"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will be careful myself, and Liu Mingming will take adequate precautions."

Shen Yi also knew that this was indeed a rare opportunity, and as long as he controlled it well, he could easily eliminate himself.

Knowing Liu Mingming's identity, how could he be careless? There is no need for Shen Ling to worry about this matter, he will pay attention to it himself.

"It's fine if you know it yourself, I have other things to deal with, so I'll leave you alone.

After Shen Ling finished speaking, he left in a panic. Next, they will face a fierce battle and need to be fully prepared.

Shen Yi deployed everything else after Shen Ling left.

It quickly made the other interstellar monsters on the spacecraft full of alertness, and dealt with it anytime, anywhere.

With the arrangement properly, Shen Yi suddenly remembered Shen Er.

After experiencing the previous incident, Shen Er was still immersed in happiness, and those people were not his opponents at all.

The happy Shen Er was surprised when Shen Yi suddenly appeared.

"Why did you suddenly come, are those people coming again, I'll go out to fight them.

Seeing that Shen Er only wanted to use force to solve the problem, Shen Yi frowned, when most of the people approached, Shen Er could not solve it by himself.

"I have something to tell you, I hope you can listen carefully.

Shen Yi was suddenly so serious, Shen Er suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Whatever it is, just say it directly, and I can accept it."

Shen Er didn't think there was anything that could put pressure on him, but had some expectations.

"Recently, an alliance has been formed in the interstellar space. This alliance is specially used to fight against me. In order to prevent them from launching a violent attack next, I must prepare in advance."5

Hearing this news, Shen Er did not change much, he watched Shen Yi become stronger and stronger, and knew that this day would happen sooner or later.

After all, the jealousy of human beings is very strong, and no one wants to watch a person become stronger and stronger, or even occupy all good resources.

"It turned out to be this matter, don't worry, I am a high-level intelligent creature, and I won't let others take advantage of this, and I can even protect your safety."

Seeing the contrast between his relaxed appearance and his nervousness, Shen Yi suddenly felt that Shen Er was insulting himself.

I am so careful not only for myself, but also for all the people on the entire spaceship.

"You don't think I'm so careful because I'm afraid that I'm not their opponent. I have confidence in you and more confidence in my own strength. No matter how many people come, I can deal with it."

Shen Yi spoke with confidence, but he still lacked confidence and was afraid that things would become more and more difficult to control.

Seeing him like this, Shen Er smiled, knowing that what he said might have misunderstood him.

He didn't mean to insult Shen Yi at all, everyone saw his intelligence and ability.

Without Shen Yi, Shen Er would not be today. It is Shen Yi who made his system gradually stronger.

"I didn't insult you, don't worry, I will be responsible for surveying the surrounding situation and notify you in time before they can get close."

At this time, Shen Er could not be idle, he would help Shen Yi share the predicament.

Being able to detect the surrounding situation just helped Shen Yi to solve the current predicament.

"Then you have to work hard, and I will take advantage of this time to have a good rest."

Shen Yi hadn't caught his breath for a long time, and he wanted to take this gap to rest.


Notify yourself in time before they get close, and there won't be much of a problem.

Shen Er also knew how tired Shen Yi was, and he didn't want Shen Yi to worry too much, it would only increase the pressure.

"You can rest assured, there will be no problem with Shen Ling and I here, but did you decide not to tell him about Shen San?"

Shen Er saw Shen San's strength on the spaceship, and understood that he had become more and more powerful, and could indeed help Shen Yi share a small amount of pressure.

"No, don't tell him, let him improve himself."

This matter should not be underestimated, Shen Yi didn't want him to encounter any danger in participating in this matter.

"Don't tell him that I'll let him do something easy until the end, it's too dangerous to do anything now."

Shen Yi doesn't want to put some pressure on him, after all things haven't happened yet.

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