Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter two hundred and sixty first inexplicable familiar\r

Just when Shen Ling was packing up and preparing to leave, Shen Yi was very bored alone.

He sat in the room and looked at the long-abandoned spaceship outside. The more he looked, the more familiar the spaceship became, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

I searched for a long time in my memory, but I can't remember where I saw this abandoned spaceship.

I don't know when Liu Mingming suddenly appeared behind him. Seeing Liu Mingming's appearance~, Shen Yi was not suspicious.

I just thought he had something to do with him. After all, the spaceship had stayed in this place for so long, and it was normal for Liu Mingming to come to him.

"Why did you suddenly come here? Do you have something to tell me, the spaceship will stay here for a while and will leave here soon."

Liu Mingming smiled lightly when he saw Shen Yi being very gentle to him.

He also came here to determine the reason why the spaceship was parked here.

Looking at Shen Yi's eyes full of melancholy, I don't know what's going on.

"Why are you suddenly gloomy, is there something wrong with the spacecraft, but don't be anxious about something."

Liu Mingming comforted Shen Yi with a kind look, but Shen Yi smiled lightly and told him what he was thinking.

"There is nothing wrong with the spaceship, it's just that when you look at the abandoned spaceship outside the window, I always feel very familiar with him."5

Liu Mingming followed the direction Shen Yi pointed, and indeed saw an abandoned spaceship.

"Maybe you are thinking too much. After all, most of the spaceships have similarities, and it is normal to see familiar spaceships."

Shen Yi thought that what Liu Mingming said was very reasonable, and maybe he really thought too much.

After all, there are too many identical spaceships, and the one I saw before and the one I see now may not be one.

Just when Shen Yi's mood was a little relaxed, Shen San suddenly ran over in a panic, at this time Shen Ling hadn't left.

"I don't know what's going on, there is a time limit around us, and there are many interstellar monsters approaching.

Shen Yi, who was still chatting with Liu Mingming, was instantly vigilant when he heard the news.

I don't understand why there are interstellar monsters suddenly approaching me, this place is very remote.

"Have you investigated what happened?

Shen Yi always felt that there was a reason for the sudden approach of the interstellar monsters, and it was impossible to approach them inexplicably.

Shen San was only responsible for coming over to spread the word, and he had no idea what the reason for those interstellar monsters was coming.

"You better hurry up, Shen Er and Shen Ling are still there waiting for you, waiting for you to find a way to solve this matter. 35

Shen Yi knew how important this matter was, and looked at Liu Mingming who was on the side, he couldn't participate in the battle now, it would only bring them more trouble.

"You take a good rest, I'll come to see you soon after this matter is resolved, don't run around, and don't think you can't be of much help.


After appeasing Liu Mingming, Shen Yi followed Shen San in a panic.

Shen Er saw Shen Yi appear, he had been idle for too long, without the interruption of interstellar monsters and other players, he just lay in the room and monitored everything around him every day.

"Finally, some strange monsters came, let me warm up, I haven't fought monsters for a long time, this time the two of us cooperated well, let me experience the ability I just improved."

Shen Yi noticed Shen Ling who was still beside him, and didn't understand why Shen Ling hadn't left.

After staying in the room for a long time, he thought that Shen Ling had left the abandoned spaceship.

"Why haven't you left yet, is it because the interstellar monster suddenly appeared blocking your way?"

"I don't know what's going on. Just as I was about to set off, I suddenly detected that there were interstellar monsters approaching. The top priority is to solve those monsters as soon as possible. 35

In the interstellar space full of black holes, once the spacecraft is attacked by interstellar monsters, it may crash in this space, and it will not be so easy to leave at that time.

"Shen Yi, let's cooperate, this time I've been waiting for a long time, just to warm up.

Seeing the interstellar monster getting closer and closer to them, Shen Yi also knew that he couldn't continue to struggle with this matter.

Waiting for the monster to be solved before starting, it is still too late.

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