be very hard, and I didn't know what it was.

If Shen Ling was by his side now, Shen Yi wouldn't need to have a headache because of this, he could be directly determined.

"What's the problem?"

Just when Shen Yi was thinking wildly, Shen Ling suddenly appeared beside him.

"Shen Ling, look at what these exposed things are, it should be the composition of this planet.

Shen Yi didn't ask him why he was here, but expected him to see something from this thing.

Shen Ling lowered his head to look at it and touched it lightly, it was very hard.

"This should be the crust of the planet, but why is it so hard? It's not normal. 350,000.

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