Liu Mingming really didn't expect that Shen Yi would be so fierce and think that he couldn't stay here forever, causing trouble to Shen Yi and the others, and they couldn't do anything well.

After Shen Yi treated the cloud type person's wound, he looked at the cloud type person seriously.

He knew that Liu Mingming would not inexplicably hurt the cloud-type person, so there must be something wrong.

"Can you tell me what happened while the two of you were on the ship.

Cloud-type people know that it is their own problem, if it is not malicious ridicule, Liu Mingming will not happen next.

Thinking about it, I didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Shen Yi looked at his hesitant look and guessed what was going on.

Thinking of the scene in which I scolded Liu Mingming just now, I couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Thinking that he is too fierce for Liu Mingming, he just survived in this interstellar space more difficult than 07.

Leaving the cloud-shaped man's room and looking for Liu Mingming, he couldn't find him, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"Shen Er, hurry up and see where Liu Mingming has gone, he is so weak now, it is difficult to protect himself. 35

Shen Yi finally came to Shen Er for help, and soon found Liu Mingming in the warehouse, and quickly looked for it.

"Don't continue to be unhappy, the cloud type person will be fine."

Liu Mingming didn't expect Shen Yi to find himself so quickly, and his heart has been much calmer since just now.

Understand that it is your own problem, and you shouldn't take big shots on cloud-type people.

It is inappropriate to deal with those interstellar monsters, without the ability to bully cloud-type people here.

"I shouldn't have shot the cloud man in a fit of rage, he's an interstellar creature anyway.

Seeing Liu Mingming taking advantage of others' mistakes, Shen Yi was not happy at all, but rather distressed.

"Just now, I didn't investigate the situation clearly, so I was so strict with you, it was too indiscriminate.

The two admitted their problems to each other, and Liu Mingming had also figured out another thing just now.

"Actually, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you. I hope you will not reject me because of this."5

Seeing Liu Mingming's awkward and unnatural look, Shen Yi couldn't guess what was going on.

"If you have anything, just say it, what happened today is that I misunderstood you, it's not that you can't do anything well..."

"I'm afraid you will take me in for a while. I always add trouble to you, so please bear with me."

Liu Mingming couldn't find a place to stay for a while, and couldn't think of where his base was.

I can only ask Shen Yi to take him in temporarily for a while, seeing that he is actually hesitant because of this matter.

Shen Yi knew that Liu Mingming had been hit hard during the time Liu Mingming was on the spacecraft.

Everything on the spacecraft needs to be learned slowly before it can be used proficiently.

"You don't actually need to be so careful, it's normal for the things on the spacecraft to be poorly controlled. It was unnecessary to be here before, but it added a lot of trouble.

Watching Shen Yi enlighten himself, he didn't agree with this matter, and he was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Do you not want to take me here anymore, if not, I will think of other ways. 35

It's not that I don't want Liu Mingming to stay here, although I did have such thoughts before, but seeing Liu Mingming like this now makes me feel a little distressed.

"No, you can live here for as long as you want."

Seeing that Shen Yi didn't want to drive him away because he accidentally hurt the cloud-type person, Liu Mingming's heart dropped a little.

It's just that life on the spacecraft will take some time to get used to.


"If you have any problems, you can go to the pointless, he will help you."

Shen Er's character Shen Yi knows too much, even if he said it himself, he would not help Liu Mingming.

Liu Mingming didn't expect Shen Yi to think about himself, and who should he turn to for help if he doesn't get used to it.

My heart is warm, and the previous sourness has disappeared.

Just as Liu Mingming left, Shen Er ran out and looked at Shen Yi.

"I know the most clearly about the spaceship, why didn't he ask me, but it was useless. 99

Looking at Shen Er, Shen Yi regretted letting him have such an ability, and he didn't even have the slightest privacy.

He simply walked away from Shen Er without saying a word.

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