Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter two hundred and eighty second returning to the cloud-shaped planet\r

Shen Ling knew that Liu Mingming had come to Shen Yi for a purpose, but he was not aggressive.

Instead, he asked about Liu Mingming's situation and watched Shen Ling's attitude towards him change, but Liu Mingming didn't worry too much.

"It's okay, the two of you are talking here, I'm just here to see Shen Yi. 35

After Liu Mingming finished speaking, he left in a panic.

"Why did you suddenly ask me to come over, did you discover something again, or did Liu Mingming hurt you secretly?

Shen Ling didn't understand why Shen Yi suddenly shouted "Nine Eight Zero" and came over, and his heart was filled with a lot of questions.

"Don't worry, Liu Mingming didn't do anything to me, but I already have a plan in my heart to deal with this matter. As long as you follow my requirements, there will be absolutely no problems."

Shen Ling didn't expect to frown yesterday, Shen Yi thought of a way to deal with it at this time, and was surprised.

Suddenly, there were a lot of questions in my heart, but I didn't ask them.

"How can you tell me directly?"

After all, what is the solution? Only if Shen Yi tells him can he help Shen Yi to do Shen Ling, who knows nothing, and he seems helpless.

After a long time, my heart suddenly calmed down, and my heart did not change too much.

"Let's stop following the original route, change the route, and prepare to go elsewhere."

Shen Ling didn't know what Shen Yi was thinking, and was a little surprised, after all, this was the destination Shen Yi had been looking forward to for a long time.

It took so much effort to finally set off again. I didn't expect Shen Yi to change the route now, and my heart was full of a lot of questions.

"Why the sudden change of course, is it because you don't want to go there?"

Don't worry too much about that matter, if Shen Yi can't solve the problem at hand now, it doesn't make much sense even if it's over.

"Let's go to the cloud-type people first to see what's going on, I want to see their attitude.

Since these things are related to them, Shen Yi wants to know what will happen when he appears in front of them without incident.

Shen Ling understood what Shen Yi wanted to do, but those people could do so well in front of Shen Yi before, and now there will be no problems.

"I don't think you can see any clues even in the past, so it's better..."

"You just need to change the route, I know how to do the rest, so you don't have to worry about it.

Soon this matter reached Shen San's ears. Shen San was very happy when he knew that he was going back to his hometown. Even if he lost his memory, he knew that that place was his hometown.

Liu Mingming didn't expect Shen Yi to return to the place where he lived so soon, and he was full of doubts. After thinking about it, he didn't reveal any clues. After all, he took the initiative to find Shen Yi and wanted to ask clearly.

"Why do you want to go back to that place all of a sudden, we didn't say that there's nothing to do and we won't go there again, you don't really want to go to that abandoned spaceship to find out what happened...

Seeing that Liu Mingming actually came to him personally because of this matter, Shen Yi looked like he had succeeded in his goal, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his expression was very calm.

"Shen San's strength has become more and more powerful recently, I want to take him back and let his family see his changes.

Shen Yi was calm, Liu Mingming always felt that things were not so simple, how could it be because Shen San decided to go back there.

"But his memory has been erased, it's not so important to go back, it's better to do more important things first.

Facing Liu Mingming's aggressiveness, Shen Yi didn't know how to deal with it for a while, but at this time Shen San suddenly ran out.

He came to Shen Yi to thank Shen Yi for taking him back to where he was born and raised, but he didn't expect Liu Mingming to stop him.

Feeling a little dissatisfied, he took aim at Liu Mingming without saying a word to Shen Yi.

"3.6 You can't say that, although I have no memory, but I know that it is where I was born and raised."

At first, Shen Yi had nothing to say, but now his appearance interrupted his plan, which made Liu Mingming a little angry that Shen San appeared at an inopportune time.

"I'm not afraid to delay Shen Yi's plan..."

In the end, Liu Mingming became a little far-fetched and left in a daze.

"Shen Yi, thank you so much for taking me back to my hometown. I haven't been back for a long time. I really miss you."

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