Shen Yi realized that unless he eliminated all the interstellar monsters, he would not be able to save this man, so he simply ignored him and started eliminating the monsters directly.

Suddenly, out of thin air appeared in his hand, a laser shot out of a gun, enough to kill a large number of interstellar monsters.

The man behind him just froze there, watching Shen Yi's every move motionless, as if he had never seen it before.

It didn't take long for him to harvest a lot of energy. To Shen Yi's surprise, these energy sources could just improve the second level of Shen.

Seeing so much energy, even Shen Yi himself was a little surprised, and the man beside him spoke slowly at this time.

"My name is Liu Mingming. Thank you for your life-saving grace. If it wasn't for your help, I would have died here."

Only then did Shen Yi know what the rescued man was called, and he felt a little embarrassed looking at his enthusiastic appearance.

He only came here because of 07 energy, otherwise he wouldn't care what happened on this planet, but it was impossible to say these words.

"It's just a little effort, after all, I can get a lot of energy by killing these interstellar monsters.

Speaking very calmly, Shen Yi did not intend to communicate with him at all, and turned around to leave.

Liu Mingming suddenly pulled Shen Yi, and the expression on his face did not change much.

"Don't leave yet, anyway I should thank you for saving me, here are some of my resources for you.

Seeing his strange appearance, Shen Yi didn't know what to say for a while.

Although he wanted these resources very much, Shen Yi couldn't bear the gratitude of others after all.

"I think it's just a matter of hands, and I shouldn't be thanked by you. You should take it back. Accepting these things, I feel ashamed."

After Shen Yi finished speaking, he was about to board the spaceship, but was still stopped by Liu Mingming.

"No matter what you think in your heart, at least I would like to thank you for your life-saving grace, otherwise I will feel sorry for these things in my heart, so just accept it. 99

Shen Ling could see that the other party didn't have any bad thoughts in his heart. Thanks to Shen Yi, even if he accepted it, it wouldn't have much impact.

It's been a stalemate like this all the time, but it's a headache.

"I think you should keep these things, at least it's someone else's will."

Will these materials be of great help to Shen Yi for a while, but all the problems will be solved one day.

Shen Yi saw that Shen Ling had begun to persuade himself, thinking that there was no need to be too stubborn.

"I accept it, I hope you don't continue to follow us."

Liu Mingming watched Shen Yi finally accept the things, and then let them board the battleship.

After leaving the battleship, I thought that I would meet Liu Mingming just like that.

Unexpectedly, when driving a certain distance, Shen Ling saw the battleship that had been following them.

"From the beginning, Liu Mingming has been following us, as if unwilling to leave.

Shen Yi can only pass information to Liu Mingming.

"Why do you still follow us, I have accepted your thanks, I can't follow us all the time, you also have your own things to do. 35

Liu Mingming didn't expect Shen Yi to notice him so quickly, he not only wanted to send those things to thank.

Always follow Shen Yi to protect Shen Yi's safety. If there is any danger, you can help Shen Yi share one or two.

"No, just sending those things is not enough, in order to express my gratitude to you, I want to follow you all the time!

Seeing Liu Mingming being so stubborn, Shen Yi957 regretted staying in the first place and should have left without so much trouble.

"Actually, you really don't have to do this. I'm already very embarrassed to receive your thank you gift. How can I keep you following me."

But Liu Mingming was very stubborn in this matter and insisted on following Shen Yi all the time.

"Shen Ling, is there a way for us to get rid of him in a short period of time, we can't keep him following us all the time."

Shen Yi likes to do things alone, and he doesn't know Liu Mingming at all, so he can't help but worry.

"This...I'm afraid not yet."

There is no way for Shen Ling to increase the speed in a short period of time unless the battleship can be upgraded.

"We really have no way to get rid of him. If there is any way, we can say it directly without worrying too much."

Shen Yi doesn't like following the stalkers behind them all the time, it will make things worse.

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