Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 25: The Black Eclipse Dragon Is Actually A Manufactured Biological Weapon!

At this moment, Shen Yi found seven signs in the hall with the words written on them.

Among them, there are four pieces with portraits, and the suspected characters are introduced.

There are two other things that seem to be prohibited.

After all, the bold red characters were exceptionally conspicuous.

However, Shen Yi didn't mind, and now he doesn't know anything about this world.

Being able to absorb even a little bit of information was very helpful to him.

Soon, the translated text appeared next to the sign.

Moreover, this time there is a dotted line to guide the way, so that Shen Yi can easily identify which brand the translated text belongs to.

At least in terms of intelligence, it is more than a notch higher than the base computer that required an operating console before.

Of course, this has nothing to do with artificial intelligence.

It's just a lot more comfortable to operate.

[Professor Ryan Brees, one of the top 100 biology professors in the Federation, his main achievements are "The Theory of Biological Gene Enhancement", and he has made great achievements in biological genes. Human-made terrifying biological biological warfare beast 'Black Eclipse Dragon']

[Professor Dolart, one of the top 100 biological blood professors in the Federation, his main achievements are "Biological Genetic Modification and Fusion Theory", and he has made great achievements in genetic modification and fusion. Biochemical War Beast 'Black Eclipse Dragon']

【Professor Wen Ang....】

【Professor Milea......】


"Hey! It turns out that they made this black eclipse dragon?"

Shen Yi looked at the translation beside the sign and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

However, judging from the introduction of the black eclipse dragon, the opponent does meet the point of biological and biochemical warfare.

That black-purple phosphorous powder that can cause creatures to go crazy is really terrifying!

Once there is such a wave in densely populated areas.

You don't even need more attack methods, you can directly turn a large area into a Senluo hell in an instant!

All the creatures will be madly fighting together.

This effect is no worse than the biological and chemical weapons on Earth!

Moreover, most of the biological and chemical weapons on earth are disposable, similar to gas bombs and the like.

But this black eclipse dragon only infects the enemy through phosphorus powder.

In terms of cost, the two are simply incomparable.

"Could it be that the hole in the gate and the scratches in the hall are caused by this black eclipse dragon?" Shen Yi pondered.

If this is the case, then this biological research institute is really weak enough!

He was actually destroyed by the creature he studied.

However, there is only one small biological research institute in the Federation, and there are more than 100.

They can create monsters like the Black Eclipse Dragon.

Is the biotechnology in this world a little too outrageous?

Those medium-sized research institutes and large-scale research institutes can produce the so-called biological war beasts of A-level and even S-level?

"If this is the case, then this world is more dangerous than imagined..."

Thinking of this possibility, Shen Yi frowned.

He is not bad at dealing with B-level creatures now, relying on the advantage of numbers, he can directly crush it.

But to deal with A-level or even S-level creatures, it is not enough.

This is like using AK to fight the top 99A main battle tank in China.

You can't even penetrate other people's armor, so what's the use of more people?

Shen Yi didn't think that being an S-rank biological beast that could reach A-rank would be a good existence.

"I hope this is just my overthinking..."

Shen Yi was a little worried.

If it is as he guessed, then his current technology, in front of this planet, is really nothing.

Of course, Shen Yi still had some guesses in his heart.

That is, the civilization of this world has been destroyed, and the evidence is these dense monsters.

To be honest, the monsters on this Gobi Desert are not that strong.

Even the B-rank Black Eclipse Dragon is only more powerful.

His swarms of C-rank Type 1 battle droids can sweep through them with ease.

Not to mention the Federation that may have a large number of B-rank and even A-rank and S-rank combat power.

If the other party really wants to sweep the monsters in this area, it's really too easy.

Even those nations on Earth can do it.

And, it doesn't cost much to do this.

So, there is only one possibility that this will happen now.

That is that the Federation is not capable of handling this matter, or it will simply be overwhelmed and destroyed!

Of course, whether this civilization is destroyed or not, it is not a good thing for him.

"It seems that the rhythm of becoming stronger must be stepped up."

Shen Yi's face turned gloomy.

It seems that transactions with players must be done as soon as possible. On the one hand, players can be promoted as soon as possible.

Improves the quality of blueprint appearance.

On the other hand, let him shave the wool a little thicker.

What's more, he will not trade too much with the same player, and it is impossible for a single player to buy too much.

After Shen Yi had a calculation in his mind, he looked at the other signs.

In addition to the four signs with biographies written on them, the other three are two warning signs and one guide sign.

The warning signs are [Do not take any genes from the laboratory out of the laboratory, violators will be held accountable by the federation] and [do not conduct research on human genes, violators will be held accountable by the federation].

Obviously, even in outer planets, the modification of human genes is also not allowed.

At least, such a small laboratory is not allowed.

The effects of changing human genes are too great to shake the continuation of one's own race in a fundamental way.

No civilization can accept such a thing.

As for the last signpost, it was very helpful to Shen Yi.

It is clearly recorded in the various rooms of this laboratory.

A series of things such as laboratories, reference rooms, equipment rooms, and the director's office are clearly marked on it.

This will greatly reduce the time Shen Yi spends searching blindly like a headless fly.

"Go to the office of the director of the institute first, there should be some information I want."

Shen Yi controlled a combat robot and drove towards the director's room on the fifth floor.

I have to say that this biological laboratory is still very awesome.

In addition to a lot of scratches and burn marks inside the corridor.

However, neither the glass nor the wall showed any signs of shattering.

Even after going up to the second floor, no phosphorous powder could be seen.

This greatly reduces the difficulty for him to search for things.

However, the people in this place should be dead, and a lot of dust has accumulated on the ground.

There are only traces of a battle droid driving past.

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