Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 26: Information Integration Bar, Information From Aboriginal People

Under base radar, of course.

If there was a live mouth, it would have been detected long ago.

What Shen Yi is guarding against is only the possible machine products that exist here.

When these things are not activated, the radar cannot detect them.

At least mid-level radar can't detect it.

However, even the black eclipse dragon can slaughter this institute and slaughter it.

Naturally, it is impossible for any strong guards to exist here.

At least so far, of the twenty-nine Type One combat robots, none of them have ever fired a shot.

Shen Yi quickly came to the door of the director's room.

The door here is tightly closed, it is a mechanical door made of white special material.

However, now because there is no energy, it is obviously impossible to turn on.

Shen Yi directly started the violent demolition with a fighting robot.

The power of the Type 1 battle droid is not outstanding though.

But it is also a C-level robot, and it is also not too small. Naturally, this door will not have any effect on it.

The mechanical gate was quickly dismantled by him.

A simple office suddenly appeared in front of him.

There is no other furniture in this office except a desk and a chair.

Of course, with technology at this level, there is really no need for extra furniture.

What's more, this is the office of the director of the institute.

How can there be too many complicated things.

However, what attracted Shen Yi's attention the most was the skeleton in the white coat on the chair.

And a round tube-shaped metal rod on the desk in front of the skeleton.

"Is this person the director of the research institute here?"

Shen Yi curiously controlled a combat robot forward.

Sure enough, he saw a nameplate on the person's left chest.

It was Ryan Brees' name written on it.

Obviously, if the skeleton hadn't been messed with his clothes, he should have been Ryan Brees himself.

Judging from the clothes and bones alone, the aborigines on this planet seem to be no different from the humans on earth!

However, the other party's head is relatively large, about a circle larger than that of ordinary earth people.

I don't know if this is because the other person's skeleton is more unique, or what is the reason.

The other party appears to have committed suicide.

On the other side's temple, and on the wall on that side, there is a small black hole.

And a pistol with a strange shape fell on the ground.

Apparently it also confirmed this possibility.

However, Shen Yi didn't have the heart to study the cause of the other party's death.

It is nothing more than finding that the black eclipse dragon escaped, and I have no hope for myself, so I committed suicide.

His attention was now all attracted by the metal rods in the office.

Because, this metal rod actually showed a mark.

This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

【Information Integration Bar】

[Function: There is a lot of information inside, which can be unlocked and read through the holographic computer, helping you complete information collection and unlock more technologies]

Shen Yi's eyes lit up.

Good guy, he straight up good guy!

It turns out that this is the correct way to open development.

He just said it!

How could Pantech rely solely on blueprints.

Collecting scientific and technological information that other civilizations have perfected is obviously the correct way to open it!

Blueprints are, at best, icing on the cake.

Just expand on what you don't currently have.

But soon, he frowned again: "Can it be read remotely?"

He is not very worried about letting other people's things appear in his base, it is too dangerous.

What if the other party fails to unlock and directly blew himself up?

Although this possibility is very slim.

However, Shen Yi still didn't dare to gamble on this possibility, this kind of thing was really too dangerous.

"Yes, but the efficiency is slow. It needs to be unlocked through the C-level Type-1 combat robot as a bridge, which takes about ten minutes."

The Holographic Computer's reply appeared on the screen.

"Just be able to read, just slow down!"

Shen Yi doesn't have enough time right now.

But I don't mind wasting ten minutes.

Not even ten minutes, he could afford ten hours.

He didn't want to overturn the car directly because of his carelessness.

Even, these robots sent out, he basically will not recall the base.

Who knows what kind of virus was infected outside and came back.

Just like the phosphorus powder of this black eclipse dragon.

Even if his physique has been strengthened five times, he does not feel that he is immune to its effects.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the base computer successfully unlocked the information in the information integration stick.

A large amount of data was immediately loaded into the computer.

And a video also popped up at the moment.

The person in the picture is Professor Ryan Brees, whose chair has turned into a pool of bones.

This seems to be a picture recorded by the other party before his death.

The appearance of the other party is not much different from the human beings on Earth.

However, the skin is unusually fair, as if there are no pores, and the pair of big eyes looks like a two-dimensional character.

However, this does not mean that the other party is good-looking.

At least in Shen Yi's aesthetic, the other party has absolutely nothing to do with being good-looking.

Instead, it looks a bit like the white man in the Alien prequel.

At this moment, the other party seems to be saying something.

It's just that the pronunciation is very strange, and Shen Yi can't understand it anyway.

"Can you translate what it said?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly and asked.

"Ding! Start translating!"

The next moment, the words in the video were translated into Chinese that Shen Yi could understand.

"Later, when you found this video, everything should have ended."

Ryan Bliss in the picture showed a wry smile: "Although I don't want to be so pessimistic, we Aram people should be defeated, after all, even that kind of monster is out of control..."

Saying this, Ryan Brees' eyes showed a hint of despair.

As if mentioning some taboo-like existence.

Shen Yi even heard the other person's breathing become a little heavier.

"That monster? What is it? Their ultimate weapon?"

Shen Yi was a little puzzled, and felt hopeless for a civilization that could allow a biotechnology to develop to this stage.

He couldn't imagine what it was.

Is it an S-class super weapon?

However, this will not directly defeat a powerful civilization!

Confused, he continued to look.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Ryan Brees in the picture said: "Forget it, don't mention these things."

"Laterers hope that the research data I left can help you."

"Hey, the beasts of war have gotten out of control and become a mess. Presumably the situation of the Aran people is very bad. It would be great if we paid more attention to the outbreak of the stellar storm..."

"Is the path of genetic technology really wrong?"

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