Cloud-type people didn't get the order and didn't stop, as if they were about to take the lives of these four or five people, Shen Yi hurriedly stopped.


Several people hugged and shivered, not expecting to be so powerful.

In addition to being afraid, they are more unwilling and unwilling, why are they not so lucky to be able to get such a powerful creature without Shen Yi.

"Will a few of you still miss the cloud-type person in the future?"

Shen Yi looked at them and showed no mercy. Once they didn't give up the idea, naturally, he wouldn't let them go.

Several people just want to protect their own lives at this time, and have no other thoughts.

Looking at the cloud-shaped person in front of him, he couldn't wait to be 108,000 miles away from him.

"I'll never have this idea again, just let me go!"

After he finished speaking, he would wave his hand when he was satisfied, and he would all arrive on his battleship.

Only after a few people's hanging hearts completely let go, they drove the battleship and left without looking back.

Shen Ling watched the cloud-type person leave like this, and never let Shen Er get started from the beginning.

"It looks like someone will take your place in the future, protect Shen Yi well!"

Shen Er felt a little uncomfortable when Shen Yi didn't let himself shoot from the beginning to the end.

It was even more uncomfortable to hear Shen Ling say this, and I felt that I needed to upgrade so that I could have more functions to help Shen Yi.

"Who says I'm useless, I have more functions than cloud-type people, how could Shen Yi not need me. 39

Shen Ling was just making a joke with him, but he didn't expect the other party to be so attentive and silent.

Shen Yi was very satisfied with the performance of the cloud type person just now, knowing that he still needs to continue to grow.

Only when it grows thoroughly can it become a more powerful species in interstellar space.

"You have a good rest, don't come out, there is still some energy to replenish here."

Shen Yi took out a few capsules and handed them to the cloud type person, and the cloud type person left directly.

Only then did he notice that Shen Er was strange, Shen Yi didn't understand what was going on.

"What did the two of you say? Why does Shen Er look gloomy."

Shen Er heard Shen Yi's voice and approached at once.

"This time there is danger, why don't you call me, but take the cloud type person directly..."

Seeing Shen Er's jealous look, Shen Yi guessed what was going on.

The incident happened suddenly just now, so I rushed over in a hurry, believing that Shen Ercai didn't inform him.

"Okay, you didn't come here yourself."

Shen Er looked at Shen Yi's understatement, but suddenly had other thoughts in his heart.

If he can upgrade himself, become more powerful and have more functions, Shen Yi needs himself more.

"Shen Yi, can you upgrade me, after I upgrade, there will be more functions to help you.

Seeing that he offered to upgrade, I understood that he was only aware of the sense of crisis, but Shen Yi would not abandon Shen Er no matter what.


Even if the reason is clear, there is still some hesitation.

0...・・ Flowers・

Upgrading him also requires a lot of energy, and now most of the energy on the battleship is given to the cloud type.

"If you have a cloud type person, you don't want me anymore, you see the cloud type person has used so much energy...

Shen Ling looked at Shen Er and deliberately embarrassed Shen Yi. He couldn't stand it any longer. Before he could speak, he was stopped.

"Okay, I'll upgrade you, and I'll see how much energy the battleship has.

Shen Er saw that he promised himself, and his heart blossomed.

A piece came to the energy storage room, opened the door and saw a lot of energy.

"Shen Ling, see if these energy sources are enough to upgrade Shen Er. 99

"Not enough, it's still a lot worse, I'm afraid I need to collect some.

Shen Er originally thought that he could become more powerful soon, but he was suddenly unhappy when he heard this.

Thinking that Shen Yi didn't want to upgrade himself at all, he deliberately delayed himself.

"Did you delay me on purpose and don't want to upgrade me? 99

Shen Er lost and ran away, Shen Yi knew that there was a cloud type person, and left Shen Er in the cold.

"Don't worry, Shen Er can calm down a bit. Now that there is no energy, there is no way to upgrade."

Shen Ling comforted Shen Yi and hoped that he could relax.

"It's okay, I'll leave first. 39

Shen Yi doesn't believe that there is no other way to quickly collect energy, so Shen Er can definitely be upgraded.

What is promised must be done. This is Shen Yi's consistent style.

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