"Either I told you before, or someone deliberately moved his hands and feet to become what he is now."

Seeing Shen Ling so determined, Shen Yi was even more angry, knowing that someone was going to hurt Shen Er.

"The two of you investigate what's going on, I believe that Shen Er will not have problems for no reason. 35

Shen Yi couldn't trouble more people, but with his own strength, he definitely couldn't investigate what was going on.

You have to ask others to help you share the burden.

"it is good!"

Shen Ling wanted to investigate this matter well for a long time. She did not want to let Shen Er be harmed for no reason, but she did not have sufficient evidence to prove who that person was.

Seeing that Shen Ling agreed, he focused on Shen San.

Although Shen San was very conscious of his own arrangements, he still had some concerns.

"Shen Yi, I will definitely follow your order. The three of us will still act separately. There are only so many things on the spacecraft, except for the interstellar monsters.""

Although every sentence Shen San said was a bit bitter, it was the truth.

Although a little unhappy, but also agree.

Soon the three of them split up and started to investigate what was going on. They soon found out that Liu Mingming had approached Shen Er before, and then Shen Er lost control.

Shen Yi didn't expect this time to be related to Liu Mingming again, so he didn't ask Liu Mingming to come over at all.

Instead, he sent Shen San to personally bring Liu Mingming to the room, looking at Shen Yi in front of him, Liu Mingming didn't understand what he had done, which made Shen Yi so angry.

Thinking of this, my heart was up and down, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Shen Yi, why did you suddenly drive me over, did something happen?

Liu Mingming was calm as if he didn't know anything, which made Shen Yi lose his temper a little. When he learned that he might have something to do with him, the anger in his heart rose.

Seeing that the anger of the person in front of him seemed to be slowly consuming, and there was no way to vent it, Shen Yi didn't know what was going on with him.

I can only calm down as much as possible, not let my heart fluctuate too much, and there is a faint smile on the corner of my mouth, and there is no change.

"I want to ask you, did you go to Shen Er or what happened before he broke down?

Seeing how Shen Yi kept questioning himself, he didn't know how much evidence he had in his hands.

I think that I can't expose too much at this time, and I will be sure to expose too much, proving that I have done similar things before.

After wandering in my heart for a long time, I finally said it directly.

"Usually I would go to Shen Er, but I don't know exactly when I lost control that day. 99

Shen Ling saw that Liu Mingming was so calm and thought this matter was very strange.

I don't know how long it took before Shen Ling spoke up.

"How can you prove your innocence with such a vague answer? If you didn't go to Shen Er, you would always be able to tell what you were doing."

Shen Yi looked at Shen Ling's aggressiveness, and some felt that Liu Mingming was wronged.

"Maybe we really wronged Liu Mingming this time, and it doesn't mean that he went to Shen Er by coincidence.

Seeing Shen Yi help Liu Mingming speak uncontrollably, Shen Ling took him to a corner.

"Why do you keep helping Liu Mingming speak? It's clear that he is very suspicious about this matter, shouldn't you ask why you went to find Shen Er at that time?

With Shen Ling's reminder, 967 Shen Yi suddenly came back to his senses, with a very calm expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I didn't forget it, just don't talk, it will scare him."

For this move, Shen Ling was speechless, but in the end he just nodded his head obediently and chose to cooperate.

Seeing Shen Ling like this, Shen Yi didn't know what to do for a while, and gradually calmed down.

Coming back soon, Shen Yi returned to normal again, looking at Liu Mingming without any sympathy.

"Then can you tell me what is the reason you go to Shen Er every time?

I don't know why when Shen Yi saw Liu Mingming in front of him, he always felt that he was wronged. With his defenseless appearance, how could he hurt Shen Er.

Liu Mingming knew very well that Shen Ling's staying here would definitely disrupt the development of things.

"Can you let Shen Ling leave, I dare not speak when he is here.

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