"Shen Er, the two of us go out to fight together, but you must pay attention to your own safety."

In a space full of black buckets, if they are not careful, they will be sucked into the black hole, and Shen Yi is also worried about Shen Er.

Shen San, who was on the side, watched the two of them go out to deal with the interstellar monsters, and also wanted to go out and try their own strength. If everyone couldn't help too much, they could share it.

"I'll go with the two of you, and I'll be able to help a little, without too much pressure.

Seeing that Shen San was about to contribute, Shen Er smiled, even though "Nine Six Three" Shen Yi had nurtured him well before.

Now that his special abilities can't be controlled, Shen Yi probably won't let him come into contact with economic monsters in such a dangerous environment.

"Shen San, you still have a good rest here and accompany Shen Ling to deal with other crises. If you go with the two of us, there may be some dangers.

Shen San knew that Shen Er stopped him from going there, but he was afraid that he would be hurt by taking his credit, and he just wanted to protect Shen Yi's safety.

"Can I..."

Shen Yi knew that Shen San was waiting for his reply, but he also felt that what Shen Er said was very reasonable, and taking him would only increase the danger, without any meaning.

"Just stay on the ship, the two of us will be able to take out all the monsters soon. 99

Soon Shen Yi drove the battleship with Shen Er, left the spaceship and came to the group of monsters.

Shen Er closed his eyes and felt every monster around, and instructed Shen Yi to attack them with his battleship.

The monsters that had surrounded them, saw such a powerful attack, and retreated, keeping a certain distance from Shen Yi as much as possible.

"Now these monsters seem to be running farther and farther away from the plane and spaceship, should we chase after the victory?"

During this time, all they consumed was the energy produced by the spacecraft, and they did not fight interstellar monsters at all.

After finally sending so many monsters to the door, with Shen Yi's character, I'm afraid they won't let them leave safely.

"Come after them, I'll get off the battleship, don't panic, drive the battleship to feel their positions, and remind me in time."

Before Shen Er could react, Shen Yi turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the group of interstellar monsters.

The interstellar monster didn't expect the other party to be unrelenting, but was very excited when he kept chasing him.

The attack power was even stronger than before. Seeing that the interstellar monster didn't reveal its true strength just now, Shen Yi felt it was very strange and didn't take it to heart.

Several times Shen Yi was almost assassinated by a monster behind his back, but fortunately Shen Er appeared and rescued Shen Yi in time.

The two cooperated in perfect harmony, and quickly eliminated all the monsters and gained a lot of energy.

It was found that the spaceship followed closely behind them at some point.

It turned out that Shen Ling watched the two of them run farther and farther, and was afraid of any danger.

"However you drove the spaceship and rushed over, we just want to chase after the victory and kill these interstellar monsters to get some energy.

Shen Yi didn't feel any happiness after solving the monster, but always felt that something was wrong, and it was impossible to say exactly where the problem occurred. . . .

Shen Ling looked at Shen Er and said happily that the two had gained, but Shen Yi was not happy at all, as if he was facing a huge problem.

"Have you found any problems again? Why do you feel like you have collected a lot of energy, and you look unhappy.

Seeing a lot of people around, Shen Yi knew that if he told them something, he might not only be unable to understand, but would be very angry.

Looking at Shen Ling on the side, he thought it was enough for the two of them to know about this matter.

"Actually it's nothing, maybe because I'm too tired, and I escaped several monsters in the middle, I can't help but feel a little unhappy.

Shen Yi returned to the room, made sure the others were gone, and went to find Shen Ling again.

"Why did you suddenly come here, when everyone was together just now, there was something you didn't want to say, was there something difficult to hide?

Seeing that Shen Ling knew him so well, Shen Yi smiled lightly.

"I do have something to tell you, and I hope you will listen to everything I say.


Shen Ling knew that what Shen Yi told himself must be a very important thing, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

"When I was just chasing those monsters, I always felt that they were not invincible, we just kept attracting our attention and let us chase him, as if we hoped that we could leave that spaceship.

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