Seeing that Shen San finally stopped arguing and wanted to leave, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that those strong-willed people would not just give up.

However, the next thing does not need Shen San's help. When he needs his help, he will naturally let Shen San contribute.

"You just stay on the spaceship to rest and improve your ability. This will not require your help."

Seeing that Shen Yi didn't want to help himself, Shen San thought that Shen Yi was doing it on purpose and was just worried about himself.

"Didn't I say that I want me to solve my own affairs, and now why doesn't "Nine Eight Three" let me intervene in this matter? Could it be that what I just said was all to deceive me.

Shen Yi struggled in his heart for a long time, organized countless times, and finally came up with some suitable excuses.

"I didn't fool you, it's just that Shen Er can solve those people by himself, and we will definitely notify you when we can't..."

"You can let Shen Er come back and let me deal with those people, so that I can also play my role."

Seeing Shen San unrelenting, Shen Yi felt that he was extremely difficult for the first time, and made himself not know what to do.

"You also understand Shen Er's character. I asked him to do these things, and suddenly I asked him to come back halfway. I must be dissatisfied, maybe speculating about something, you don't want him to be depressed. 55

Shen San and Shen Er had the most contact with each other, listening to every word Shen Yi said, he couldn't bear it, nodded his head, and left.

Not all of those who fled were ready to give up on the idea.

Instead, some people in Interstellar began to call on others to form an alliance specifically to kill Shen Yi.

Not being able to let someone as powerful as Shen Yi continue to exist in the interstellar space will only bring more pressure to them.

All the good resources are occupied by Shen Yi, and they have fewer opportunities to improve their abilities.

Under the banner of better development for them, a lot of people were called together.

Many people hate Shen Yi, because Shen Yi has occupied good resources, making them unable to improve their abilities, and soon, a large number of people gathered.

Because of the relatively large movement in this matter, Shen Ling learned the news very quickly and was very shocked.

I don't understand why so many people can't tolerate Shen Yi, they are just stronger than them and haven't done anything to hurt them.

"Shen Yi, I suddenly received bad news, I don't know if you want to hear it or not."

When Shen Ling heard the news, he quickly went to Shen Yi, and the moment he saw him, he calmed down, fearing that he would not accept the news.


With so many things happening, Shen Yi didn't know what he couldn't accept.

"Now there are some people in interstellar space who have formed an alliance whose main purpose is to kill you."

Hearing this news Shen Yi smiled, he didn't expect so many people to watch it so quickly.

Even he is not satisfied with his current strength. He also hopes that he will become stronger, and he is a little excited.  …

Shen Ling looked at Shen Yi so excited, didn't know what was going on, didn't know what he was thinking, just watched silently.

It took a long time for Shen Yi to calm down, and he felt that there was nothing to worry about.

However, there are a lot of people looking for trouble for him. With his strength, he can definitely resist the past.

"Don't worry, don't worry about this matter, they still need some time, and I just can improve my strength.

Shen Yi believes that if this opportunity is firmly grasped, there will be a great improvement.

Shen Ling looked at his open-minded appearance and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was more cautious at this time.

"I'm relieved that you don't care about this matter at all, but I still think I can remind you and make you fully prepared.


Shen Yi knew that he must have something 3.6 to explain to himself, and he needed to be more careful.

"Although those people won't attack you for the time being, you must also pay attention, Liu Mingming will use a knife to kill people anytime, anywhere. 95

Since Shen Ling already knew about this matter, it was only a matter of time when Liu Mingming knew.

Maybe he will plan to use the hands of those people, and then borrow some other methods to completely eliminate Shen Yi, so as to achieve the cloud-type people and their goals.

Seeing Shen Ling worrying about himself, he was very calm in his heart.

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