Shen Ling knew about this very quickly, but he didn't expect that Shen Yi would forgive Liu Mingming, and was very surprised.

I ran to Shen Yi's room and watched him for a while, not knowing how to ask.

"I heard about Liu Mingming and the cloud type person. How could you let Liu Mingming off so easily?"

Shen Ling remembered that Shen Yi couldn't wait to let Liu Mingming leave, but now it has become like this.

From the very beginning, Shen Yi wanted Liu Mingming to leave, but could not find a suitable reason.

"I don't know either, I just feel that I can't blame Liu Mingming for what happened this time."

Although Shen Yi wanted to send Liu Mingming away, he didn't want to take advantage of the situation.

Shen Ling could see that Shen Yi was soft-hearted in the matter of Liu Mingming, otherwise it would definitely not be the current situation.

"You won't be merciful this time, right? I think you've never been merciful. There should be a reason this time."

Seeing that Shen Ling knew him so well, Shen Yi didn't know what was going on this time.

Every time I saw Liu Mingming's pitiful appearance, Yu Xin couldn't bear it, and couldn't bear to be too harsh on him.

"I can tell you something, but you have to keep it a secret.

Shen Yi's cautious look made Shen Ling's mood complicated, and he didn't understand what was going on.

Always thinking that Liu Mingming had some unsolved mystery, he approached Shen Yi.

"Go ahead, I won't tell anyone else, you can rest assured about this 々︾.""

"I don't know why, every time I approach Liu Mingming, I have a strange feeling.

Shen Yi couldn't tell exactly what he was feeling, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Shen Ling didn't know what was going on, so he comforted Shen Yi and told him not to be brooding about this matter.

"Don't worry, this matter is nothing at all, you don't have to worry about it.

Shen Yi was in a much better mood after listening to him comfort him. At this time, the cloud-type person hurried in.

Seeing that the cloud-type person is safe and sound, the worries in his heart have also disappeared.

"It's fine if you have nothing to do, don't quarrel with Liu Mingming.

The cloud type didn't expect Shen Yi to suddenly say such a thing, and was stunned for a while, always thinking that this time it was Liu Mingming's problem.

"You're not here, Liu Mingming bullied me at will, is it just like this to let him go. 35

Watching the cloud-type person lose control little by little, Shen Yi realized that he couldn't explain it clearly.

Maybe he hasn't come out of what happened just now, and there is some anger to say such unreasonable things.

"You go back to your room first and then rest more, don't stay here all the time."

The cloud type didn't expect Shen Yi's attitude towards him to be so indifferent, he left without saying a word.

"Are you doing this too obviously to favor Liu Mingming and let go of this matter?

Shen Ling was worried that the incident of Shen Yi would make Yun-type people unhappy, and more bad things would happen in the future.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

After Shen Yi let Shen Ling leave, he lay there alone.

Liu Mingming soon learned that Yun Xingren was safe and sound, and was going to apologize to him.

Only by letting the cloud-type people forgive themselves, can they continue to live on this spaceship.

Otherwise, the next thing will become more troublesome, take the initiative to find the cloud type person.

Seeing Liu Mingming's appearance, the cloud-type person has a very bad attitude, and thinks that it is not Liu Mingming's reason, and Shen Yi will not be so indifferent to himself.

"`"What on earth are you doing here, is it to see if I am seriously injured and leave here?"

Seeing the cloud-type person being so indifferent to him, Liu Mingming didn't know how to say the words on his lips for a while, so he could only calm down as much as possible.

"It was indeed my fault that we had a dispute on the spaceship before. I shouldn't be so extreme towards you. It was because I didn't ask myself clearly, and using those things seemed a little stupid (of King Nuo's)."

Liu Mingming admitted his own problems and spoke out about it frankly.

"Even so, I just say it at will, and you take action against me, and you don't treat yourself as a guest at all... life"

After saying a lot of things, Liu Mingming was very helpless and didn't understand why he didn't forgive himself.

"I have already admitted my mistake, you have to hold on to this matter, I really can't help it.

Liu Mingming has tried his best, but the cloud type person has been unwilling to forgive himself, and is very powerless.

"Tell me what I do to be able to forgive me."

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