Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 238 Thinking about the cloud-shaped person in Shen Ling's hands\r

Because of the Dreadnought Empire, the news spread to the entire interstellar space.

Many people knew about this and thought that if they could get one of such a powerful creature, it would be even more powerful.

After inquiring for a long time, there is no clue.

Some people in the Fearless Empire learned of the result and saw it as a chance to make money.

They learned a lot of information about the planet from their useless mouths, and they believed that they could easily find it.

Soon some people knew the location, although they spent a lot of money, compared to the value of the cloud type, it was only a drop in the bucket.

07 No matter how many people go, they are not opponents of the other party. Not only did they not get recognition, but they fled.

Some people even went to that planet and lost their lives, and this matter soon reached Shen Ling's ears.

There is no need to regret that I told so many people about these things, so that so many things happened later.

Cloud-type people are so rare, someone will come to find Shen Ling soon.

"I told the people of the Fearless Empire about this matter, I didn't expect that they would take this opportunity to make money, and I'm afraid someone will snatch the cloud type people away soon.

When Shen Er heard this sentence, he felt up and down, thinking that the other party was going too far, and he actually publicized these things, which was completely causing trouble for Shen Ling.

The Clouds who were given to them were nothing more than a child, and there was no harm in it.

"Do you know that since you chose to follow Shen Ling, you shouldn't bring a lot to Shen Ling, please do so now..."

Shen Ling saw that the two of them were about to quarrel, and finally stopped.

"Since it's already happened, don't continue arguing, it doesn't make much sense. 35

Now arguing like this will only cause them to have internal strife, which is meaningless at all.

Shen Er was silent for a while, and left in despair.

Shen Ling knew that taking advantage of this opportunity now, he had to strengthen his own strength.

Only when they become stronger, those people can't take the cloud type people away from themselves.

"Shen Ling, have there been interstellar monsters recently, I have to defeat them before I can get more energy! 35

Shen Ling saw that he wanted more energy and confirmed that this was not the most important thing.

No matter how much energy there is, it can only be used by Shen Er and the others, but Shen Ling's own strength will not increase with this.

Only by consolidating Shen Ling's strength can he become stronger.

"The main thing for us at the moment is not to find energy, but to consolidate your strength, borrow some equipment, and you can finish it soon."5

Shen Ling's reminder made Shen Ling react at once, realizing that he had indeed neglected to consolidate his strength before.

"If you have any equipment, hurry up and take it out!"

No matter what it is, Shen Ling only wants to make himself stronger quickly, and can't let others snatch the cloud-type person from his own hands.

For the cloud type people, everyone has paid too much price and will not give it to others.

Shen Ling took out a chip and began to introduce it.

As long as Shen Ling can completely absorb this chip and integrate with the clothes on his body, he can become more powerful.

"You need to make the chip and the clothes blend together, and it adds ten points of strength.

Shen Ling took the chip and returned to the warehouse, isolated from the outside world.

There is no need to understand that the situation is so serious, why should Shen Ling be left alone.

Shen Ling looked at him like this, but ignored him and went to do other things.

The cloud-shaped man suddenly appeared beside Wuwei, floating in the air, and he didn't have any influence in the spaceship.

But now he doesn't have any lethality, and he won't do anything other than play around in the spaceship every day.

It's meaningless to see him like this, it's a headache, and I don't know what to say for a while.

"You don't want to be here, just stay in the room."

After dropping this sentence, where does the cloud type person wander alone?

In the two days on the spaceship, Shen Ling didn't know how to take care of a cloud-type talent to make him stronger day by day.

So that such a powerful creature is leisurely on the spacecraft every day.

When Shen Ling came out again, it was only an hour, looking at the cute and lovely cloud-type person in front of him, and wanted to make him powerful as soon as possible.

"Why are you alone and no one else?"

I was just trying to give it a try, and didn't have any expectations.

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