Shen San took Shen Yi's hand, reluctant to let go, and said a lot of words.

At first Shen Yi just didn't speak, smiled and looked at him very kindly.

But after a long time, Shen Yi felt that Shen San was too long-winded and said a lot of useless words.

Shen Yi looked a little irritable, after all, we have to see how the cloud type person reacts to him.

"Don't get too excited, after all, there is still a long way to go before you can return to your hometown, so I just went to have a look, and I will have energy after going back to the room to rest for a while.

Only then did my aunt realize that she was too excited to stay in Shen Yi's room for so long, delaying him from doing other things, and bowed her head in shame and walked out.

Shen Yi lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, sighing helplessly, not understanding why the cloud type person had such a good attitude towards him, yet he still wanted to let himself down.

Soon, Shen Ling ran in and looked at Shen Yi, as if he had something to say.

"We have already arrived at Xiao Er's hometown, should we go down now, or let Shen San go do some work."

Shen Ling did things according to Shen Yi's requirements, but he didn't understand what purpose Shen Yi wanted to achieve.

"Let's go straight off the ship and see how they treat me."

Clouds soon learned that a spaceship had descended on their planet, and many Clouds came at once.

When they saw Shen Yi coming down from above, they were shocked and didn't understand what Shen Yi was doing here.

The cloud-shaped man's expression changed a lot, and Shen Yi saw it in his eyes.

But his expression changed very quickly, a smile on the corner of his mouth quickly ran over and he took Shen Yi's hand.

"Why did you come to our planet again, did you encounter any difficulties, and if you need help, just say it.

Looking at the cloud-shaped person who was smiling at him in front of him, Shen Yi did not feel at ease, but was extremely frightened.

Realizing that this group of people actually has two faces, facing his smiling heart but not knowing what he is thinking, it is very terrifying.

"Nothing happened this time, it's not that Shen San has made great progress and just wanted to take him to his hometown to see.

The cloud-type leader was apprehensive, and when he heard Shen Yi's words there, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Thinking that their worries are unnecessary, Shen Yi and the others have no other purpose for coming here.

Soon, a place was arranged for Shen Yi to rest here, but Shen San was in contact with a lot of cloud pedestrians.

Liu Mingming never separated from Shen Yi from the beginning to the end, he knew that he couldn't reveal any clues and pretended not to know the cloud type person at all.

Shen Yi deliberately let him live in a room far away from everyone, and Shen Ling came over because of this.

I don't understand why Liu Mingming should live alone. In case of any accident, no one can monitor his actions.

"What the hell are you thinking, it's okay to come back suddenly, let him..."

Seeing Shen Ling's angry look, he just smiled.

Only by letting Liu Mingming make sure he is safe can he do what he wants to do.

"Don't worry, you must pay attention to Liu Mingming's every move and see if he will do it. 55

All the good things that were discussed in the past are all their guesses, and they can only have evidence in front of them.

After understanding Shen Yi's good intentions, Shen Ling felt a little ashamed, thinking that he didn't ask Shen Yi clearly and started questioning Shen Yi. It really shouldn't be, and he should do what he asked.

"Don't worry, I will monitor his every move with 980, and I won't let Liu Mingming take advantage of it and hurt you.

Shen Ling swore a promise and left.

Shen Yi is not sure if he will gain anything this time, no matter what kind of gain, at least he can get to know the details of the other party and see how big the risk is.

This is a rare opportunity to communicate with Yun-type people about his recent actions. Liu Mingming will not miss this opportunity.

If I miss this opportunity, I don't know when the next meeting will be.

Even if they have a way to communicate, it will be clearer to speak face-to-face.

When Shen San returned to his hometown, he played with those playmates who had communicated with him.

The leader didn't even look for Shen San, as if he had completely abandoned him.

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