Shen Ling watched Liu Mingming let him go, afraid of Shen Yi's protection, and wanted to stay.

"No, I have to stay, in case there is any conflict between the two of you..."

Shen Yi knew that Shen Ling was worried about himself, but he wanted to know whether it was Liu Mingming.

"Go out first, don't worry!

Liu Mingming saw that Shen Yi agreed, and the joy blossomed, and soon there were two people left.

Shen Yi looked at Liu Mingming and waited for him to speak. Liu Mingming quickly explained.

"I went to Shen Er before, just for you, to find out what's going on."

Seeing Liu Mingming's sincerity, Shen Yi chose to believe him and wanted to know why he was sabotaging.

"So, have you destroyed Shen Er's system?"

Liu Mingming tangled in his heart for a long time, thinking that if this matter is frank, there may be some clues left.

"It's true that I destroyed Shen Er's system, I just want you to come back.

Seeing Liu Mingming admit what he did, Shen Yi was a little angry and didn't understand why he did it.

"Can you tell me why you do it like this, it will bring great danger to Shen Er."

Shen Yi didn't understand, all of them were thinking about how to get close to the spaceship, but they didn't think that Liu Mingming would cause them trouble.

"I just want you to come back, don't be in that place, it's really too dangerous 々︾.

Looking at Liu Mingming's vivid description, Shen Yi unknowingly chose to believe him.

Thought he must have done it because of himself, reconfirmed.

"Are you sure you didn't do it like this because you were instructed by someone else?

Liu Mingming understood that Shen Yi was afraid that someone would direct him to do these things.

"Don't worry, no one instructed me in this matter, and doing these things is just for your safety."

Seeing Liu Mingming answering his question calmly, Shen Yi actually chose to believe it.

He thought that these things he did were for his own good, but he still couldn't let go of hurting Shen Er.

"Even if you don't do this very well, you shouldn't hurt Shen Er."

Seeing him like this, Liu Mingming calmed down and realized that Shen Yi already believed in himself.

"I didn't do it on purpose. Similar things will never happen again in the future. Please forgive me this time, and don't tell Shen Er."

Knowing that no one else would know about the conversation between the two of them, Shen Yi calmed down a little.

"You must never hurt anyone in the future, otherwise I will not let you go next time.

Shen Ling watched Shen Yi and Liu Mingming appear together, and his heart skipped a beat.

I don't understand why Liu Mingming can come out, it's obviously he who hurt Shen Er.

"You won't let him leave just like this, it's clearly he who hurt Shen Er and should be held responsible.

Shen Yi knew that Shen Ling couldn't accept this, but Liu Mingming didn't mean it.

"Liu Mingming, go back to your room and have a good rest, we will solve the rest, you don't have to worry.

Seeing that Shen Yi let him go, Liu Mingming knew that Shen Yi would no longer hold himself accountable for this matter, and left happily.

Until Liu Mingming left completely, Shen Ling was even more dissatisfied.

I don't understand why Shen Yi did this, as if he didn't care about Shen Er's safety at all.

"`"Can you tell me why you believe this matter unconditionally, but Liu Mingming let him go and let him go? 55

Seeing that Shen Ling wanted to ask clearly, Shen Yi smiled calmly, and calmly expressed his thoughts.

"I don't know what happened, but I think everything Liu Mingming said to me makes sense. He didn't do it on purpose, and similar things won't happen again in the future. (Nuo Wang Zhao Nian)

Shen Yi helped Liu Mingming speak at this time, and Shen Ling couldn't calm down for a long time.

I also wanted to know what he was going to do, but gradually calmed down.

"In this case, have you ever thought about how to tell Shen Er about this, he is still recovering, and his state is not very good."

Seeing Shen Ling like this, Shen Yi knew that every word he said was for his own good.

After struggling for a long time, I finally thought of it as if the system had been used for too long and had malfunctioned.

"I'm going to tell Shen Er that there is a sudden problem with the system.

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