The cloud type person was slightly stunned when Shen Yi asked this question, and smiled faintly.

"I'm here alone, and Shen Er and the others think that I'm useless, and that being here will only add to the trouble."

Shen Yi didn't expect that Yun-type people could sensitively feel other people's attitude towards him, and he couldn't help but have other thoughts in his heart.

Wanting to give it a try, how smart the cloud type person is, he said without hesitation.

"Can you take a look at what the answer is."

The cloud-shaped man stared at the strange content above and kept silent.

Shen Yi thought that he was thinking too much, and was ready to leave. The cloud type person had already told Shen Yi the answer.


Cloud-type people do not know what he did wrong, let him suddenly look like this, cautiously.

"Did I say something wrong? If there is any problem, don't be too angry. 35

Looking at the cloud-shaped person so cautiously, a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay, you have fun, I have something to do.

After separating from the cloud type, Shen Yi couldn't wait to start communicating with Shen Ling.

"I suddenly discovered that cloud people are not just the ones we know, they have very smart IQs."

Shen Ling was a little dubious after hearing Shen Yi's words, and always felt that every word he said didn't sound very true.

After all these days and his getting along, it has been seen that there is nothing special about the cloud type person.

"Could it be that you have such an illusion because you wish too much for a cloud-type person to do excellent things 々︾.

Shen Yi knew that Shen Ling was worried about his own situation, but this matter was definitely not a problem.

"Otherwise, you can go to other places to search to see if they have a high IQ, and by the way, give me the guide for raising cloud-type people.

Seeing that Shen Yi was really going to raise a cloud-type person, Shen Ling hoped that he would be sent back as soon as possible.

"You better send him back quickly, and live more robustly on your own planet, without the help of external forces.

Shen Yi understands his painstaking efforts, but so many people already know the news that Shen Yi has obtained the cloud type person.

Even if it is sent back to the cloud-type person, there will be a lot of troubles coming to the door.

"You do as I ask and don't have any problems.""

In desperation, Shen Ling had to follow his request.

Shen Yi devotes his mind to the cloud-type person, Wuwei and Shen Er have no way of understanding.

"Why do you spend all your thoughts on him, why don't you think about how to deal with those people next.

Shen Er was worried that other people in the interstellar space would find them, and it would be even more troublesome in the future.

Shen Yi turned a blind eye to their words, and kept playing with the Cloud-type people.

Because of Shen Yi's company, Cloud-type people are more and more dependent on Shen Yi, and are curious about everything on the spacecraft.

Shen Ling had found what Shen Yi needed and ran out.

"This is the handbook for raising a cloud person. You just follow the above and the cloud person will grow up very quickly."5

Shen Yi took the manual and looked at the guide on how to raise a cloud-type person, and was very interested in this.

Holding the manual and returning to the room, Wuwei and Shen Er did not understand why Shen Ling would do what Shen Yi asked.

"`"How can we raise cloud-type people, so many people have been eyeing us..."

Shen Er saw that the two of them were also extremely opposed to this matter, and didn't know how to respond for a while, after all, Shen Yi's request had to be met as much as possible.

"Okay, cloud-type people are very smart. Shen Yi raises them as soon as possible and can help fight against those people."

Shen Ling didn't want to listen to the chatter between the two of them, so he left directly.

Shen Yi learned from the guide that cloud pedestrians need to consume a lot of energy points every day.

The method of the planet itself can (Nuo Li Zhao) meet the energy they need, but on the spaceship, Shen Yi's energy is obtained by fighting interstellar monsters.

Thinking of these, I suddenly understood why the cloud-type people have been here for so long, why there is no change.

Just the energy that Shen Yi has now cannot sustain the growth of cloud-type people. Shen Yi decided to go out and collect some energy sources.

Looking at the cute cloud-shaped man, I touched him and gave him some energy.

"Let's take a quick look around to see if there is any energy around, I need a lot of energy.

No wonder why Shen Yi suddenly needs energy, the energy in their hands can still be used for a long time.

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