"We can no longer endure their attacks like this, and a slight counter-attack will not ease our situation at all.

If it continues like this, no matter how sturdy the protective cover is, it won't last long. It's time to find a way to solve the current situation as soon as possible.

I neither want to hurt these creatures, but I don't want to sit still like this and give up the idea of ​​looking for opals.

Shen Yi felt that it was better to fight with them to prove that he was stronger than them, and maybe he could get the recognition of the other party and was ready to jump off the spaceship.

However, Shen Er felt that for such a powerful creature, everything was unknown, and it was too risky for Shen Yi to rush up like this.

"I'll go first, I can protect you."

After Shen Er finished speaking, he went straight down and fought with the cloud type person.

Seeing him constantly shuttling among the cloud pedestrians, Shen Yi was worried, and Shen Er also tried his best to solve the crisis.

But after entanglement for a long time, Shen Er found that the strength of himself and the other party was only a competition.

It even takes a lot of effort to support it. If it goes on for a long time, the other party may defeat him.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Shen Er quickly returned to the spacecraft.

"The opponent's strength is too powerful, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent for a long time, we should leave here as soon as possible to protect the safety of all of us.

Seeing that the most powerful people can't beat them, it is unnecessary to think that they should withdraw. Don't always stubbornly pursue the opal, as the opal cannot change too much of the status quo.

"Let's leave soon, don't stay here any longer.""

Wuwei wanted to leave here from the beginning, and encountered so many difficulties, proving that they can't.

"No, I have to try to convince them."

Shen Yi's attitude is firm, he will never give up on this matter.

"I have no ill will towards you, so I don't need to mention the opal, I want to stay here and live for a while.

After the cloud-type person heard him say this, he fell into thinking, not knowing whether he should agree or not.

Looking at the other party's hesitation, Shen Yi knew what he should do next. As long as there is value that can be used, the other party will definitely let him stay.

"Don't worry, you must have never seen anything on our planet, I brought some things just for you to take a look at.

Hearing these words, the cloud-type person began to think, and there was some heartbeat.

"You stayed, but I won't give you an opal."

Shen Yi didn't believe his ears, and looked at Shen Ling next to him in surprise, wanting to know what was going on.

"Did he say let me stay?"

Seeing Shen Yi looking so happy, he was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to speak.


Seeing Shen Yi so happy, Shen Er was a little worried,

"I'll go with you, so that even if there is any danger, I can accompany you. 39

Seeing that Shen Er was going to walk with him, Shen Yi was a little embarrassed, and some things were not easy at all.

"No need, I'll go alone.

Shen Yi went alone, and the cloud type person looked at what Shen Yi brought, and didn't have any interest in him.

Shen Yi tried to know their living habits from their mouths.

Cloud-type people have a very indifferent attitude towards Shen Yi, without any trust.

Seeing Shen Yi like this, the cloud type people are full of rejection towards him.

"Why don't you want to tell you how you live, I know more about you and know how to do things. 99

Shen Yi couldn't bear it any longer, and after all, the thoughts in his heart poured out directly.

The cloud type person looked at Shen Yi without any fear, but smiled instead.

They never disdain to share their living habits with anyone and tell anyone, they will only grasp their weaknesses without any benefit.

"I'm afraid we can't tell you about our living habits in all aspects, if you are really interested, you can ask other people.

Seeing the cloud type person like this, Shen Yi calmed down and knew that he had to figure it out.

Only by being able to prescribe the right medicine, so as to grasp the most important things.

"I've asked a lot of people, but why are you so defensive about me, can you tell me why?

"I'm sorry, please ask that cloud-shaped person, he can tell you everything."

Looking at the cloud-shaped person in the middle, Shen Yi was full of questions, and no questions came up.

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