Shen Yi listened to his reasoning, but instead had a whimsy, thinking that he might be some metal.

Otherwise, how can it be so hard, don't think about trying things with induction iron.

"Why don't we try it with a magnet to see if it's iron underneath."

When Shen Er heard Shen Yi say this, he thought that he was a little bit open-minded, how could there be iron buried under the ground, could it be said that this planet was mainly formed of iron and made of iron.

"it is good!"

Shen zero. I also think that planets made of steel are not so easy at all, maybe just "nine five zero" is something else.

I also wanted to confirm, and quickly took the magnet, but I didn't expect it to be attracted all of a sudden.

"This, my God, is actually steel.

Even Shen Yi couldn't believe this result.

Shen Ling thought that this planet was too terrifying, and he should return to the spaceship as soon as possible to discuss what to do in the long run.

Not being able to let Shen Yi go on, will only make things more and more uncontrollable, and eventually become very dangerous.

"Let's go back first, the composition of this planet is too strange."

Shen Yi was not so stubborn at this time, but obediently returned to the spaceship and watched everything outside.

If I want to send the battleship to look for the location of the last explosion, I might be able to find some traces there.

"We don't know too much about this planet now, and everything is a little dangerous. It's better to send a warship out to find the center of the last explosion."

After all, last time they just guessed that there are other creatures on this planet, and so far they have not confirmed it.

"it is good!"

Wuwei has been in the spaceship, and strongly supports Shen Yi's proposal, thinking that sending a battleship to find the location of the explosion, and they go there to see what is going on, is the best solution at present.

Soon a battleship was dispatched, and Shen Yi's heart sank as he watched the sight around the battleship keep changing.

But it was soon found. The center point of the last explosion. Looking at the center point, there was a huge pit, which seemed to be a very powerful thing.

After all, it must be extraordinary to blow a hole on a steel-like surface, and it is full of combat effectiveness.

As the battleship got closer and closer, I actually saw some strange steps around the big pit, and I couldn't tell what kind of creature it was.

"You all take a close look at the footprints on the screen, do you know what kind of creature this is?"

Regarding this matter, Shen Yi could only check to see if any of the players present knew what it was, but he shook his head helplessly when he saw the footprints.

He felt that this should be a creature they had never seen before, otherwise how could it leave such strange footprints.

But how to speak has become a big problem.

Shen Er was well-informed, but he had never seen such a strange footprint before, and he was confused.

Shen Yi, who was expecting someone to give him an answer, looked at each of them with a frown, and already guessed some 0.

"You all don't have to be too embarrassed. Even if you don't know what footprints are, you can always guess whether they are human or not!"5

Although Shen Yi is very familiar with human clothing, the traces left by shoes are strange.

Looking at these strange traces, maybe it is also left by shoes.

Shen Ling completely broke all his fantasies after he just said this sentence.

"There is no human being who can leave such footprints, and this trace of life is not a normal human being at all."

Shen Yi originally had such doubts in his heart, but now that he heard such a firm answer, he became more certain, but he couldn't help but have a headache.

Curious about what such creatures look like, and whether it's a good or a bad thing for them.

Wouldn't give them a whole lot of trouble getting an opal with a 3.6.

Shen Yi had a headache and rubbed his temples, thinking that gathering these people together would not solve the fundamental problem.

"Let's take a look! 35

Shen Er wanted to see it in person, maybe through the lens, there would be some differences.

"it is good!"

Shen Yi and Shen Er stepped down from the battleship without hesitation and looked at the footprints on the ground.

I always feel that looking at the footprints here is not very sure, it is better to collect a small part and take it on the battleship to take a good look.

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