"We don't want to stay on this planet for long, we just want to bring something that belongs to this planet."

Shen Yi bitterly said a lot of words, hoping that the other party would agree to be here.

Cloud-type people don't care what the other party is saying at all, as if they have decided this matter and don't want to let Shen Yi's here.

"No matter what you say, it doesn't make any sense at all, so get out of here as soon as possible.

Shen Ling translated the other party's words again, and understood that the other party wanted Shen Yi and the others to leave.

But they came here on "Nine Five Three", and they would never leave until they got the opal.

The two became deadlocked because of this matter, and Shen Yi could only calm down his mood, and decided that this matter could not be given up no matter what.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to hurt you or spoil this place, I'll just leave soon when a small piece of smoke comes out.

The cloud-type person said a lot of words in front of Shen Yi, but did not respond. Shen Yi thought that he could get the other party's approval with a little more effort.

When he said a lot of words, the people over there have lost their last patience.

Even though they felt that Shen Yi had no malicious intentions, they still couldn't accept that they wanted to do something bad to the planet on which they lived. They stared at Shen Yi for a long time and spoke their language.

"You better not be here, we don't allow other creatures to be here.

Shen Ling was translating the other party's words again and again, you looked at it so troublesome, and suddenly thought that maybe there is a translator in your backpack.

As long as you wear it on the ear, you can easily hear the other party's words. It does not require such a great effort to communicate, and it will take a lot of time.

"Shen Ling, is there a translator in my backpack that can translate languages? Hurry up and take it out. It's too hard to communicate with them all the time."

Shen Yi's reminder made Shen Ling suddenly think about it and know what was going on.

Calm down as much as possible, don't let your heart fluctuate too much, and start looking.

It didn't take long to find two translators in the backpack, but they were all one-time use.


Shen Ling quickly brought the translator to Shen Yi's ear, Shen Yi could now understand the other party's words, and he was very happy.

"I don't understand why you are unwilling to accept me. We came to this planet with no malice and no intention of harming anyone."

"I know you have no ill will towards me, but we can't promise to give you the opal, the opal belongs to us, please leave!

As soon as the cloud type person finished speaking, he asked them to leave the planet at once, and in the blink of an eye Shen Yi was surprised to be outside the planet.

He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, but in order to get the opal, they put so much effort, how could they give up halfway...

"No matter how strong the opponent is this time, I will never give up getting the opal. 35

Seeing Shen Yi's stubborn appearance, Shen Ling didn't know what to do for a while.

"Let's not act rashly, this unknown creature can drive us out, it must be very powerful.

Shen Er said his true thoughts, not to fear the other party, but to consider all aspects for safety.

"Go to the planet again, don't believe they can keep us out.""

Shen Yi didn't believe the other party, he would drive himself out again and again, and ordered Shen Ling to approach the planet as soon as possible.

Shen Ling drove the spaceship, slowed down as much as possible, and approached slowly without attracting any attention.

When they didn't have time to land on the planet, suddenly a large number of cloud-type people appeared to block their way,

"I've already said, you don't come, why don't you listen to my persuasion 3.6?"

Cloud-type people don't understand why Shen Yi and the others are so stubborn, obviously causing them trouble.

"We have no ill will, just for the opal."

The Clouds watched as they were not ready to retreat, and started attacking them directly.

Shen Yi didn't expect the other party to be like this, and didn't sit still.

The battleship attack mode was turned on, and shields were used to protect their safety.

The two sides were at a stalemate, Shen Ling looked at this situation, and the shield could no longer hold on.

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