Liu Mingming did not act recklessly because no one was monitoring him.

Instead, he stayed in the room and didn't do anything. Seeing that he didn't act, Shen Ling was anxious.

Coming here itself is to catch Liu Mingming's clues, but now it doesn't seem to be going according to Shen Yi's plan.

Shen Yi didn't get any news, but he was not in a hurry. He believed that as long as he stayed here, some clues would be revealed sooner or later.

It is impossible for everyone to be perfect, and to collude with everyone, even the leader of the cloud type person can't do it.

Liu Mingming stayed in the room for too long, after all, he couldn't hold back and wanted to go out to get some air.

This is where he was born and raised, and he is very familiar with what he does around here.

When Shen Ling saw that he finally came out, his heart blossomed with joy, and he felt as if he was in a dream.

As long as Liu Mingming leaves the room, there are many opportunities to gather some clues.

Looking at Liu Mingming alone, he didn't mean to go to anyone at all, and he frowned for a while, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly approached Liu Mingming slowly.

Liu Mingming looked at this soldier and didn't feel very familiar, so he took the initiative to lean over, as if he wanted to ask him something.

Shen Ling stared at the two of them intently, as if to see some flaws.

"Why did you suddenly come back, it wasn't the leader who asked you to control Shen Yi and let him fall without knowing it"?"

Liu Mingming did not expect that the cloud-shaped person in front of him would suddenly say such words, and looked around.

After confirming that no one was monitoring him, he was a little closer to that person.

"Why did you suddenly say these words to me? If someone were to monitor my every move, wouldn't our plan be exposed."

Seeing him so angry, the soldier didn't know what to do, and suddenly hugged Liu Mingming.

"After you left, I worry about your safety every day, and what danger will happen to you."

The two of them had a good relationship before and grew up together, but later Liu Mingming had his own mission and was forced to leave.

Seeing him come back safely now, after all, he can't control his emotions.

At some point, Shen Ling and Shen Yi suddenly appeared behind Liu Mingming.

Shen Yi looked coldly at Liu Mingming and the man's actions without saying a word, but Shen Ling couldn't stand it any longer, interrupting their behavior.

"Liu Mingming, shouldn't you explain something to us? Why are you cuddling with him here?"9

Shen Ling's voice suddenly pulled Liu Mingming's consciousness back. He knew that he must not reveal his identity now, otherwise the next task would be even more impossible to complete.

"Why did the two of you suddenly come here? He was suddenly uncomfortable just now, so let me check it out so close, don't get me wrong.

Shen Ling didn't expect Liu Mingming's reaction to be so quick, and being able to say such a thing surprised him.

Shen Yi didn't respond for a while, which made Liu Mingming very uneasy. After a long time, Shen Yi calmly asked.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that there are some things I think I have to ask clearly, do you know the cloud type person?"

Liu Mingming looked at the cloud-shaped person next to him, although he wanted to admit that he knew him.

If he admits it, it is equivalent to revealing his identity, and Shen Yi still doesn't know how to guard against himself.

"`"I don't know each other, just seeing that you have such a good relationship with the cloud type people, I also want to do something for them.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Liu Mingming's remarks, Shen Yi knew that this was not the most suitable opportunity to question Liu Mingming.

"Okay, I believe you, but in the future, don't get too close to people you don't know. 35

Seeing that Shen Yi actually believed in himself (who promised money), Liu Mingming breathed a sigh of relief.

Realize that the longer you stay here, the more dangerous your situation will be.

"When do we get out of here, it's not very good to be here on this planet bothering people all the time. 99

Previously, Shen Yi was just taking Shen San back to see his home on an excuse. He had been staying here for a long time, and it was time to leave.

I couldn't find any other reason to stay here, so I nodded my head.

Soon, Shen Yi said goodbye to the cloud type and left here.

Liu Mingming watched him leave here again, and he felt a little reluctant, but he didn't show it.

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