Shen Yi accelerated the speed of the spaceship, the distance was getting closer and closer, and soon Shen Er could see clearly.

"It's an abandoned ship.

Finally, I saw clearly what was in the distance, and my heart was even a little excited.

Shen Yi also didn't expect that there would be abandoned spaceships staying nearby in a place with so many black holes.

Not being sucked into the black hole, it can be seen that this spacecraft may have some secrets.

Shen Er's heart was also full of curiosity, and he wanted to go to that spaceship to see what was on the spaceship.

"Can we go to that spaceship and see it, maybe there's something we haven't won. 39

Shen Yi was also full of curiosity about this spaceship, but he couldn't go alone, and at least he had to get Shen Ling's approval to move forward.

"You ask Shen Ling to come over and let me talk to him about this matter and see what to do, as long as he goes to check 963, there should be no problem.

Every time Shen Yi faced an unfamiliar environment, Shen Yi would choose to let Shen Ling investigate first, and then decide what to do, and this time was no exception.

Shen Er quickly called Shen Ling over, Shen Ling didn't know what was going on, and was confused.

"Shen Yi, why did you suddenly let me over, is there something wrong with the spacecraft?"

After such a long period of time, most of Shen Ling's attention was on Liu Mingming, and he didn't pay attention to the situation of the spacecraft at all.

If something goes wrong, I can't help but feel guilty.

"We found an abandoned ship not far away and wanted you to see what's on the ship."

Hearing this sentence, Shen Ling's complexion changed greatly, thinking that there were too many unknown dangers in that place.

"I think it's better to go somewhere else, where there is a lot of danger, what if there is an accident. 35

In this interstellar space full of black holes, some danger will occur anytime and anywhere. The unknown on the spacecraft is too great, and the hidden danger of insecurity is also great.

Seeing that Shen Ling was worried about the danger, Shen Yi didn't know how to respond for a while.

After all, in the unknown, the risk factor is still quite large.

Especially in this kind of place where no grass grows and there are almost no other people, the danger is even more serious.

However, Shen Er has a special function that can detect whether there is any danger on that spaceship.

If there is no danger, you can indeed send Shen Ling to take a look. If there is danger, you will naturally not go.

"Shen Ling, have you forgotten? I have a new ability to detect whether there is any danger on that spaceship, I just need to get closer. 55

Under the excitement just now, Shen Yi forgot that Shen (ahdg) Er had this ability for a while, but now he suddenly mentioned it, and he reacted all at once.

"Hurry up and check if there are any safety hazards on that spaceship. If there is no danger, we will get close to that spaceship and let Shen Ling go up and check first. 35

Shen Er also wanted to check whether the spaceship was safe or not at this time.

But the distance is too far, and his ability is not enough to be able to see clearly, only if it is closer to the spaceship can it be determined.

"We can only see if there are any safety hazards on it after driving forward for a certain distance.

Without any doubts, Shen Yi quickly accelerated the speed of the spaceship's movement.

The spaceship was getting closer and closer, and Shen Er saw clearly that everything in the spaceship did not contain any living creatures, and was able to determine that the spaceship was safe.

"I'm sure that there is no danger on this spacecraft, and there is no biological existence, so let Shen Ling go up and take a look. 99

Seeing Shen Er's decisive appearance, Shen Yi did not have any doubts, and the spaceship soon got very close to the abandoned spaceship.

Shen Ling was driving the spaceship to go out, but Shen Er was still not at ease.

"You must pay attention to safety when you pass, although I have confirmed that there are no creatures there, some other events will inevitably occur."5

Seeing Shen Er's awkward appearance, Shen Ling smiled, knowing that he was worried about his own safety.

"Don't worry, I won't be in any danger, and I will be more careful on that spaceship in case anything bad happens."

Shen Yi looked at the reluctance of the two of them and urged Shen Ling to leave quickly. Shen Ling packed up some things he needed.

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