There is no need to see this situation, just standing there motionless, I always feel that it is not a solution to keep communicating like this.

He wanted to help Shen Yi, but he didn't expect the cloud-type person to see the needless approaching them, and quickly kept a long distance.

No need to give up this idea, Shen Yi talked for a long time over there before finally waiting for the other party to speak.

After finally waiting for the other party to speak, but not a word can be understood~, Shen Yi felt very strange.

Let Shen Ling record the moment and translate it to what exactly.

"Shen Ling, no matter what he says, you must record it."

Seeing Shen Yi like this, he could only do what Shen Yi asked him to do, and was unwilling to do anything.

"What the hell are you talking about, I didn't hear it clearly, why don't you say it again and let me understand what you mean."

Cloud man. As if he could never hear what Shen Yi said again, there was no response, which made Shen Yi anxious.

Shen Yi didn't know what to do for a while, and he didn't know how long it took before the other party finally opened his mouth and said similar words again.

Shen Ling did not neglect at all, and quickly recorded what the other party said.

At the beginning of the translation, what exactly did he mean, because such creatures are relatively rare, and even the system does not seem to have much information about this aspect, so it took a lot of effort to translate.

Shen Er was a little unhappy seeing so many strange things happened since they first came to this planet.

I don't think it's necessary to waste time because of this matter. With so much time, maybe I can find something more precious.

"Let's leave this planet quickly, these creatures are too scary and have no kindness towards us."

But Shen Yi didn't care at all, what the hell was he talking about now, looking forward to what he wanted, and it didn't take long for Shen Ling to translate it.

"What they mean is to get us out of here as soon as possible, not to stay on this planet. 35

Hearing such an answer, Shen Yi was a little disappointed. He thought that he had said so many words, and at least there should have been a better result.

"Let's leave now, or say..."

Shen Ling wanted to know what Shen Yi was thinking, no matter what he did, he could try it.

"No, I won't leave no matter what.

Now that they have put so much effort into it, Shen Yi doesn't think he has the idea of ​​giving up halfway.

It's not very good to be across the screen all the time, it's better to have face-to-face conversations with those creatures in person to show Shen Yi's sincerity in coming here.

"It doesn't matter, they live there or meet there by chance. I think I should have a good communication with them after I pass."

There was no need to wait for Shen Yi to talk to himself, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

I am always afraid that something bad will happen when I leave.


"I don't know if these creatures will stay here for a long time, and maybe they will go to other places."

Wuwei didn't dare to make a guarantee on this matter, because he was afraid that after he went back, they would suddenly disappear.

After Shen Yi heard what he said, he was slightly stunned, not knowing what to do for a while.

But he also thought that he had to hurry up to solve this matter.

If the solution is not good, the next thing will be more difficult to proceed.

"Where do you keep them, I'll be there soon."

After Shen Yi finished speaking, he directly cut off contact, feeling extremely helpless.

The cloud-type people were suddenly ready to leave, and when they saw that they were leaving, there was no need to panic.

Fearing something bad would happen, he stopped them quickly.

"Don't leave, my companions will come over in a while and have something to tell you. 35

Cloud-type people ignored him at all, and prepared to leave without looking back, meaningless they could only find a way to follow them.

Thanks to Shen Yi and the others, they moved in a timely manner, and they came directly soon.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, give me some opportunities, and I want to talk to you."

Seeing Shen Yi appearing again, the cloud type was very calm, saying similar things, and told them to leave.

Seeing that the other party's attitude was so firm, Shen Yi didn't mean to give up at all. Instead, he felt that his expression was not clear enough.

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