Shen Yi, who returned to the room, fell into deep thought, not knowing how to collect energy.

Suddenly a new idea emerged, that some energy can be recovered and exchanged with them for other things.

Shen Yi still has some gems that can improve his abilities, just for those who need it.

The level has reached a high enough level that these low-level gems are not needed.

Quickly hung up the gems in the store, originally just holding the mentality of giving it a try.

I didn't expect to see that many people exchanged energy for what they needed "nine-fifty-seven" just after it was put on the shelves.

There are many newbies who can get a lot of energy when they just log in, but some things can't be obtained no matter how hard they try.

Shen Yi quickly recovered a large amount of energy, and upgrading Shen Er was still a lot worse.

Before reaching his goal, Shen Yi was a little lost and didn't know what to do for a while, as if he had encountered a thorny problem.

At this time, Shen Ling suddenly ran in in a panic, and just now he had detected that someone around seemed to be sending a distress signal.

At first, he was not very sure that he would not dare to disturb him, but now it is completely certain that someone on the nearest planet is sending three distress signals.

After that, there is no news, and it must pass as soon as possible while the time is still early.

"I just saw that someone on a planet not far away sent three distress signals. Do you want to go over and take a look, maybe which player has encountered difficulties.

Shen Ling's sudden news made Shen Yi see hope, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

I also know that I might get a lot of energy by taking this opportunity, and I can upgrade Shen Er at that time.

"Driving the battleship over there."

Seeing Shen Yi's kind-hearted appearance, Shen Ling guessed that he might have other motives, after all, with Shen Yi's character, he wouldn't mind nosy at all.

"You can't wait to rush over, if you have other ideas, you might as well tell me, maybe I can still help.

Hearing these words, Shen Yi calmed down a little and treated him honestly.

"I think that since someone has encountered difficulties, they must have encountered star monsters. As long as all the star monsters are defeated, I can get some energy."

Seeing Shen Yi calmly, Shen Ling didn't say a word, very calm.

After all, I calmed down a little bit, and didn't let my heart fluctuate too much.

"Well, the interstellar monsters on that planet should not be very powerful."

Shen Ling investigated the planet and determined that there were no interstellar monsters that were too dangerous.

Soon, the battleship set off directly, heading towards that planet.

Soon, they reached the planet and slowly landed. Shen Yi just got off the battleship and saw a lot of interstellar monsters there.

It was as if it was attacking something, but because the siege was too deep, it was impossible to see what the Lord was asking for help.

Shen Er also followed closely after knowing that Shen Yi had left the battleship....

Understand that coming here is just to gain energy and improve one's strength.

He will definitely help Shen Yi overcome all difficulties, seeing only some low-level interstellar monsters in front of him.

I always feel that it is a waste of time to come here, it is better to go to other planets.

Thinking of this, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Why do we come here? Although there are a lot of interstellar monsters, they are all low-level monsters. Only by eliminating them all can I level up.

Seeing that Shen Er didn't know when he appeared behind him, Shen Yi understood that the other party was still worried about his own safety, and felt warm in his heart.

"It's just that I received a distress signal from other players, and I can't ignore other players.

Shen Er looked at Shen Yi's nosy business, and was extremely helpless, and rushed into the group of interstellar monsters.

It turned into a lightning-like blade and shuttled among these interstellar monsters.

Looking at Shen Er so hard, Shen Yi easily got to the middle and saw where a player was struggling to support, and there were people around who sacrificed.

"Hurry up and grab my hand, I'll take you out of here, and the rest of the monsters will be dealt with. 35

The player saw that someone came to save him, but he didn't stretch out his hands and was stunned there.

Tears flowed from his eyes as if he was very excited. For a while, Shen Yi didn't know what to do, so he just stood still.

The surrounding interstellar monsters noticed someone breaking in and attacked Shen Yi.

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