Shen San stared at the scenery outside without moving his eyes.

Liu Mingming could fully feel Shen Ling's gaze, which was always on him and never moved.

In order to prevent more of his behavior from being discovered by him, he took the initiative to approach Shen San, trying to appease his emotions.

"Don't be too reluctant, after all, you will follow Shen Yi in the future, and the number of times you return to your hometown is too small.

The frustration on Xingsan's face disappeared immediately, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Liu Mingming next to him, he naturally knew what Liu Mingming said.

Even though he was full of reluctance to part with his hometown, it was impossible for him to abandon Shen Yi.

Choose to follow Shen Yi's side and protect his safety.

"Don't worry, I'm just reluctant to leave Shen Yi's side, in order to return to my hometown."

Abandoning these words, Shen San didn't look back and left, leaving behind Liu Mingming and Shen Ling980.

Shen Ling naturally didn't want to spend too long with him, so he turned and left.

Looking at the back of Shen Ling's departure, Liu Mingming's heart was up and down, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

After Shen Yi left that planet, he suddenly remembered that he had left his power behind because of messy things recently.

It has been a long time since I consolidated my strength, and other players might take this opportunity to become stronger and stronger.

Once someone surpasses Shen Yi, it becomes more difficult for Shen Yi to stand out in interstellar space.

Think that you can strengthen your own military power first, so as to make yourself stronger.

Shen Ling is not good at this aspect of things, and only by handing it over to Shen Er can it be done in the fastest time (ahdg).

Shen Yi hurriedly ran to find Shen Er, who thought that something had happened on the cloud-type planet.

"Is Liu Mingming doing something again? Don't worry, I will definitely protect your comfort from any danger.

Seeing how serious he was, Shen Yi smiled and reassured him.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about Liu Mingming's affairs. Shen Ling will handle it alone. I came to you for other reasons."5

After Shen Er heard what he said, he breathed a long sigh of relief, realizing that he had been worrying too much.

"Then you come to find me, and there is always a reason for what it is."

Shen Yi was not the kind of person who would come to find him for no reason at all, so he couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure.

"It's not a serious matter, but I just hope you can help me consolidate my strength. 39

Shen Er was a little surprised, and waved his hand quickly, this matter has always been done by Shen Ling, and he can't help at all.

"It wasn't always Shen Ling who helped you do this before, why did you suddenly think of looking for me this time, I don't know anything about this matter.

Seeing Shen Er's panicked appearance, Shen Yi smiled calmly, without any emotion.

I don't know how long it took before Shen Yi explained.

"I just hope you can rearrange your troops and strengthen my military.

When Shen Er heard that he was doing what he was good at, he let go of his dangling heart and realized that he had just filtered it out by himself.

"Okay, don't worry, I will soon make those interstellar monsters even more powerful.

Seeing his confident look, Shen Yi was also relieved, not to waste time on this matter.

Soon Shen Yi's strength was spread to the entire interstellar space, and many people thought that Shen Yi was so powerful.

If you can alliance with him, after all, you will become famous, and maybe you will get some benefits.

Soon, some people took the initiative to find Shen Yi, and Shen Yi saw other spacecraft parked around the spacecraft.

Fearing that they were plotting against themselves, they did not launch an attack after a long time, but instead received signals from several spaceships.

"We have all heard of your strength and want to cooperate with you. As long as you let us join you, we will definitely not cause you trouble."

After hearing that they were going to cooperate with him, Shen Yi was not happy, but rather frowning.

Shen Ling saw that so many people sought cooperation with Shen Yi and tried their best to blossom, and thought that if these people joined Shen Yi and became their alliance, their strength would definitely become more powerful.

"Why don't we agree to their participation, it just happens that we can expand a bit, and our strength will become more powerful, fearless, and we will know more people.

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